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Joshua (Service)     10 March 2013

Online laws : for a game of chance = gamble ?


1) Need to get legal opinion on if a project would be subjected to Gambling laws/game of chance laws in India when the organizers do not collect any fees from the participants( the office is in Mumbai )

2) Who can issue the advice 

Basically something like an online raffle, however there is no charge or cost to the participants

From the participants one lucky winner is picked through  a transparent process and the prize is announced and given

The prize value can vary and not necessarily be limited to a reasonable value like normal raffles 

From what i gather there are mentions of such online gaming is illegal in Maharashtra, does an online game of chance without collection of money qualify as a game of gamble ?

Some references ( they take money and refund the money in points and not money back )


 1 Replies

Joshua (Service)     13 March 2013

does anyone have any suggestions ? referrences ?

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