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Shailesh (Businessman)     03 November 2014

I want polygyny. i am an atheist. hindu marriage act apply?

I want to marry my sisters-in-law (wife's sisters). My wife and her sisters have no objection as they believe that instead of all of them spending time, money, effort and other resources in searching for separate good husbands and taking risks why don't they become wives of one good husband and therefore we all can live together as well, moreover when we were all living together for considerable amount of time and I treated each of them as wives and no problem arose during these years, which proves that we can live together happily as compared to marrying them to guys whom they never lived with ever before.


I am an atheist though my parents were Hindus. Will Hindu Marriage Act still apply for me as I am an atheist? I have 4 sisters-in-law as my wife has 4 sisters and no brothers. What is the limit of number of wives that a husband can have?


If there is no such provision for us, then I think that it would be better to migrate to some Middle-east nations were polygyny is permitted. 


 21 Replies

rani jain (others)     04 November 2014

Being a hindu by birth-you cant marry twice. Only after death of spouse or divorce-you can remarry

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     04 November 2014

Originally posted by : Shailesh
I want to marry my sisters-in-law (wife's sisters). My wife and her sisters have no objection as they believe that instead of all of them spending time, money, effort and other resources in searching for separate good husbands and taking risks why don't they become wives of one good husband and therefore we all can live together as well, moreover when we were all living together for considerable amount of time and I treated each of them as wives and no problem arose during these years, which proves that we can live together happily as compared to marrying them to guys whom they never lived with ever before.


I am an atheist though my parents were Hindus. Will Hindu Marriage Act still apply for me as I am an atheist? I have 4 sisters-in-law as my wife has 4 sisters and no brothers. What is the limit of number of wives that a husband can have?

If there is no such provision for us, then I think that it would be better to migrate to some Middle-east nations were polygyny is permitted. 


@ Author,


1. Under Indian Laws there is no recognition given to atheist. 


2. Being born out of Hindu parents you are treated as Hindu, whether you follow Hindu way of Life or is non-believer Government of India has no issues with what you follow or donot follow after attaining age of reasoning as way of life since being born out of union of two Hindus (i.e. out of wedlock of your parents). 


3. Since you are already married and have a wife and have very cleverly omitted telling the forum under which marriage Laws (HMA or SMA) you married your present wife and went on to ask a question I will legally educated you now; 

- once you are legally married you cannot marry another woman legally if first wife is alive and both are not divorced being Hindu and you believe religion or not believe religion or follow way of life is not Indian Laws concern. 

- if you marry another woman in a subsisting marriage being Hindu and your first wife has no objections nor persons allowed to charge you under civil - criminal laws have not charged you under these two Laws then second wife's rights are not legally recognized till you are alive.

- if you change your religion (like inclination to migrate to Middle East which is not even needed to change religion and one can change religion living here in India itself) let me tell you that in a subsisting Hindu marriage changing religion and marrying second time is treated under civil as well as criminal Laws. 

- * only three person can legally charge you under civil - criminal laws; her father - mother or your first wife or her sister whom you marry. If none out of these three are inclined to charge you under civil - criminal laws then your social service with in first wife's siblings have no limits imposed as your wife has three more sisters left, out of 4 she has as you tell the forum after marrying one !


4. A Hindu as per Hindu Marriage Law OR Special Marriage Law is allowed to marry only one major age female at a given time legally and after first wife's death - or divorce which ever happens earlier he is legally allowed to marry a second time and after death or divorce of his second wife he is legally allowed to marry a third time and so on so forth till he himself dies. For social service doing things, moon is limit which I need not have to legally advice you as I have read all your "so called" questions in various Forums till date. 


[Last reply]

Shailesh (Businessman)     04 November 2014

Oh that's disappointing. :(


However, being an atheist will not have any affect and do I have to follow Hindu Marriage Act even though I do not consider myself as a Hindu or from any religion just because my parents are Hindus? Strange.


I guess then we should migrate to middle-east or Arab nations. Or accepting Islam, though I do not believe in any religion, may also be a solution. 

stanley (Freedom)     24 June 2015

@ author . 

