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Ashutosh Sharma   10 May 2018

how do i safe my second marriage

sir I have ex Parte divorce decree and after 90 days I married with my second wife but after sometime I got information that my ex wife filed a case for set a side my ex Parte divorce degree with an application of Section 5 she told to court in application that she has not any information about divorce notice and degree for this cause she requested to court to accept her application after 30 days she requested to court in application that she got information in section 125 case which was continued in his district family court and applied by her after information she applied for set aside ex Parte divorce degree and she write in application I do fraud with her due to concerned of postman so please help me what should we do for myself and save my second Marriage
is humble request 2u please kindly
plz give suggestions


 7 Replies

Ashutosh Sharma   10 May 2018

sir plz give your valuable advice for save my second marriage

Vijay Raj Mahajan (Advocate)     10 May 2018

Setting aside ex-parte decree of divorce has to be decided by the court first. Excuses given by the respondent about non-receipt of court summon and having no information about such divorce case filled in same court where already section 125 Cr. P. C maintenance case is pending all these look vague excuses of the respondent. It's well known fact that both parties in matrimonial dispute are in touch with relative's of both sides, and getting information about all happening on both sides. Wife making excuses now after 90 days of passing of decree of divorce by the court about no information about it and coming for setting the ex-parte order/decree only after the second marriage has taken place. Its absolutely valid second marriage and just because the first wife delayed for getting aside ex-parte divorce the second wife cannot be made to suffer.
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Ashutosh Sharma   10 May 2018

family court give ex party decree on dated 15-09-2017 and after divorce I have married on dated 20-03-2018 and in sec125 due to my written reply (that I have already divorced why we give 💰 because she is educated and live willinglly with her parents) on dated 23-11-2017 she requested to court that through my written replay in sec 125 on dated 23-11-2017 she have information of ex party divorce and after that she file application in family court on dated 30-11-2017 for accept her application sec 5 and set aside exparty divorce divorce but I have not any information of this because I have service in chattisgar and after some time through my friend told me that a advertisement on news paper says that your ex Fife file case in family court and if u will not attend the case the court give decision against u but which was 10-03-2018 and my friend give me information after my second Marriage and at 17_04_2018 I am attending court date and give replay that I am already married with some one. know what court will do with us should court give decision in my favour

Ashutosh Sharma   10 May 2018

plz give tour valuable suggestion what should we do for save my second marriage and govt job also
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Ashutosh Sharma   10 May 2018

sir is it possible court denied to except her application and give decision in my favour and after that which action she take against me

Ashutosh Sharma   10 May 2018

sir I submit few lines for your kind consideration please give me your advise what should we have to do for save my service and second marriage both

Ashutosh Sharma   11 May 2018

sir plz advice

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