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Rashmi Dutta (Social Compliance Auditor)     07 October 2008

Minimum wage notification - annexure

Hi All,


The category into which a worker is graded defines the salary he/she receives as per minimum wages notification of the state.

My query is do all the states release the annexure for defining the categories along with the minimum wage notification. Does Haryana government releases the annexure of defining which worker falls in which category (skilled / unskilled / semi - skilled).

Incase if the state does not issue the annexure is it mandatory for a factory to define the category in written ?

For example can an Inline checker and end line checker fall in the category of unskilled workers.


Thanks & Regards,

Rashmi Dutta


 5 Replies

Saravana Rajan   07 October 2008

Hi Rashmi,

It is mandatory for all the states to have the category of industries operate in the repective states. And the states should have to come up with minimum wages notification for different industries, different categories every year which gets revised based on the index.

Attaching the minimum wages notification for states across India which was shared by one of the members in this forum

Hope it serves the purpose.

-Saravana Rajan

Attached File : 48 min wages & contributions.xls downloaded: 564 times

Rashmi Dutta (Social Compliance Auditor)     07 October 2008

Hi Saravan,

May be i was not clear in my last posting .My query is which worker falls under which category  - is this defined by the state. For example Checker will fall under which category in haryana. Secondly will Inline checker and endline checker be under the same category. Can they be clessified into unskilled section.

Thanks & Regards,

Rashmi Dutta


Saravana Rajan   07 October 2008

Hi Rashmi,

I now understand the query well. In fact, even the designations are defined by the state for each of the industry in that state. Among designations, there can be different skill levels (highly skilled, skilled etc)

For eg, in your case, Ironer or Pressman is a designation defined in the minimum wages notification and there are different skill levels in this designation like highly skilled, skilled, semi skilled.

To be short, the designations like Ironer, Checker, Tailor are defined by the state and the according wage leves for each is defined based on the skill levels (high, semi)

But its upto the factories to decide the skill levels of the employees based on Industrial Engineering, experience, the operations performed by the operator etc.

Hope clear, For better reference, pls refer to the gazette notification of the respective state which will have the approved minimum wages notification industry wise.

-Saravana Rajan


Sankaranarayanan (Advocate)     07 October 2008

Haryana : Minimum Wages w.e.f. 12/09/06


Highly Skilled Skilled Semi-Skilled Un-Skilled

Total Daily Minimum Wages (In Rs.) Total Daily Minimum Wages (In Rs.) Total Daily Minimum Wages (In Rs.) Total Daily Minimum Wages (In Rs.)

Agriculture 117.09 105.55 99.78

(a) With meals

(b) Without meals


Automobile Engineering

Brick Kiln Industry 117.09 105.55 99.78 95.55

Bakeries 117.09 105.55 99.78 95.55

Cashew Processing Industry

Cement/Concrete Pipe etc. 117.09 105.55 99.78 95.55

Chemical, Pharmaceuticals & Fertilizers Industry 117.09 105.55 99.78 95.55

Cinema 117.09 105.55 99.78 95.55

Construction of Roads 117.09 105.55 99.78 95.55

Cotton Ginning/Pressing/ Cotton Waste

Dal Mills & Flour Mills 117.09 105.55 99.78 95.55

Distilleries & Breweries

Electronic/Electric Industry 117.09 105.55 99.78 95.55

Fisheries & Sea Food

Forestry & Timbering Operation, Social Forestry

General Engineering

Glass Industry

Handloom Weaving

Hospitals and Nursing 117.09 105.55 99.78 95.55

Hotels and Restaurants 117.09 105.55 99.78 95.55

Ice Factory & Cold Storage 117.09 105.55 99.78 95.55

Iron/Metal Foundries 117.09 105.55 99.78 95.55


Oil Mills 117.09 105.55 99.78 95.55

Plastic Industry 117.09 105.55 99.78 95.55


Power Loom Industry

Printing Press

Public Motor Transport 117.09 105.55 99.78 95.55

Pulp and Paper Industry/Paper Products/Paper Board including Hand Made Paper, Straw Board (Sunday Process/Incidental) Process 117.09 105.55 99.78 95.55

Rubber & Rubber products 117.09 105.55 99.78 95.55

Salt Pans

Saw Mills

Shops & Commercial Establishments 117.09 105.55 99.78 95.55

(a) Where no benefit is provided

(b)Where food, tea and combined accommodation provided

Soap Making/Detergent 117.09 105.55 99.78 95.55

Stone Breaking & Crushing

Tailoring, Stiching and Embroidery 117.09 105.55 99.78 95.55

Tanneries & leather Manufacturing 117.09 105.55 99.78 95.55

Textile 117.09 105.55 99.78 95.55

Tiles and Potteries

Tobacco (including Bidi making)

Wood Working Establishments

Woolen Carpet making/ Shawl Weaving Factories

Sankaranarayanan (Advocate)     07 October 2008

dear frd.

hope this is sufficient for ur doubt . if any thing u need further then u send the details

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