1. You have stated that you are married but no statement under which act . 

2. Why do you want to marry again , you can continue into a live in relation ship with the rest of your wifes sisters. Even if you marry under HMa your Marriage is not legal . 

If in the long run if the relations sour than you would be living fodder for your wife .with multipile cases being filed against you . Rather than concentrating on your business you would be having court rounds . ROTFL .you may even land up in jail for several cases like 494 Biagamy , 497 Adultery etc .

3. As you state that the family has no problem so continue in this manner only .

4. Now the problems would arise at a later stage as below .

5.  Once you start reproducing and start having children with rest of your so called wifes .

Only the first wifes children would be considered legitimate . 

6. The rest of your productions are illigimate . 

7. The real  problems start as the children grow up and their greed for your property starts . 

Shailesh (Businessman)     24 June 2015

Originally posted by : stanley

@ author . 

1. You have stated that you are married but no statement under which act . 

2. Why do you want to marry again , you can continue into a live in relation ship with the rest of your wifes sisters. Even if you marry under HMa your Marriage is not legal . 

If in the long run if the relations sour than you would be living fodder for your wife .with multipile cases being filed against you . Rather than concentrating on your business you would be having court rounds . ROTFL .you may even land up in jail for several cases like 494 Biagamy , 497 Adultery etc .


YOU KNOW WHAT, a very good and unbelievable coincidence happened. I had not logged in to LCI for many months but today I just thought of logging into this site i.e, LCI, in this very same day I got a response to my post. 


Pls check my counter reply to your bakwaas....I have posted my replies in bold to your statements one by one. 

1. You have stated that you are married but no statement under which act . 

I did not marry through orthodox cermonies as I am an atheist for your information. I had a court marriage. If you had read my query carefully, I needn't had to mention it.

2. Why do you want to marry again , you can continue into a live in relation ship with the rest of your wifes sisters. Even if you marry under HMa your Marriage is not legal . 

Giving them the status of wives will give a place in the society and if I want to travel with one of my 'wives' (it is 'wives' not wifes, which I will teach you again in this counter reply below), we can book a single room on that bases. That is the reason that why I want to marry again.

I also, never mentioned that I want to marry under HMA. Again, I am an atheist and hence will never opt for marrying under HMA. 

If in the long run if the relations sour than you would be living fodder for your wife .with multipile cases being filed against you . Rather than concentrating on your business you would be having court rounds . ROTFL .you may even land up in jail for several cases like 494 Biagamy , 497 Adultery etc .



1. FOA, do not do this ROFTL else you will be considered crazy as you are doing it for no genuine reason. Doing it for no genuine reason will land you in a mental hospital forever if polygyny will require me to make visits of court frequently. I'll spend only few hours a day in court or jail but you may have to spend the entire day in the mental hospital. 

2. Why just Bigamy and Adultery if you want to say that multiple cases can be filed against me for just practicing polygyny? Also add 302 of murder and 307 of attempt to murder. HAHAHAHA!!!! ROFL-LOL!

3. Adultery is defined as, "Whoever has s*xual intercourse with a person who is and whom he knows or has reason to believe to be the wife of another man, without the consent or connivance of that man, such s*xual intercourse not amounting to the offence of r_pe, is guilty of the offence of adultery".

Therefore, what you said is completely incorrect as my sisters-in-law are not yet married or are wives of another man. So, please do not pass baseless allegations as you may become guilty of defamation and end up loosing even your clothes you are wearing.

3. As you state that the family has no problem so continue in this manner only .

I already told you why I want a status of marriage. 

4. Now the problems would arise at a later stage as below .

5.  Once you start reproducing and start having children with rest of your so called wifes .

I want many wives, not children. You may call me a pervert or whatever but I am like this only as being a pervert has medical advantages of looking younger.

It is 'wives' not 'wifes'. Just keeping an name of a Englishman like 'Stanley' will not make you speak or write English fluently. 

Only the first wifes children would be considered legitimate . 

6. The rest of your productions are illigimate . 

When we do not need children then please do not assume that I would produce children like the majority of people do it. 

