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Nirmal Murugan   19 August 2021

Correction in sale deed.

Actually I owning the land with survey number 201/1B(14.5 ares) from 1993 but in sale deed it is mentioned as 201/1E(thittam acre 5-36). I came to this issue while try to so subdivision. This sale deed registered on 1993.

Apart from this number mistake remaining details correctly present in the document like boundary, name of the buyer and seller ...

and i have Patta with my name for survey number 201/1B.

can i correct this issue without the seller of land?

 10 Replies

Pradipta Nath (Advocate)     19 August 2021

It is preferable to correct the wrong once detected by filing an application before the Regiatrar.

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Nirmal Murugan   19 August 2021

Thanks Pradipta Nath sir, please can you explain this procedure briefly. 

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     19 August 2021

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G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     19 August 2021

You can make corrections if any by the Revenue authorities in records.  It appears from your case that you are in possession and enjoyment of the property with survey no.201/1B. So revenue records no correction.

According to my knowledge, you can sell the property with survey no.201/IB and mention that the survey numbers mentioned in sale deed dt.........1993 Survey No. no......was wrongly mentioned as 201/1E(thittam acre 5-36).  The mistake was noticed only recently and as such corrections can not be made in the sale deed of 19993, inspire of sincere efforts. The correct survey No.201/iB was correctly mentioned in revenue records confirming that land is in your possession and enjoyment for over 18 years.  That the seller takes full responsibility for any issues in future if any by purchasers due to the wrong mentioning of wrong survey number.


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Nirmal Murugan   19 August 2021

Thank you very much sir.

M V Gupta (Advocate)     19 August 2021

Well advised by Shri G L N prasad. The mistake in the registered sale deed cannot be corrected when the Vendor is not available. But as the revenue records contain the correct details of the survey number, area of land, etc you need not worry about the mistake. 

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P. Venu (Advocate)     19 August 2021

More than the correction what is required is the reconciliation of the entries in the revenue records by tracing out all the relevant mutations. 

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Pradipta Nath (Advocate)     19 August 2021

If it is possible to find out the seller, appear before the registrar and plead for allowing a rectification deed needs to be filed. Once it is allowed, get the rectification deed registered.

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Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     20 August 2021

I endorse and appreciation advise of expert Mr. Pradipta Nath, search vendor and get rectification deed registered, if you can.

Revenue authorities shall go as per records 

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Nirmal Murugan   20 August 2021

Thanks everyone and Mr. Pradipta Nath sir.
I have explained my problem below.

I know the seller and he is alive. Now if I approach him he will refuse because now the land value is very high.
if I file suite against him in court, Suppose if seller say in court like I will pay to buyer with interest, 
in this case there is any chance the result may favor to seller?(I mean there is any chance seller acquired land from me?).

 I have registered one more document from same seller on 1999 for survey number 192/1 it is by the side of survey number 201/1B.
 In this sale deed present the sentence, the buyer buying 5 cents from survey number 192/1 which is next to mentioned previous sale deed number(1993 sale deed). 
 i.e.  survey number 192/1 and 1993 sale deed land share the same border on a side
 and there is no connection between 192/1 and 201/1E.

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