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blwrite   02 January 2015

Husband not willing to live with me and not giving us visa

I am married for just over a year and after that moved to US along with my husband. However there were some dowry and marriage gift issues from the day of marriage. My inlaws claim the demand has been more but my parents have given less. Because of this issues he has sent me back to India 6 months before saying he will come in December and take me back once the issues are settled. I was with my parents last 6 months and my husband came over to India this December. Mediation happened between both families with the family and community elders. He accepted to live to with me during that meeting but in next couple of days send me a legal notice asking for divorce (under the ground of cruelty).

And now he has left to US without my knowledge, and not giving me any visa and saying he can’t take me or live with me. I have given return notice for conjugal rights. Now I would like to know if u can force him to give me visa to US or can I force him to comeback to India to live with me. If so what is the process. Also his parents are staying in my place only and is it legally a good option to go to their home and stay.


Would appreciate any help.

 7 Replies

Prasad (Systems Engineer)     02 January 2015


If you trust and love your husband, you SHOULD NOT use any legal ways to FORCE HIM to live with you.


If you respect your in laws, you SHOULD NOT use any legal ways to FORCE THEM to stay with them.


You and your parents should get the help of your relatives and friends to unite with your husband.


You should talk to your husband more than anyone else. 


Else, if you have lost trust, love and respect of this marriage, then there are many legal ways to force your husband.


You can file legal cases on him and send him to jail if you want.


You can also demand money in legal way.


You can also get divorce legally.


But, please do not believe that LAW will change your husband's mind and help you to LIVE HAPPILY with your husband.

1 Like

blwrite   03 January 2015

Thanks for the response. The problem is my husband and my in-laws are not willing to talk with me or our common relatives. They have closed all the communication channels. He took the legal course now with no option than me responding.

blwrite   05 January 2015

Do I have any other option open when my husband and in-laws are not agreeing for dialogue with family elders. Can I contact US emabassy here and ask for visa?

blwrite   05 January 2015

Do I have any other option open when my husband and in-laws are not agreeing for dialogue with family elders. Can I contact US embassy here and ask for visa?

Prasad (Systems Engineer)     07 January 2015

No. You should not go to US embassy for visa. 
It is not because, your husband will not give you all supporting documents for you to get Visa.
It is because, you and your family should earn back the trust from your husband if you really believe that your husband is good person and you will live happily with him.
TRUST is everything in any relationship. 
There are many other communication channels other than talking in person.
Send a letter to their address. A real respectful letter to your in-laws.
A heartfelt love letter to your husband. You can write more letters.
Find some of his friends and send messages through them.
But, all this will succeed only if your intention to join him back is real and genuine.
If there is a reason for your husband to file divorce based on cruelty and if it is true, then you should be bold and open enough to tender apology for the same.
Else, if all the fault is with your husband and his parents, then you should really have a big heart and lot of patience before getting them back.
After trying all other options, may be if you can make up your mind, go for "mutual consent divorce" so that both of you can get divorce in 6 months and a start a new life.
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Adv k . mahesh (advocate)     08 January 2015

 Also his parents are staying in my place only and is it legally a good option to go to their home and stay.

I need clarification for the above point as they are staying in your owned house or how 

and above said i can understand that already you and your family had tried with elders for mediation and finally he filed for cruelty if you want then contest it and give your counter response as you want to stay with him

as you can ask us embassy without any valid documents to go to us to stay with your husband if he send any invitation for you to apply and come to us then you can apply 

and in divorce case you can ask through your lawyer to make your husband apparence and sort the problem 

as he may have given POA to his father or any one to appear before the court make use of it and take his address communication and talk to him to settle the issue

Vish (NA)     13 January 2015

If your husband is not ready to take you back, what are you planning to do with US VISA?

If you have travelled on depend VISA earlier then you cannot get it back again without consent of your husband.




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