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Dr.Chandran Peechulli (Chief Consultants)     28 February 2012

Genuine comments solicited-fair and just.


Re-Govt.backs TNPSC on Judge's selection.                                                      17-02-2012.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Personally,  feel that TNPSC(Tamilnad Public Service Commission) is competent, being a specialised recruiting agency of the State.  Though, an incident of scandal took place owing to NO MONITORING. A watchdog is vital for any human operations/ activities, which is likely to be polluted /clouded if left to it, but for sharing and discussing with inter-actions with updates keeping abreast with the surge of developments taking place in all disciplines. Let the Judiciary do their job well instead of interfering in a specialised area. Anyone has to admit, Judiciary behaving as  ‘Jack of all trades ‘in our country, dictatorship by illogical means should not be encouraged, in a democratic country constituting learned people and with urge for continuing to learn, keeping abreast Indian Seafarers are playing a predominant role to keep the world trade active and alive. Had an opportunity to appear as an Expert (on Tech. & Mgt. area) in my profession, to argue with the Expert of the other party, in a maritime case at Singapore High- Court, backed by advocates of either side. Hence, every profession is respected well in their own position. Mutual respect amongst Professionals will go a long way, with a pursuit to excellence.

Considering, the eroding standards of judiciary in our country, lacking discipline and unbiased approach resulting in heartless, biased judgement owing to fear and favour by the mighty and the influenced. View Case Study: of O.S. 341/2004, wherein an ex-serviceman and senior-citizen aged 65 years, being  harassed and humiliated to the core, by land grabbing his house plot, pulling out the erected stone-pillars and connected barbed-wires of the fencing, on the boundary of his land, after 21 long years of purchase. Instead of criminals being punished, they are encouraged to grow, which is the poor and sorry state of the functioning of the courts i.e. in Senior Division, First Additional Civil Judge, Bangalore Rural, City Civil Courts, Bangalore City.  Subject, most humbly petitioned with HE Governor of Karnataka State and CJI Karnataka High Court and the CJI of the Apex SUPREME COURT of India and alas constrained to expose to the highest office in the country (Her Excellency, Smt. Prathibha Patil, President of India) and V.P’s office who has directed the Chief Secretary, Govt. of Karnataka to look into the same on two occasions, marking a copy to me, same ignored/neglected, taking in a lighter vein, being unmoved. After seven(7) long years, Case No. O.S.341/2004 ( A Partition-Suit making me only a party leaving aside the other purchasers of the 32 plot layout made and sold in 1983). Suppression of facts by not including one of the vendors of the three signatories to the then sale who acted as KARTHAS for the ancestoral property. Remaining two Karthas (signatories of the sale, stated as respondents No. 1 & 2 do not appear nor their versions taken, SELF, asNo.3 unfairly). Further, Evidence delayed by deliberate long liberal adjournments. For instance, Court- Hearing held on 04-01-2012 at City Civil Court, Bangalore, after series of excuses followed with liberal adjournment purposefully to make aggrieved litigant to give up. * All this, with the object of knocking-off my hard-earned property of 1983.   Courts are encouraging the land grabbing criminals so that the Police, L & O Adminstration. and the judiciary are benefited only through the accused criminals, who desire to cover-up their weaknesses. It is high time governance of the people, serves in the good interest of the common people. Court adjourned for 12th January 2012, acceding to opposite advocate’s desire, again saying to bring the senior advocate to cross-examine me, as a blame excuse.    On 12th January 2012, lady advocate after passing on started raising queries when her senior could not appear soon after gain requested the honourable Judge to again adjourn, acceded her request again adjourned to the 13th February 2012, though I protested, saying to please consider  the sentiments of the aggrieved, coming all the way from Chennai for the Court-Hearings.  Besides the scriptt by Judge’s Steno was in Kannada Language which I do not know to read and write but for manageable understanding of the Kannada Language though married to a lady of Bangalore and hardly stayed locally, being a Seafarer. I was constrained to sign the Judge’s Kannada Script, though could not understand, was asked to sign with no remarks. Again the opposite advocate asked for adjournment and the Judge of the honourable Court again adjourned for the 16th March 2012. SIGNING BLINDLY THE TEXT WHICH I COULD NOT READ OR WRITE, COULD I BE TRAPPED, GOD ONLY KNOWS. Please note, in the case of O.S.341/2004, several extensive and liberal adjournments were given to the lady-advocate in a biased manner, lacking fair and true justice. Same exposed in www.facebook and www. Lawyers  This is the poor state of the courts functioning in our country and now regret as to why I did not avail to migrate into the UK, while I had an opportunity to do so. If justice is not there to a widely travelled and learned person, one could well imagine, as to common people in the lower strata of the society be facing injustice, while voicing justice. Democracy is a way of life. It is not just about documents  or governments; it is about the things we practically see and do every day that contribute to society and make it a better place to live in.  By the People, need examine the day-to-day actions that create a democratic way of life, for a congenial living and working atmosphere.  Judiciary have better things to do to set right their own weaknesses. People are very much aware of the day to day happenings through the Media, (fourth pillar). Things can only improve only when all the Courts in India should be administered by the Apex Court(Supreme Court of India), delegating the High Courts of the State to have control over the courts in the state and be answerable to the apex court. Ombudsman, in the respective State to report its findings to the HC and the SC and the Union Parliament (Peoples hub-Centre), without fear or favour, in a FAIR AND JUST MANNER.  National Judicial Board, should constitute Member of the Law Commission of India, H.C. Judicial Member, Senior- Member of the Parliament, Chief of all the autonomous bodies in the country,  CBI , CAG,  UPSC , State Public Service Commission, besides State CB CID etc or else neglecting or ignoring a specialised recruiting prime agency like TNPSC, a competent recruiting agency, is unfair. Consider, the travails of a citizen’s real story of the working of courts. Please view the state of the judiciary where a senior citizen and ex-serviceman, whose hard-earned land-grabbed causing harm, mental agony, further when reported causing harassment and humiliation, by the land grabbing criminals, who are encouraged for such Land Grabbing act, to amass quick money and  flourish. It is Obvious, sharing the benefits, if not monetarily alone. The Need for CARE in the mind and the body, of the authorities in power to serve with preparedness to serve the people, No- one is thoughtless. Need to interact with unbiased thoughts wide open, in a fair and just manner, in an interrupted mind-set.  To  think positively, considering the pros and cons over the subject. We are what we eat, drink and what we think.

