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Profile_May282019 (Others)     19 November 2021

Ignore court summons

How many times the defendent can ignore   a court summons and not appear in the court in a criminal case?

 12 Replies

SHIRISH PAWAR, 7738990900 (Advocate)     19 November 2021


Single default of ignoring summons is enough to take further action against opponent in criminal case. 

1 Like

Shashi Dhara   20 November 2021

Advocates will defend you why you worry  go and engage advocate he will guide u properly ,fill his empty pocket .

Anaita Vas   20 November 2021

If the defendant does not appear for the first and second time, there will be no consequences and the court may issue two or three more summons at least before proceeding to the next step.

If it's a criminal case - when two or four summons are ignored - the court will issue a Non-Bailable Warrant against the defendant which will be sent to the Court Police or Jurisdictional Police Station based on the distance from the defendant’s residence from the court. The defendant may then be arrested - presented before court and will be let off with a warning and payment of something called a recall fee.

If it's a civil case -when ten or fifteen summons are ignored - the court will presume the person to be ex-parte and will continue the case on exparte grounds.


Anaita Vas

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Profile_May282019 (Others)     20 November 2021

@Shashi Dhara - Are you suggesting to hire a lawayer to answer a simple question? Why do you assume that it is related to case always? Can't we just to  know the rules?

P. Venu (Advocate)     20 November 2021

The 'profile' of the querist suggests that he has no real issue, but only trying have some fun at the expense and credibility of this platform!

Profile_May282019 (Others)     21 November 2021

Dear Mr P. Venu. - This is a public/subscriber based forum where any question related to the indian law can be askedby the public.  If anyone does not have intelligence to understand the question and the capability or qualification to answer they should refrain  from anwering the question. It would be a waste fof time of the both the parties. I am reporting this to the moderators as you are trying to badmouth my profile and sending a wrong message to the readers here

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     22 November 2021

let the querist come with facts of the case.

Profile_May282019 (Others)     22 November 2021

Dear Mr. @Sudhir kumar - I think you do not understand what a "public forum" means. It is not place court to provide  nitty gritty details of the case. Sorry no one needs the facts to anwer a simple staright forward generic question  that can be applied to any case. If you  do not know the answer it is better to stay away from anwering 

Chethu Chethu   23 November 2022

Check bounce 

michaelwhitehead   18 August 2023

The number of times a defendant can ignore a court summons and not appear in court in a criminal case can vary depending on the jurisdiction and the specific circumstances of the case. However, it's important to note that repeatedly ignoring court summons and failing to appear can have serious consequences and may result in additional legal issues for the defendant.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     19 August 2023

the experts on this forum are doing charitable activity in their own precious time useing their onw net connection and electricity.


The cannot be compelled to reply a vague query.

Profile_May282019 (Others)     25 August 2023

@Mr Sudhir Kumar - You should get your facts right before replying in a public forum. No one has any complusion to reply to anyone AND replying in a public forum is not a public service as you think. Yiu are at your will to reply or refrain from it. The question is vague for the people who cannot understand it. Kindly refer to the responses from others who could answer this "Vague query".

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