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Ruchika Anand (HR)     16 September 2012

Male dominated society

Huh in todays world when divorce cases are increasing day by day.

Women are becoming more and more vigillent for their rights and are financially independent.

There are some people who hold back the same orthodox views of male dominated society.

Guys 2 people get marry , 2 settle down in life together , 2 take responsibility of running a relationship smoothly for life by making adjutments and compromises with each other.

Then why in divorce cases women are blamed over man.I see here if a women post generally she is being pin point with some LCI account holders.This is a platform of getting and taking legal suggestions and not to blame some one alone for a relationship failure.

No matter who's mistake whether male or female or whatever both are failures in front of society.


 2 Replies


you are wrong gives more right to woman and woman has endless chances to abuse the law for her own selfish benifit ....then how come it is a male dominated society ??

Equality is tbe need of hour ..just A matter of opening the eyes  

stanley (Freedom)     17 September 2012


Mrs Ruchika Please read indian constitution 
Article 14 in The Constitution Of India 1949
14. Equality before law The State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, s*x or place of birth
Than my request to you is to read The domestic violence act 2005 after this please let me know if this act gender biased or not and the  hydraulic powers these metro women have .Than talk to me about equality :)

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