Dr. Chandran Peechulli, Ph.D ; D.Sc., F I E  (India), F.I.I.P.E., M.S.E.I., Pg.DIMS(UK), Pg.DTED, MSNAME(US), Fellow - Institution of  Engineers (India), Indian Institution of Plant Engineers & Ex. Vice Chairman TN Chapter,  Life Member &Ex.Executive Member-Indian Institute of Standards Engineer T N Chapter, Indian Institute of Occupational Health, Mg.Editor& Publisher - “Marine Waves” international maritime newsletter. Corporate-Member-Chennai Press Club.  Ex. Chief Engineer (Marine) & General Manager (Tech),Consultant- CeeCee Industrial & Marine Mgt. Consultants,,, ddress: M107-5, 29th Cross Street, Besant Nagar, Chennai-600090. 044+42018982.

 4 Replies

Raj Kumar Makkad (Adv P & H High Court Chandigarh)     28 February 2012

You should not feel ashamed to be a resident of India merely because some corrupt elements come in your way. The corrupt persons are few but honest persons are maximum. Though it takes some time to eradicate the wrongs but certainly there is a mechanism in India to cross-check the things.

Dr.Chandran Peechulli (Chief Consultants)     29 February 2012

Thank you, very much Sir, to passify me for the sustained injury and damages by the harassment and humiliation meted out by the Land grab of my hard-earned savings from the initial hard life at sea away from my close and near ones, from a life of risks and sacrifices, sweating it out and keeps the world-trade alive bringing foreign-exchange to the country of origin. In return the gratitude of my country who could not protect my hard-earned land purchased in 1983. Continueing to struggle for justice. Sir, high time the JUDICIARY in our nation comes under one umbrella for fair-play and justice in courts irrespective of whether in lower, higher or supreme courts.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     06 May 2012

You want genuine comments. I do not think that this is motor spare part shop.


You want fair and just comments.  I do not know what is fir and just.


For giving comments atleast one should understand the query.

Raj Kumar Makkad (Adv P & H High Court Chandigarh)     06 May 2012

Sudhir! What is wrong to understand the query?

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