7. The real  problems start as the children grow up and their greed for your property starts . 

When I will not even have children then howcome you can speak about them being concerned for my property? The property will remain mine till the end and I am not sharing it with anyone except for myself, my wife and her sisters.

stanley (Freedom)     25 June 2015

@ author .


if you are married in the court than Court Marriage was under Which act was it SMA :-) .


What status do you seek in society with your so called illegal (wives)  ??? 


Today also you can sleep with a women in a hotel and you will get admission in a single room in india . 


Than second sister in law will cry RAPE .........i was RAPED by Brother in law when the relation sours ?? 


you want to file Defamation against me .......Go ahead @ author ...i have seen many a person like you crying . The spelling of is not polygyny but Polygamy.My dear friend who has put it into your head that you can migrate to a Middle eastern country . There is no such thing as migration to the middle east . 


Now the only option left for you is to get converted into a Muslim both you and your wife divorce and than remarry. A Muslim man married according to Shariat Muslim Law can have four Muslim wives legally on certain conditions, however if the Muslim marriage with first wife was registered under the Special Marriage Act,1954 than such Muslim man get bound by the said Act of 1954 and he cannot marry during the lifetime of first wife otherwise he will face criminal charges under section 494,495 of the Indian Penal Code for offence of bigamy and face punishment up to 7 years and fine.

 . For that too there is a lot of pain as you have to get Circumcised .


I forsee that you cant continue being a Atheist :-) ROTFL .

Shailesh (Businessman)     25 June 2015

What status do you seek in society with your so called illegal (wives)  ??? 

I want them to avail the facilities and services which every government gives to our wives.

Today also you can sleep with a women in a hotel and you will get admission in a single room in india . 

No, not at all. I have already tried that by asking cops that can unmarried couples book a room and they said that it is not available for unmarried couples because they arrest those couples who book a room for themselves and also the hotel staff involved.

Than second sister in law will cry R_PE .........i was R_PED by Brother in law when the relation sours ?? 

I know my sisters in law better than you as I live with them. Do not compare them with other women as they are not like them. 


you want to file Defamation against me .......Go ahead @ author ...i have seen many a person like you crying .

Your garbled English is again shown. You must have seen babies crying but you haven't seen a tough competitor like me. 

The spelling of is not polygyny but Polygamy.

When I stated that your English is not the best, you also threw the same criticism towards me by copying my dialogue. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. ROFL. 

Also, I used the word polygyny, not spelled polygamy incorrectly. Google the word 'polygyny' and you will come to know that it is itself a seperate word, therefore it is not polygamy spelt incorrectly but in itself a new word which is polygyny. Polygamy means a vague definition that a person, i.e. anyone, husband or wife having more than one mate. Polygyny is a disambiguated definition and specifically mentioning that husband having more than one wife. 


My dear friend who has put it into your head that you can migrate to a Middle eastern country . There is no such thing as migration to the middle east . 


Is that so? Then that person in Dubai is Dawood's twin who has been created in thin air. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. LOL. 


I forsee that you cant continue being a Atheist :-) ROTFL .

Firstly, again an evidence of your garbled English, it is 'an' atheist, not 'a' atheist. Secondly and lastly, you may think that I have to forcibily accept some religion as there is no provision made for an atheist in India but you did not know that you cannot stop me from what goes inside my mind.

Keep doing that 'ROTFL' for no genuine reason and you'll end up in mental hospital doing 'AHH AHHHH AHHHH' while getting electric shocks and all the people of different sections of society doing LOL, LMAO, ROTFL and HAHAHAHA at you. HAHAHAHAHA, LMAO.

stanley (Freedom)     26 June 2015

@ Obessed 

so how did you know that i replied to your post ?? was it your sixth sense or did a notification of the same come into your email box ?? or was it a coincidence that you logged on to LCI smart ass !!

Are you a Government Employee or a business men as your title states that you seek government benefits ??

What facilities has the government given to your wife ?? can you elaborate ??

