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Rani Kumar (Home maker)     24 February 2020

Agriculture land sold at guidance value

I sold 10 acres of my agriculture land to my mother-in-law. The market price is 30 Lakhs but guidance value is only 10 Lakhs. So we made a sale deed for 10 Lakhs for which she gave me a cheque for 10 Lakhs. Now that registration is done when I demand the remaining 20 Lakhs she is no mood to give that. Since it is within relation we didn't made any agreement saying the deal is for 30 Lakhs. What is the winning probability should is sue her?


 3 Replies

Real Soul.... (LEGAL)     24 February 2020

You have alraedy received the sale  consederation amount,nothing balance..just don't waste time in litigation instead push her by other means if she has any moral she will pay or just forget...

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Real Soul.... (LEGAL)     24 February 2020

You have alraedy received the sale  consederation amount,nothing balance..just don't waste time in litigation instead push her by other means if she has any moral she will pay or just forget...

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SHIRISH PAWAR, 7738990900 (Advocate)     24 February 2020

Dear querist,

Contact advocate as early as possible and show the papers he may find some solution. You already registered the documents with 10 lakhs so chances are bleak.

It seems your mother in law has cheated you twice.

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