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Meera (individual)     29 October 2014

How to execute and arrest in mc


I filed my divorce case in 3rd Additional Family court, High Court Campus, Chennai in the month of August 2012. Later I filed an MC petition seeking maintenance for me and my Children in January 2013. I got an expate interim order granting Rs.9000 (-Rs. 4000 for me, Rs. 3000 for my First son and Rs.2000 for my second son) in the month of July 2013. The respondent husband did not oblige the MC order and did not pay any amount with regard to the same.

I filed an MP petition asking him to pay the arrear amount of Rs. 99000 in the month of December failing which he should be arrest. The judge took a decision and asked him to pay the arrear amount of Rs. 99000 or else she said that an arrest warrant would be initiated as per my prayer. She has been warning him and has been giving him chances to pay the amount on the following hearing. This has been going on since February 2014 with a frequency of approximately 3 hearing in a month till date. In the month of October when the judge said that she was going to initiate an NBW (NON BAILABLE WARRENT), he paid an amount off Rs. 10000 and said he would pay the rest of the amount in the next hearing. He has not paid any amount after that. On September 15th of 2014, on hearing both sides, the judge said that she is initiating an arrest on the respondent as he has been dodging and refusing to pay as per the MC order. She wrote that arrest is initiated in my case bundle. But on cross verifying the A-Diary that is maintained in the court, the court staff missed that line which said about the arrest. No action was taken on arrest. On my next hearing date which was on 6th, I brought up this matter and the judge once again said that the arrest is being initiated. This time it was written in the A-diary too.

On continuous follow-ups with the court staff and the bench clerk, I was asked to submit and envelope addressed to the respondents respective police station, with register post acknowledgement card and postal stamp value of Rs. 40. I submitted as per their request. When I tried to followup if the notice of arrest to the respective police station has been initiated, I did not get a proper response. My advocate had also tried giving envelope addressed to the police station, with acknowledgement card and stamp value of Rs. 40. But the Bench clerk had refused saying that he will not take it. Today I went and submitted the envelop, stamp and acknnolwledgement card. After a lot of stuggle he accepted the envelope stamp and the acknowledgemnt card but asked me to come 3 days prior to my next hearing date which is on the 24th of November 2014. He said that he would send the notice only on 3 days prior to my hearing. He was also trying to support the respondent saying that I should be considerate and that if this arrest is initiated the respondents life would be affected.

My questions are

  1. Should I submit the envelope for the notice of arrest to be sent from court to the police station in the first place?

  2.  Should I affix the stamp of Rs.40 as it is going from one government sector( the family court) to another goverment sector( the Police Station)

  3. Is it my duty to follow up with the bench clerk if the notice has been sent from the court?

  4. I have a feeling that the bench clerk(BC) and the ABC are strongly supporting and saving the respondent husband from the arrest. - (1)As the reason they gave was that the word arrest is not there in the A-Diary. (But it was written in the bundle.). (2) Even after continuous follow ups they refused to initiate the notice.(3) Even today when the envelop was submitted for the 3rd time to the BC and ABC, they gave silly reasons and tried to convince me to come another day and do the same. On insisting, the ABC’s behaviour was very lethargic. It was very clear that the ABC was trying to evade the situation and tried to avoid me from taking any action towards the respondent husband.

  5. How can I bring this matter to the notice of the judge

  6. How can I verify if the notice has been sent to the police station. Is there any register that is being maintained in court where I can verify myself if the notice is being sent. If so which date it has been sent, etc

  7. How do I launch a complaint against the BC  and ABC (the court staff) for their irresponsible behaviour, lethargic action by taking sides on the respondent husband and delaying the notice of arrest?

  8. What is the actual court procedure if an arrest in initiated in an MC order

  9. How to execute the arrest once the notice is being sent to the police station?

  10. What should I do next in this situation?

Its almost 2 year since this petition was filed and I should have got relief about a year and a half before for this maintenance petition. I am still struggling for it. Kindly suggest with appropriate sections of the law.