My dear friend you can go to Dubai on a work Visa , visit visa and than have to return back thats all :-)

I cannot forsee what goes inside your mind , but here is something for you ,

A psychoanalyst shows a patient an inkblot, and asks him what he sees. The patient says: "A man and woman making love." The psychoanalyst shows him a second inkblot, and the patient says: "That's also a man and woman making love." The psychoanalyst says: "You are obsessed with s*x." The patient says: "What do you mean I am obsessed?

Anyway enjoy your life as it is rather than seeking a solution to your issue as there is no solution to your problem in india or else follow my option and get circumcised ........He ...He .


" There is no gain without pain "

stanley (Freedom)     09 July 2015

An atheist starting complaining to his Catholic friend: “Christians have their special holidays like Christmas, Easter, Good Friday, etc. Jews have their religious holidays like Yom Kipper and Passover,Hindus celebrate Diwali and the Muslims celebrate Ramadan. In fact, almost every religion has its own holidays, but we atheists don’t have any holidays. That’s unfair! It’s discrimination!” The Catholic asked his friend, “Why do you say that atheists have no holidays? We’ve been observing a special day in your honor for years!” “What are you talking about?”” the atheist asked. “When do we have a special day that honors atheists?” “Every April 1st,” his friend replied.crying

Shailesh (Businessman)     13 July 2015

so how did you know that i replied to your post ?? was it your sixth sense or did a notification of the same come into your email box ?? or was it a coincidence that you logged on to LCI smart ass !!

As you are poor in English and therefore you did not read the post properly, let me tell you that it was a co-incidence that I logged in and saw your reply.


Are you a Government Employee or a business men as your title states that you seek government benefits ??

I may become both as though I am trying for government job, I am also running a business side by side.


What facilities has the government given to your wife ?? can you elaborate ??

You can google what facilities a wife can get and get a much elaborated answer than asking me personally. 


My dear friend you can go to Dubai on a work Visa , visit visa and than have to return back thats all :-)

OHHHHHHH IS THAT SO? NRIs and those Indians who have got citizenship of different countries have to come back? HAHAHAHA. LOL.


I cannot forsee what goes inside your mind , but here is something for you ,

A psychoanalyst shows a patient an inkblot, and asks him what he sees. The patient says: "A man and woman making love." The psychoanalyst shows him a second inkblot, and the patient says: "That's also a man and woman making love." The psychoanalyst says: "You are obsessed with s*x." The patient says: "What do you mean I am obsessed?

Do not compare me with that patient. I already stated, you have never met a tough competitor like me before and I am not like those who show what they are. I may say that in one Inkblot I see picture or drawing of Gandhi and in the other I see Hitler's. You may then be confused forever that am I violent or non-violent.  Then you might keep thinking, "What does he actually mean?".


Anyway enjoy your life as it is rather than seeking a solution to your issue as there is no solution to your problem in india or else follow my option and get circumcised ........He ...He .

I do not follow a person like you who makes airy assumptions like you. He ...He? Whether you do He ...He or She ...She pls type full sentence that who is he or she? HAHAHA. LOL. 

" There is no gain without pain "

What was this idiom for and why did you type it here in this post? If you are trying to teach me that then let me tell you that I have already known about them and you need not teach me.

stanley (Freedom)     13 July 2015

Smart ass !!

you can emigrate to european countries and get citizen ship of those countries but in case of the gulf there is no emigration as such and neither are you granted citizen ship henc you have to return back . My advise to you is get yourself checked up or goggle and check or  else there is always a learning stage !!

Shailesh (Businessman)     13 July 2015

Originally posted by : stanley
An atheist starting complaining to his Catholic friend: “Christians have their special holidays like Christmas, Easter, Good Friday, etc. Jews have their religious holidays like Yom Kipper and Passover,Hindus celebrate Diwali and the Muslims celebrate Ramadan. In fact, almost every religion has its own holidays, but we atheists don’t have any holidays. That’s unfair! It’s discrimination!” The Catholic asked his friend, “Why do you say that atheists have no holidays? We’ve been observing a special day in your honor for years!” “What are you talking about?”” the atheist asked. “When do we have a special day that honors atheists?” “Every April 1st,” his friend replied.

