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nanakji (manager)     16 September 2010

how plot size redeuced please help Sorry if title is incorct

hi all. I have a plot that i am going to sell soon the size of plot in papers is 100 sq yards. now when we measure it we found its size is 80  sq yards.the date when this plot will be sold to the seller is near and i am very tensed because the seller is saying he will pay for 80 sq yards. please guide me. how i can solve this problem.

Thank you


 4 Replies

ABHIJEET PARIKH (Bcom LLB MBA)     16 September 2010

u must check the dc plan whether the said plot size is reduce for public amenities if answer is yes then u will get additional fsi or if some one from adjacent plot have encroached it then u file the suit of wrongfully possessing the said property if the said possession is not more then 12 yrs old bcoz it amounts to adverse possession

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Bharatkumar (ADVOCATE )     17 September 2010

First u check a area of Plot as per government appove plan and if the actual area is 80 Sq.yard u refund a ruppes of 20 Sq.yard to seller.

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nanakji (manager)     19 September 2010

Thanks every one for your replies. i am sorry due to some personal problem i did not replied back to all of you.

i have checked that the adjacent plot have encroached it. my father bought this plot  near about 25 years ago.

The owner of the adjacent plot is same person to whom i am selling this plot. .please guide where i can fire a suit. and what action i should take against him.

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ABHIJEET PARIKH (Bcom LLB MBA)     22 September 2010

@ Nanakji b4 going to file suit of encroachment u can approach the govt surveyor and discuss the matter with show him ur document a property card or encumbrance certificate which depicts the area of the plot asked surveyor to send official notice to the owner of adjacent plot and CONDUCT A JOINT SURVEY of plot between the owner of adjacent plot and urself this survey should be conducted by the govt Surveyor so that there is no dispute arised with regard to area of the plot

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