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Jitendra Kumar   22 July 2020

law questions

what are key differences between relinquishment and release in Transfer of Property Act?

 2 Replies

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     22 July 2020

Relinquishment deeds are legal documents by which a person can give up on his or her legal rights over a property to someone else with their consent. On the other hand, a deed of release, also known as a deed of reconveyance is a legal document used to renounce one's claims against a specified property.

Aniket Giri (ADVOCATE)     24 July 2020

Different types of transactions are practised and can be called different things depending on where one is located.
In my area, a release deed is also known as a mortgage satisfaction, meaning that all of the terms of a previous legally executed and recorded document that encumbered the title of real property have been satisfied, and consequently, the property is now free and clear of said encumberances.
A relinquishment deed, or quit claim deed is a legal process through which a person or entity that has interest in real property voluntarily relinquishes that interest.
I hope this helps, but, again, seek competent counsel in your area.

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