So, the moral of your BASELESS story is, if you do not believe in something which does not have proof, you are a fool. This is as good as saying that a man who stabbed another is innocent as a baby and the doctor who saved that wounded man from dying is guilty for murder. 


Or is it that you are agreeing that those who play pranks on 1st April by fooling other people are atheists and that is why you are dedicating that day to them? HAHAHAHAHA... LOL. If that is so then I have no objection, yes we smart people are doing that as you religious people are foolish. LOL.


It can also be that you dedicate that day to us as originally that was decided as a new year's day and those people who believed 1st January as the new year's day used to play pranks and tricks to spoil the celebration in that day for new year on 1st April and henceforth it came to be known as April Fool's Day. If you believe that it is Atheist's New Year's Day then also I have no objection. LOL. :D

Shailesh (Businessman)     13 July 2015

Originally posted by : stanley
Smart ass !!

you can emigrate to european countries and get citizen ship of those countries but in case of the gulf there is no emigration as such and neither are you granted citizen ship henc you have to return back . My advise to you is get yourself checked up or goggle and check or  else there is always a learning stage !!

LOL.... Mr. frustrated being,


You have unknowingily compelled me to educate you with laws of Middle east countries. Goto the site to find that Saudi Arabia allows citizenship to any adult foreigner having good moral and lawful past and is living in Saudi Arabia for atleast five years with means of livelihood and a sound mind. 


Also, ask for law of 1990 of Yemen and go through Sub Section 2, Article 5 which states that any foreign Muslim can apply for Yemeni citizenship. For the first time in debate, I've to quote foreign laws and sections. LOL.

stanley (Freedom)     14 July 2015

My dear friend its high time for you to go in for a s*x change operation and become a female and get married to a saudi national in order to gain their citizen ship . Only Arabs can have that nationatilty . Can you show me if any indian has gained their citizen ship after 1980 .The source you have quoted 



Saudi Arabian nationality law

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saudi nationality law, officially called the Saudi Arabian Citizenship System is the law that determines who is a Saudi citizen. Foreigners are rarely given citizenship.[1]



Original Saudis[edit]

Anyone who was born or resided on Saudi Arabian land from 1332 Hijra – 1914 A.D. until 22/3/1345 Hijra provided that they did not acquire a foreign citizenship prior to this date.

By Birth[edit]

Children born in Saudi Arabia to a non-Saudi father and a Saudi mother has right to Saudi citizenship upon reaching theage of majority if he fulfills the following:

Children born to unknown parents in Saudi Arabia automatically get citizenship until the parents identity is known. Children born to foreigners do not have right to citizenship, especially if not Muslim.

By Descent[edit]

Children born to a Saudi father or an unknown or stateless father and Saudi mother irrespective of the place of birth is a Saudi citizen by descent.

By Marriage[edit]

A foreign woman who marries a Saudi man has right to citizenship provided that she gives up her foreign citizenship. Saudi women who give up citizenship upon marriage to a foreign husband has the right to take up Saudi citizenship if she divorcesor returns to Saudi Arabia.

By Naturalization[edit]

A foreigner may apply for citizenship if they fulfill the follow:

  • Above the age of majority.
  • Generally mentally competent.
  • Legal permanent residence for at-least five years.
  • Have legal ways of earning a living.
  • Considered generally moral.
  • Does not have a criminal record.

The application is sent to the Prime Minister, who is advised by the Ministry of Interior. They may or may not reject the application with no given reason. Wives of naturalized citizens has the right to Saudi citizenship, their minor children automatically become Saudis if living in the country. If the children are not living in the country, they remain non-Saudis and have right to take up Saudi nationality upon reaching age of majority, if the naturalized male citizen has female relatives who have the male citizen as their guardian, they will also have right to citizenship.

Loss of citizenship[edit]

Loss of Saudi citizenship may occur to due to one of the following reasons:

  • Takes up foreign citizenship.
  • Works for another countries military.
  • Works for a foreign government.

Saudi citizens cannot give up their citizenship without permission. However the Government can revoke someones nationality if they are a terrorist threat, as in the case of Osama bin Laden.[2]

Dual nationality[edit]

Saudi Arabia does not recognize dual nationality.

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