You and your comments are generic to me...
Please avoid your rainbow glasses from your eyes and shed your ego and then read my above post what i have written. Your frustration doesn't need any comments from me.
I need action rather than millions of suggestions because last 30 years we are only blaming and giving suggestions but the action what we needed doesnt come from every nook and corner of India.
The day when each frustrated guy like you will ready to act rather than mere giving speeches then our india will automatically adopt unbiased laws and gender equalization.
One more thing I am not here to show my pains or show my credentials unnecessarily as i believe in acts rather than showcast.if I have to show my pains and credentials then I will not choose this LCI platform because my pain will become unworth on this Lci.
And even though you want me to disclose my pains without asked by anybody as what you have done then iam sorry I can't do because everything needs a perfect timing or else you will miss the hit among the masses for the very purpose.
So, again i request to all fighters that plz believe in action rather than just imagination or suggestions.
Example:- In india a beggar also gives suggestions on the corrupt government , corrupt democracy, hell life...
But what is the result.....they are still beggars..!
Like that in india the situation of we men are like beggars in terms of biased law, we only get talks but no actions.
PS: an empty vessel sounds more ...
So, plz concentrate on how to act now rather than what to act.
Thanks and regards,