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GOUTAM ROY (not applicable)     16 August 2012

Consumer protection or human rights




 9 Replies

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     16 August 2012

No. you can not on the same case.

1 Like

SACHIN AGARWAL (ADVOCATE)     16 August 2012

Both can be filed at the same time.

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GOUTAM ROY (not applicable)     16 August 2012

thanks to both of you. but i am confused.please discuss the matter in detail.

b man (Namaste)     17 August 2012


Dear Goutam,


Please share some more details about your case.


Personally I can’t understand how an issue which concerns HUMAN RIGHTS, also concern a CONSUMER COURT.


Do enlighten me in this regard.


Warm Regards

P.S: I’m not a lawyer.

GOUTAM ROY (not applicable)     17 August 2012

dear b man,

this is due to violation of rti 2005 act, which causes for attract ,by HR AND CONSUMER LAW .

thanks for showing interest.

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     17 August 2012

In case of violation of RTI Act, can approach appeal to the higher authoriies but not to the courts.

b man (Namaste)     18 August 2012


Dear Goutam,


If you have not received the information that you have sought through RTI Act, you can appeal to the FIRST APPELLATE AUTHORITY within 30 days.

You cannot approach HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISION or CONSUMER COURT with regards to RTI.

Warm Regards

P.S: I'm not a lawyer

GOUTAM ROY (not applicable)     18 August 2012

the applicant is a consumer u/s 2(i) (o) of the c. act national consumer dispute redressal in revision petition no1975( in appeal no 244/04) has ordered it. similarly nhrc has also ordered, these are all latest please check.

and convey . thanks

G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     05 September 2012

Since 1-4-11  ( may be some months later) Consumer Forums are not admitting complaints for not furnishing of information filed by RTI applicants.  Not even one appeal before SC nor revision petitions before NC were admitted.  The extract given by Hon. Judges is uniform in all Forums and the following is the extract given in most of the cases. (dismissal before admission of complaint)

"We may state the information sought for under RTI Act can not be termed as "Service' nor the complainant a 'Consumer' vis-a-vis opposite party in order to attract the provisions of consumer protection act to ventilate grievance.  As far as non-furnishing of information, under RTI Act is concerned the

National COmmission in T Pundalika Vs. Revenue department (service division) Govt., of Karnataka in RP No.4061/2010 decided on 31-3-11 observed

Petitioner cannot be claimed to be a consumer under the Consumer Protection Act.,   There is a remedy available for him to approach the appellant authority under Sec. 19 of RTI Act.

This  decision is not available in Nationa Commission website as revision petition was dismissed in admission stage.   I do not know when, where and who stated that furnishing of information is not a service and complainant not a consumer to attract provisions of RTI Act.

Still members are under the impression that RTI applicants are consumers but after T. Pundalika judgment National Commission reversed the stand.

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