 14 Replies

Prasad (Systems Engineer)     29 October 2014

Hello Meera,
You might get a legal expert opinion sooner from this forum.
And I feel sorry that you had to use "law" and police to get money from your own "respondent husband". 
I wish you get justice sooner and get enough money to take care of your sons.
Yes, your husband is doing grave sin by not taking care of your sons. They are his sons too. 
But, why you want to get money from such an irresponsible person?
Here are few queries from a common man to you.
What is the difference between "a wife who uses law and police to grab money from her husband"
and the bank robber who robs a bank at gun point?
A person who saves money in a bank can go and take money. 
A person who shares love and affection with another person can expect money from the other person.
You have written a long detailed message with 10 questions in a very good English.
That means you are well educated.
If you cannot live with your husband but want to own your 2 sons and want to maintain your dignity you should earn yourselves. Right?
If you cannot earn yourselves, why are you doing injustice to your sons?
Why don't you leave your sons to your husband to take care.
"How do I launch a complaint against the BC  and ABC (the court staff) for their irresponsible behaviour, lethargic action by taking sides on the respondent husband and delaying the notice of arrest?"
In question above, you want to take action on the court staff for not taking steps to arrest your husband.
But who can take action against you for your irresponsible behaviour to leave the life of your sons to your irresponsible husband?
And I have one last question. In fact, it is a puzzle for me.
If you successfully execute arrest on your husband and put him in jail, how will he earn and pay to you?
1 Like

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     30 October 2014


Asking such question to a lady is easy in a open forum. It also shows that the person who asked the questions is above Law and is even questioning the application of mind by a ld. Judge which went in awarding Rs. 9000/- maintenance but he is silent when her husband has not contested Order on maintenance and paid partly in Court. 

You mean to say a lady should be living naked and her children should be begging on streets and she should not be educated at all then only her husband should give her and his minors maintenance.

I pitty such mindset of husbands, and instead if you would have cared to ask counter legal questions and then preached it would have been better but that part you left cleverly saying some Expert will reply to your 10 questions. Generic repliers should stop preaching in other queriest questions and should only ask questions related to their case which their wives have filed and open forum does not mean such in-humane and above law replies as you have made here.

By sending such Husband's to jail justice is served.  Court attachment of properties (FD / PF / Bank Account / Movable - immovable assets / Vehicle / Partition of his share from property etc.) are options available when husband is in Jail and many wives have exercised Attachment proceedings options too. - This answers your question (from me) which you asked the lady (who is ignorant of this option being lady so it seems on next step to take), what she will gain by sending her husband to jail ?


I hope on behalf of a female queriest I answered your puzzle !


Originally posted by : Meera



My questions are

Should I submit the envelope for the notice of arrest to be sent from court to the police station in the first place?
Take: You or your advocate have to read out the complete Order of ld. Court by allowing inspection of case file. If it says dasti (i.e. by hand) as well as via Court then you can also send Order copy by RPAD to jurisdiction police station. 

Should I affix the stamp of Rs.40 as it is going from one government sector ( the family court) to another government sector (the Police Station)
Take: Yes.   

Is it my duty to follow up with the bench clerk if the notice has been sent from the court?
Take: Yes as unless you are vigilant the court staff will play delay and latches which will favour your husband. 

I have a feeling that the bench clerk(BC) and the ABC are strongly supporting and saving the respondent husband from the arrest. - (1)As the reason they gave was that the word arrest is not there in the A-Diary. (But it was written in the bundle.). (2) Even after continuous follow ups they refused to initiate the notice.(3) Even today when the envelop was submitted for the 3rd time to the BC and ABC, they gave silly reasons and tried to convince me to come another day and do the same. On insisting, the ABC’s behaviour was very lethargic. It was very clear that the ABC was trying to evade the situation and tried to avoid me from taking any action towards the respondent husband.
Take: It shows their behavior towards genuine weaker litigants and unless your advocate is equipped to point them out to the ld. Judge and seek action against them nothing will bring change in their lack luster attitude. 

How can I bring this matter to the notice of the judge
Take: Via your advocate in writing and asking for production of Dak Register to show the delay the (staff) caused.  

How can I verify if the notice has been sent to the police station. Is there any register that is being maintained in court where I can verify myself if the notice is being sent. If so which date it has been sent, etc
Take: Yes every Court has a Dak Register where they are bound to enter such (postal) details. 

