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Prakash (Marketing Mgr)     28 May 2013

Gifting property

My father acquired a house from his father. Now he wants to gift this to my brother. I dont have any objection, but can my other brother and married sister raise objection? Please clarify.


 3 Replies

Ashwani (lawyer)     28 May 2013


all they can raise the objection

1 Like

kavksatyanarayana (subregistrar/supdt.(retired))     28 May 2013

all the legal heirs have joint right over an ancestral property.

prakharved (Medical officer)     27 June 2013



You need to mention what kind of a property this is. Is this an ancestral property or is it the acquired property of your father. If it is an acquired property, then your father can gift it to whom so ever he desired. It is only when the property is an ancestral property that an objection can be made.



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