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Seikh Mohammed Iqbal (Administrator)     22 August 2013

Fraud and unlegal

Dear Sir, one municipality elected ward comissionor making unleagal money with fraud, cheet, comision from ward job worker by forcefuly. Any munciplaity offer like for the poor family he is taking himself and don't care others as he knew that he is for 5 years and no more going to be elected in the next election. So, he don't care anything but we have lot of evidence as he is looting the money which is public money and government giving the money for our development but he is taking 90% and 10% expense for public facilities. However, we planed to complain but we are afrading if we complain to police or chairman may be this matter will not go up as he will give them money to close this issue and in future he will make problem for us. Thefore, kindly advise how to complain and where to complain this matter legally for taking action agist him to stop the fraud and coruption to the public money. This is hapening in west bengal, under Purulia district. Also that ward comissioner before elected as a CPIM candidate but later on he changed to Trinomool to make money and government support. your sugession and advice will more appreciate to stop the coruption. Thanks


 1 Replies

Suri.Sravan Kumar (senior)     22 August 2013

use RTI Act

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