How do I launch a complaint against the BC  and ABC (the court staff) for their irresponsible behavior, lethargic action by taking sides on the respondent husband and delaying the notice of arrest?
Take: Already replied above. 

What is the actual court procedure if an arrest in initiated in an MC order
Take: Police arrests the person and produces him before Court as per following Arrest Order. Ld. Judge gives further direction accordingly. Also note you do not need to pay diet money for his stay in jail as there are judgment in favor of women who are 
exempted to pay in advance diet money to jailer to keep husband in jail (caution your advocate to keep handy such citation). 

How to execute the arrest once the notice is being sent to the police station?
Take: If ld. Judge has given order of arrest that itself means process of arrest to be followed for arrest by jurisdiction police. 

What should I do next in this situation?
Take: Normally as soon as Envelop with Stamp submitted the Dak should go to jurisdiction police station and not 3 days before next date. In your brief I slipped reading date of Order and date when you filed Envelop and Stamp and if it is already submitted as the case here is then go to Court with your Advocate and seek allowing of Inspection of Dak Register from ld. Judge. Inspect the Dak Register and if you don’t find entry of husband's police station then during 'pause hour' of ld. Judge bring it to ld. Judge Notice and narrate verbally what BC / ABC commented. Let ld. Judge take humane action accordingly. 

Its almost 2 year since this petition was filed and I should have got relief about a year and a half before for this maintenance petition. I am still struggling for it. Kindly suggest with appropriate sections of the law.
Take: You are following procedures up-to-date as per guidance of your advocate and they are in line till date. Assets - properties - FD - PF - Bank Accounts etc. Attachment proceedings can also be initiated in case of further default in meeting maintenance and for the same seek further guidance from your appointed advocate and in frustration request ld. Judge to find orphanage for children to keep when no maintenance is being given by husband. The moment you stress this the ld. Judge will find a solution is my view. 











2 Like

Prasad (Systems Engineer)     30 October 2014

Hi Tajobs... 


I never justified the action on the part of husband. He should be penalised as per law.  Nobody can question the judgement nor comment on it. I also did not comment on the judgement.


Thank you for your advice. 


Thank you for your valuable time in helping with legal answers and sometime moral answers to queriests like me.  It is a great service you are doing.


I completely agree with you when you said "By sending such Husband's to jail justice is served. "


Being a common man, I tried to look practical life beyond the law.


If husband and wife use "law" to settle their disputes, our institution of marriage is going to deteriorate further.


A husband or wife will have tough time respond to a legal action initiated by their spouses.


Marriages are breaking because spouses are able to take advantage of very existence of such laws and comfortably resort to it instead of sitting and talking to each other. Else some reconciliation is possible at some point of time in life for those spouses.


AHMEDABAD: The Gujarat high court has advised women not to rush to the police over minor matrimonial disputes because involving the police may destroy all chances of reconciliation with their spouses. The court also criticized the tendency to use the police machinery for holding husbands to ransom. 

The high court said that Section 498-A of the IPC (prevention of cruelty, including making demands for dowry) cannot be invoked for trivial incidents. "Every matrimonial conduct, which may cause annoyance to the other party, may not amount to cruelty. Mere trivial irritations, quarrels between spouses, which happen in day-to-day married life, may also not amount to cruelty," observed Justice J B Pardiwala while quashing the charge of harassment for dowry filed against her in-laws by a woman. 


Here we also saw how the husband was able to evade law even after judgement was given.


Husband was able to misuse the very machinery of courts to evade the law and the legal system knows about it only after the petitioner brings the same to its notice.


You answered that "Inspect the Dak Register and if you don’t find entry of husband's police station then during 'pause hour' of ld. Judge bring it to ld. Judge Notice and narrate verbally what BC / ABC commented. Let ld. Judge take humane action accordingly. "


Also you answered below how a wife can get financial benefits by sending their irresponsible and cruel husbands to jail. Now many wives can be benefited from your legal advice.


"Court attachment of properties (FD / PF / Bank Account / Movable - immovable assets / Vehicle / Partition of his share from property etc.) are options available when husband is in Jail and many wives have exercised Attachment proceedings options too."



