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Ravi (Consultant)     24 April 2017

License to Sex

Wife Refuse to Sex; but Husband do not want to divorce because of Kids;

Husband has proof, when he asked wife for Sex, she said ASK his Mother;

she also said same thing in SMS/Mails

if he goes to other women she can file Adultry; but if she goes to other man, as Per Indian laws Husband demand Divorce but he cant charge her for Adultry.

As she refused to Sex, Can MAN ask Law to grant permission to s*x 


 24 Replies

If he goes to other woman, wife can't charge for adultery. It is the husband of that other woman who can charge (If she is married of course).

Ravi (Consultant)     25 April 2017

its not about Charging in Adultry, its our Judiciary created such situation, if Wife deny Sex, they go for Divorce and make him pay maitenance for her fault.

She can sleep with anyone but she is not Charged.

If man force his wife for Sex he will be charged for Rape or DV and she can demand any amount of money and its granted

If Man ask for Sex with law, judge will dispose and say appeal for Divorce and same stroy again.

If Judiciary wise enough they have to give solution, as it is we are still using BRITISH made laws, and we have none to make for current situation out of 1Billion Population.

Politician and Feminists make laws for Women only and mint money.

and for sure NOT a SINGLE ADVOCATE capable to answer this question.

R.K Nanda (Advocate)     25 April 2017

marriage without s*x is curse.

if wife refuse to have s*x with husband then husband can file divorce petition in court on ground of mental creulty as refusal to s*x by wife is biggest mental creulty.

P. Venu (Advocate)     25 April 2017

The contents of the posting are disjointed based on disinformation.

Ravi (Consultant)     25 April 2017

All husband come home daily; some go foreign trips or work Abroad; they send SMS/Emails/WhatsAPP etc that i wrote as proof that she denied.

I seen many couple stay under one roof but hardly talk. Most women Agree for Sex till she has children; and there is no question of ignite her intimacy, some Women by seeing shadow of husband also get irritated, she will not go for Divorce, most women wait for husband to initiate it by provoking him or forcing him to file for Divorce harassing him, coz she has all the laws and Lawyers, she will not leave the copany of husband but she will bring other man home then what you will do as a Lawyer.

Dont tell me file for Divorce and pay her maintenance. 

Ravi (Consultant)     25 April 2017

If Wife refuse to have Sex, Can man ask Law to allow him to have Sex legally so Wife will not sue him or wife will not make its valid reason for Divorce/Maintenance

Which planet do you live on? You want court to order wife to have s*x with you? Do you also plan on asking them for bed and mosquito net?

Ravi (Consultant)     25 April 2017

If judge order bed and mosquito net i have no Problem.

who is asking Sex with wife, read my question correctly 1st, then you can take my bed and mosuito net.

Ravi (Consultant)     25 April 2017

RCR is valid if she stays in same house ? she can reply accordingly if i am not specifying my requirements, its not about her marital obligation, its about my fundamental rights when wife refuse to Sex what remedy law gives other than divorce

thats why i asked right to Sex, but not with wife

sai narayana   26 April 2017

Family Counselling is suffice to solve your problem as your relationship is not that much soar to go for legal proceedings that may be divorce or rcr or whatever else.

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     26 April 2017

Just do away with that adultery provisions in IPC a blot in Statue book.

Ravi (Consultant)     26 April 2017

After exhusted all option to make her understand failed talk/threat/Family Counselling, she is not ready to talk nor listen to her family, she stay only because of money, she is waiting for me to proceed with Divorce so she can get House/kids and maintenance that what i want to avoid i do not want to raise kids as a single parent.

there is no option of adultery provisions as she is not going with anyone

Vegitta   26 April 2017

Dude she is just testing your patience, don't go for divorce u will not get it. File rcr, she will file maintenance u/s 24 and Dv case as she don't want to return. At max u will win rcr and she will lose Dv but it will help to get divorce based on the outcome of Dv case. Before filling rcr send her letter through registered Indian speed post and ask her to join, send at least 10 15 letter each 15 day, this letter can be used as evidence in rcr and her Dv case.

Ravi (Consultant)     27 April 2017

My question is related to Law, not personal.

She is staying with me, so no question of Sending SPEED POST or RCR.

If Women Violate any Law, there is no Punishment or minor only, but if she claim man has Affair that is taken on her words without any proof and burdon on men to prove that he had no Affair. as wife is refusing to Sex, denying Marital obligation and Mens Fundamental rights, what REMEDY our LAW gives that what my Question is.

Law should allow Sex with Others, when Wife deny,

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