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ashok kumar (Social Worker)     23 April 2015

Illegal phone tapping-action against the wrong doer?

Illegal Phone Tapping-Action against the Wrong Doer?

Now it is well laid down that Phones of individuals cannot be taped without following the procedure laid down in the SC decisions

(a) What is the legal remedy (Civil as well as Criminal) available against the wrongdoer  in case a Phone has been taped /recorded by an individual without any explicit sanction of law?

 7 Replies

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     24 April 2015

The Department of Telecommunication (DoT), aiming to strengthen the framework for checking unlawful interception of phones, has suggested a steep rise in fine for illegal phone tapping to Rs 2 crore, from Rs 1 lakh at present.As per Indian Telegraphics Act, 188 In Section 51, financial penalty for unauthorised interception of communication may be increased from Rs 1 lakh to Rs 2 crore."

ashok kumar (Social Worker)     24 April 2015

Ramachary Sir!

There is no Section 51 in the  Indian Telegraphic Act!!

Please check and let me tthe source of this information!!

ashok kumar (Social Worker)     24 April 2015

And Sir

Which Law prescribes the current Penalty of 1 Lakh which u have quoted??

Would you be kind enough to bring to my knowledge that law or Section?/

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     25 April 2015

In one of the cases it was mentioned as below.

The Indian Telegraph Act was enacted to amend the law relating to telegraphs in India. Section 51 of the Indian Electricity Act, 1910 reads as under:-

"51. Exercise in certain cases of powers of telegraph authority.- Notwithstanding anything contained in sections 12 to 16 (both inclusive) and sections 18 and 19, the State Government in the case of intra-State transmission system, may, by order in writing, for placing of electric supply- lines, appliances and apparatus for the transmission of energy or for the purpose of telephonic or telegraphic communication necessary for the proper coordination of works, confer upon any public officer, licensee or any other person engaged in the business of supplying energy to the public under this Act, subject to such conditions and restrictions (if any) as the State Government may think fit to impose, and to the provisions of the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 (3 of 1885), any of the powers which the telegraph-authority possesses under the Act, with respect to the placing of telegraph-lines and posts for the purposes of a telegraph established or maintained by the Government or to be so establishment or maintained."

ashok kumar (Social Worker)     26 April 2015

But Ramachary Sir

Where is the talk of Penalty in this Section??

I had asked U Sir

Which Law prescribes the current Penalty of 1 Lakh which u have quoted??

Would you be kind enough to bring to my knowledge that law or Section?/


Which is that Law which prescribes a Penalty of Rs 1 lakh currently which is proposed to be enhanced to Rs 2 Crore???

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     02 May 2015

What is your concern with this, If you want to benefit yourself to your lient's cause, you may make your own efforts to derive inome and not to depend on the free services from this forum to the depth.

ashok kumar (Social Worker)     02 May 2015

Pl dont be cheap T. Kalaiselvan,Sir

This is a Forum and I have just posted a subject for dicussion which might benefit all including u!!

What has it got to do with a  benefit or no benefit??

I advise u to please shred off your advocates sking when uare in Social Forums like these and see things from a Socilally concrned citizen !

Dont have this "Money thing" deprive u of teh happiness in life which u get by honestly inetracting in a Social Forum like this!

Keep your negative impulses under control young men!1 U have a long life to live!! Live it gracefully!!

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