In a public forum, because of law, a husband can be depicted as a criminal.


In marriage, when a spouse errs, he or she will not become criminal. 


Such instances should be rare. But we see such instances of criminalizing husbands by wives is very common.


I am sure everyone wishes that the dignity and sanctity  of our marital institution is restored rather than using law to criminalize each other.

Adv. Chandrasekhar (Advocate)     30 October 2014

Thanks Mr. Tajobs. Very fine answer indeed.  In addition I add that if your advocate shows proper alacrity, he can file a written complaint with prima-facie evidence which would force the judge to initiate departmental enquiry against errant court staff and subsequent punishment to harass the parties and depriving them from the benefits conferred by the court.


Wonderful replies there TAJ and Prasad.


Yes, one can do all the above said circus as TAJ has advised.  But it will all be a futile exercise if the husband has made up his mind to not pay alimony at all or keep delaying payment of alimony.  If he has nothing in his name, sold off all this properties etc, and is willing to go to jail, the wife cannot do anything but look at the sky.


Its sort of foolishness to meddle with court staff. Things as usual are slow in any govt organization. Court is also a govt organisation. You are seeking vengeance not just with your husband, but also seeking revenge of court employees. What you can do is file a complaint with Lokayuktha if there is any in Chennai, stating so and so, and the concerned authorities in court will get job done faster. But there is a catch. Do like that, you will make more enemies than friends.  Looking at your case, you will keep roaming to court till your last breath.  So its better not to take on the court employees.  Do like that and you will face trouble in every way possible.  As far as the husband goes, if at all he is arrested once, he does time for 1 month in jail, the balance of alimony due is automatically cleared.  If there is one way to give trouble to husband, even husband has many ways to fool you by not paying alimony at all.  If that be the case, at the most what you can do is just go stand in front of judge in trial court, HC, and SC subsequently.  

It is lot more easier to adjust with spouse than to roam courts like beggars asking for money from spouse.  I also see a lot of ego in you, which is the sole reason for you being in this state.  anyway, good luck with pleading before court.  All the best.

Meera (individual)     30 October 2014

Many Thanks Mr. Prasad for your time that u spent on advising me and giving gyan on matrimonial responsibility, sanctity, dignity etc, etc., But I find your judgmental views about me and the situation I am in is very insulting, degrading and inhumane. I know my responsibility very well and I know how I take care of myself and kids, cases, etc., etc., etc for the past two years single handedly. You wouldn’t know on what circumstance I am seeking or the pain or suffering I went through all through my so called matrimonial life or why do I seek MC and waited for almost a year even after getting order from the court. I am seeking a constitutional right as a woman and as somebody who was on the receiving end all through my married life, the court got convinced that the other party was on the wrong side and empathized with my situation and gave order in my favour. Here you seem to question the wisdom of the judge also. You are a common man and you be so. I requested legal opinion from real professionals, not for any advice on ways to live life adjusting and suffering from some engineers. I would rather sit in Sri Ravishankars talks and get all those. I request you to atleast if not respecting or empathizing with my situation I am in, but refrain from making judgments about me in an open forum like this. I don’t want to be judgmental about your views or you as a person. I would totally ignore your views or you as a person. I respect Mr. Taj for his time and his positive approach in giving me encouraging suggestions and advices. My sincere thanks for the man who is showing some grit and appreciate his professionalism. I wish he helps many like me. All the best sir. Answering to helping hand, Sir, I still have faith in our legal system and if voicing against a wrong is considered being egoist , so be it, I wouldn’t mind being a fool and loosing or struggling being on the side that is right and correct rather than surrendering to situations and live like a worm adjusting and suffering. Many thanks for the remarks and valuable suggestions sir.

