1. We are registered in Haryana.
2. Why should we accept that we have been terminated. Has the President the authority to terminate all the trustees but himself and appoint his friends. His game plan ,being an advocate, is to let the case drag in the court and during that time to allot open spaces to tenants, or legalize subletting and earn Lakhs of Rupees till the case drags on
3. My request is to help in saving this puiblic Dharamshala. He has taken all the rent sfrom the tenants of the dharamshala by taking 30% less and giving receipts for the full amount. The money so earned, he will show that all that has been consumed on the lawyers who have taken their fees. It is open dacoity. So, first I wish to institute cases against tenants for not paying the rents. Second to lodge an FIR. Will permission be required to lodge FIR. Is there no way to get a stay order and stop him from collecting huge sums. Can we give away the Dharamshala property to the govt,. I mean can the Deputy Commissioner take it from us and then he might be able to stop the fraud.
4. Time is running out. He is getting into agrements with tenants and will misappropriate large money unless some action can be taken. Then I feel he has no right to sack us.
Kindly do help to save a public charitable trust.
Regards Raj kumar