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Sunny   10 November 2022

Getting wife address through sim card she is using but its in my name


My wife and i are separated since past 6 months and I do not know her current address as she has taken a rented accomodation along with her parents and not residing at her parents native city.

I want to send custody notice to her for my 5 year old daughter which she has not allowed to meet me ; She or me has not filed any cases and she is kind of avoiding discussion on divorce and making big demands ofcourse if I have to take her back

In order to send custody notice i need her address and I was thinking to get a duplicate sim card from phone company as her sim is registered in my name. From that i can login to any delivery app like amazon to find out her address( things she might have bought and delivered at her new address)

Please suggest if any risks in this approach and can she file any police case against me under IT act or any other act

Married in 2007  ; one kid and she is working also 



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