Adv k . mahesh (advocate)     30 October 2014

1. you or your lawyer can complain to the registrar by giving a letter and also as said above 

2. normally once court order for arrest then the court staff has to send without any wait to the police station and they should arrest him and produce in the court as per the order

3. every court will maintain daily dispatch register which can be viewed by your lawyer and check whethear the regdisterd post has sent and delivered 

4. next hearing also if the court staff has not taken any action your lawyer can complain directly regarding the same to the ld.judge directly 

5. here you have mentioned about old arrears and what about monthly payment after december 2013 thus he paying regularly 

Meera (individual)     30 October 2014

Many Thanks Mr. Prasad for your time that u spent on advising me and giving gyan on matrimonial responsibility, sanctity, dignity etc, etc., But I find your judgmental views about me and the situation I am in is very insulting, degrading and inhumane.  I know my responsibility very well and I know how I take care of myself and kids, cases, etc., etc.,  etc for the past two years single handedly. You wouldn’t know on what circumstance I am seeking or the pain or suffering I went through all through my so called matrimonial life or why do I seek MC  and waited  for almost a year even after getting order from the court.   I am seeking a constitutional right as a woman and as somebody who was on the receiving end all through my married life, the court got convinced that the other party was on the wrong side and empathized with my situation and gave order in my favour.   Here you seem to question the wisdom of the judge also.  You are a common man and you be so.


 I requested legal opinion from real professionals, not for any advice on ways to live life adjusting and suffering from some engineers. I would rather sit in Sri Ravishankars talks and get all those. I request you to atleast if not respecting or empathizing with my situation I am in, but refrain from making judgments about me in an open forum like this. I don’t want to be judgmental about your views or you as a person.  I would totally ignore your views or you as a person.


I respect Mr. Taj for his time and his positive approach in giving me encouraging suggestions and advices. My sincere thanks for the man who is showing some grit and appreciate his professionalism. I wish he helps many like me. All the best sir.


Answering to helping hand, Sir, I still have faith in our legal system  and if voicing against a wrong is considered being egoist , so be it, I wouldn’t mind being a fool and  loosing or struggling being on the side that is right and correct  rather than surrendering to situations and live  like a worm adjusting   and suffering.  Many thanks for the remarks and valuable suggestions sir.

Meera (individual)     30 October 2014

The respondent husband has not paid any amount. Neither the arrear from Jan 2013 to Dec 2013 nor the payment from Jan 2014 till date had been paid. I have only received Rs. 10000 once when the judge insisted in arresting if payment is made. I have not even initiated an action in asking for the second phase from Jan 2014 till now.

Adv. Chandrasekhar (Advocate)     30 October 2014

Meera Madam, Keep up the spirit.  You are asking the court just to implement its own order and get the payment made from the recalcitrant husband.  Nothing more nothing less.  Only compliance of the court order. But some judges have got their own way to get their orders complied by the recalcitrant judgment debtors - sometimes conventional and sometimes unconventional.  In one of the Courts, where I practice, the lady Magistrate asks the judgment debtor whether has he brought the maintenance amount.  Once he goes on saying his usual excuses, she simply asks him to stand in the corner of the court by raising his hands through out the court working  hours.  At 4.00 P.M. she asks him to bring the maintenance amount on the next date.  She would never send the accused to the jail.  But in her court, mainteance is alwasy recovered promptly without any hassle, because the recalcitrant judgment debtor is put to shame.  But to her credit I say, she forces only recalcitrant judgment debtors to such unconventional punishment and not the people who genuinely want to pay and cannot pay.  In the latter cases, she cajoles them, but get the maintenance amount.  But in your case, the menace is from the court staff, who takes bribes from the recalcitrant husband and try to change the court order or try to dilute the court order - especially arrest warrants.  Such staff are always there.  In day to day, we, even being advocates, face such problem.  What we do is to give written complaint to the judge and insist him to take departmental action against the erring staff.  If  he refuses to do so, we will send copy of the complaint to the District judge with endorsement to the Chief Justice of High Court.  In 99.99% cases,  strict action is taken against such black sheep.  Not only that once people come to know that we have got the guts to give complaint, the corrupt staff in other courts also do not play foolish games with us.  Before parting with this thread, I like to clarify one point.  If the judge orders that arrest warrant has to be issued but after filing process fee with R.P. Ack. Due (registered post with acknoweldgment due) or Speed Post or Dasti, you have to file process fee and also handover the court staff such Registered post with sufficient stamps affixed, because it is  the way the court orders, generally.  But, normally, this filing processfee and handing over R.P. etc. has to be done immediately or within the time the court orders (in some cases court order within 3 days) or normally within seven days from the date of order.  So, the court staff's refusal to take such envelope is nothing but illegal and illmotive.  Rest of the points are well clarified by Sh. Tajobs.  For me nothing to add.

