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Shilpa (Software Engineer)     03 July 2012

Child adoption


Im 30 yrs old female, resident of Chennai, currently SEPARATED from husband since 2010. However I do not have any legal documents mentioning my SEPARATION

I would like to adopt a girl child in the next 6 months.

1. Would it be possible for me to adopt without my partner's signatures?

2. What kind of documents should I keep ready for Child Adoption in India?

Kindly enlighten me with the formal and legal procedures




 1 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     03 July 2012

@ Shilpa,

A single female or a married couple can adopt a child.


2. A single male is usually not eligible to be an adoptive parent. An exception to this rule is the noted dance instructor Sandip Soparrkar (2007) who has recently adopted a young boy. This is a special case rather than the norm. A single man desiring to adopt a child may be eligible if he applies through a registered agency. However, he will still only be able to adopt a male child.


3. The adoption is done under the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act of 1956. Under this act, a single parent or married couple are not permitted to adopt more than one child of the same s*x.


4. A wife in disputed marriage is not allowed to unilaterally adopt a child. For that Court Decree is needed.



You have no case so to speak till a legal separation deed is in hand.

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