Thanx to all of you for reply and kind advice to me . first of all i would like to tell all of you that why such as thought came in my mind and i want to make my will so my wife could not challange my will and i i want to register my will so it could not be challange by any one .
Actually sir i am self made person and was belong to a poor family after my hard work i got a position in society now i am doing my own small business . i lost my childhood to get such as position and bear too much sacrifices in my life. I got marry with wife to think that she belong to a poor family and she will respect to the my feelings and will respect to my nearest and dearest but she nevr tryed to understand my feelings and emotions during our 18 years marriage life me and my relatives so many timr tried to convince her but all became failed . since a 2 years before she filled a case on me for 125 RPC for mentenance and spoiled my all image in society and between relatives . one of judge ordered without any evidance and argument Rs.15000.00 PM as a mentenance to her while my total income is Rs.24000.00 pm out of which i have i have to pay Rs.10000.00 libilities like LIC, Mediclaim, SIP and Loan emi of Bank etc . Every where i had nominated her name . I built a home which is on my name and in running business i am as a partner .
Now quation is this all of i got after my hard work and for this i lost my childhood, my desired but what i got now ? A spoiled image ....After mentenance ordered i am unable to pay PM such as amount from date of her application so as a punishment to her i want to make my will in the name of any of my relatives or any NGO after my death because i am totally depressed now . So please all of you are requested kindly give me a since advice in simple words what should i do so she could not get any one thing after my death i want to see her on road after my death . I am not found of money or property but i just want to punished her and for this i can do anything ....................... to see her on road