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aditya unchal (Business)     09 July 2020

Drawal of hra during leave period exceeding 180 days

I am a postal assistant Woking in karnataka. My wife was on maternity leave for 6 months, ccl for 1 month, commuted leave on MC for 2 months, again ccl for one month.. Total 10 months continously on leave. Hra is not drawn after 6 months stating I am not eligible for hra beyond 180 days leave. I am not provided with govt quarters. Then why not hra not given? The accountant not giving any answer. Kindly let me know how can I get hra for the leave period. Is there any certificate to be given for this.

 5 Replies

G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     10 July 2020

Ask a friend or relative from outside your town to file RTI Application and seek such information from other public authority.

Information solicited:

1. Please provide me a copy of the order/circular/notification that states that HRD should not be paid if the leave is for more than 180 days.

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Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     10 July 2020

yOU CAN BROWSE  this link for all your information regarding H.R.A.

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G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     10 July 2020

The first circular in 2012 (attached in the above link) states that HRA must be paid.

P. Venu (Advocate)     10 July 2020

Payment of HRA in the context as posted,, is governed by para 6(a) of OM No. 2(37)-EB/64 dated 27/11/1965 of the Ministry of Finance. Accordingly, the Government servant need to submit the prescribed certificate to be eligible for grant of HRA. The certificate could be furnished on the following lines:

"I have continued for the period for which HRA is claimed to retain the house at the same station fromwhere I had proceeded on leave"

The above certificate is required to be furnished every month after the initial period of 180 days.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     17 July 2020

This certificate doe snot appear to be the hurdle.


given facts indicate that the concerned accountant has got his own interpretation of rules that HRA is not at all admissible.

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