Prasad (Systems Engineer)     30 October 2014

Hi Meera, 
I empathize with your situation as I myself in a legal battle for many months now.
If you get a chance to go through my earlier replies again, I have not questioned the wisdom of judge anywhere in my reply.
Nor I underestimated the pain that you are going through.
In fact, I quoted a news item where a honourable Judge advises women, not to use police against husbands.
Because this destroys all chances of a reconciliation even if the concerned folks get wisdom at a later stage in life for the sake of their children.
I wish you all the best in winning your legal battle as I can understand how much painful it is, as myself fighting one.
And, about being judgemental, everyone of us is judgemental on one issue or the other.
Mr.Taj was judgemental about all husbands when he wrote "I pitty such mindset of husbands".
You were judgemental about me when you made a baseless judgement about me that "Here you seem to question the wisdom of the judge also". But I never questioned the wisdom of judge. 
Finally, I have one suggestion based on my personal experience. 
Please do not meddle with court staff directly.
They can do more harm to your case more than your spouse can do.

AS   31 October 2014

You seems like a educated person and physically ok.

I guess you can work and earn money , why you are so eager in sending your husband to jail for not paying maintenance.

He will go to jail and come out, But what is surety that he will pay you.

Judge seems to be good :)

Prasad (Systems Engineer)     02 November 2014


This husband, a father of 2 sons, is such an inhumane being that he killed his 2 lovable sons and himself after his wife refused to come back and live with him.


HYDERABAD : Vittal, 9, and his younger brother Nanda, 5, went out with their father on Saturday. They did not return. The police suspect that their father A.R. Guruprasad, an assistant professor, killed the two young boys before committing suicide.

Guruprasad and the boys' mother Suhasini had divorced in 2013 and the father had weekly visiting rights. On Saturday morning, the 44-year-old picked up Vittal, a class four student and Nanda, who was in upper kindergarten, from their home.



When they did not return by evening, Suhasini called on Gurumurthy's cell phone to ask when he would bring the boys back home. The phone was answered by the police, who informed Suhasini that Gurumurthy had been run over by a train in James street. They said they suspected suicide.

But they had no news about the boys. The police said a suicide note they found later at Gurumurthy's home in Alwal too had no mention of the boys; the note said he was killing himself because of the divorce.

But on Gurumurthy's phone, the police said, they found an unsent SMS that said he had murdered the boys and buried them on a plot of land he owned in Medchal, in the neighbouring Ranga Reddy district.

The assistant professor was found dead on the rail tracks, his cellphone by his side. Hours before he died, the police said, he had visited Suhasini again, without the boys, and asked her to get back with him. She reportedly refused.

The police found the bodies of the two children on Monday afternoon, buried in Medchal. They suspect they were either poisoned or killed with a knife. The bodies have been sent for a post-mortem.

Suhasini, who works in an IT firm, says she put up with her husband and his violent ways for nine years before walking out.

Her children, she said, were thrilled after their father brought them a tablet computer, and were happy to go with him on Saturday.

Meera (individual)     04 November 2014

mr.prasad, I wished that you wouldn't reply at all, and i said i would ignore you views i meant it to its fullest. but i am forced to reply and with all hope that u wouldn't advice me again. i quote from your first post" But who can take action against you for your irresponsible behaviour to leave the life of your sons to your irresponsible husband?.. What is the difference between "a wife who uses law and police to grab money from her husband" and the bank robber who robs a bank at gun point? this proves how much you empathise with me. about you not questioning the wisdom of judge i again quote "And I have one last question. In fact, it is a puzzle for me. If you successfully execute arrest on your husband and put him in jail, how will he earn and pay to you? " wouldn't the judge thought about this, " In fact, I quoted a news item where a honourable Judge advises women, not to use police against husbands. do you say arrest warrant issued was wrong on part the judge who was presiding over my case. please mind your business and case. leave me alone.

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