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Best way to fight against false domestic violence

Page no : 7

alonestillfighting   29 March 2016

An achievement for people lacking knowledge indundated with suffereings and cruelity from wife and her relatives , lawyers.  This will help innocent husbands to stand clear of possible impossible situations created by the existing laws prioritizing and supporting crazy , cruel , torturing wife battallions. Request all to support and provide relief by giving positive help in information , procedures & mitigations rather inducing confusion and end up in tragedy. This will provide best cause of victimized husbands.


Dear All including @alonestillfighting,


One must not lose hope as there is certainly a path in even these possible impossible situations.

Just now a men mailed me & asked me that his right to cross examine her forfeited because he is ready to pay 3k but mm ordered 7k.


I suggested to this boy victim two methods viz.,


(a) Invoking of In-House Mechanism, and

(b) Invoking of Human Rights


Just see here that-


Human Rights are being violated in the simple sense that an amount has been fixed arbitrarily & a gender (man) is ordered to pay & if he wants to challnge then he needs to submit half even for appeal in HC, Secondly, his rights to cross examine his wife are closed. This is another human rights violation.

Thirdly, a man often files many preliminary objections & if a MM surpasses all those & orders a gender (man) to pay despite the another gender (woman) being wrong as per documented proofs submitted by the husband hence, putting the matter to trial in itself a violation of human rights when as per the applications & preliminary objections of the husband the matter is not even triable. This squarely falls within the lines of human rights violation.


Now, coming to the another issue of invoing of inhouse mechanism which might sound simple but one needs to write a simple one page write up in such a manner that it doesnt backfire on one hand, and on the another hand it yields results vis-a-vis inhouse mechanism is invoked. Whnever a Judge or MM is biased or seems to have closed his eyes to the pains & sufferings of the victims (men) of legal terrorism then inhouse mechanism needs to be invoked by way of representations which shall be within 2-3 days itself followed up with RTIs so that implementation & efficacy of your representations are ensured.


See you soon with SOL, DU related RTIs a discussed above.




To                                                                   Dated:- 24/06/2016

Public Information Officer,

North Campus, School of Open Learning,

(Campus of Open Learning)

5 Cavalry Lines, University of Delhi, Delhi-7



Sub:-  Request for information u/s 6 & 7 of  RTI Act 2005


Respected Sir/ Madam,

  It is requested that following information may kindly be supplied under RTI Act 2005:-

  1. Kindly supply me the extract/copy of all those document/ Ordinance/ Regulation/ rules/ policy/ code/ circular/ norms/ directives/ notifications/ guidelines/ standing instructions/ other related documents which legalizes any admission within your public authority in a totally different name to a person whose BIOMETIRC RECORDS in the Indian Government registry contain a totally different name on the date of making such statement or declaration in some other name before your esteemed authority.


Dear Friends & fello victims of false 498a/DV/125 etc,


Since, I am ex-lecturer in University of Delhi hence I have special interest in Concealment/ Identity Fraud in Universities especially Distance Education Universities.


School of Open Learning (SOL) comes under University of Delhi and if any spouse changes his/ her name after marriage & gets documents prepared in that name like aadhaar card etc then after living separately if without changing her name back legally takes admission in SOL, Delhi University then that is a crime under various sections & I have all the rules/ references ready in my hand,


I have presented one of the RTI's which you guys can post to SOL, DU.

I will give 10-15 more RTI's which you guys can post to SOL, DU and also to other universities in India. You guys can discuss the RTI responses with me & I am willing to help anyone in their fight for Identity Theft/ Identity Fraud/ Concealment of True Legal Identity or misrepresentation of true legal identity to the Universities. I will post asap remaining provisions/ ordinances etc in the form of RTI queries. See you asap.


Best Wishes & Happy Fighting false cases & SOCIAL STIGMA on u & family!!!

lucky12321 (Job)     22 April 2016

Hi All,

Need some information on basic question.

I am having mobile recordings of my wife in which she is threating me for suicide, abuse me and my family etc.but due to her suspicious nature she checked my mobile ph on daily basis so saftey purpose i have cut the call recording folder from mobile phone and paste the same in pen drive just want to know does this recordings are useless now?

while doing googling i am not getting exact answer as some said it's useless recording and court will not addmissible the same but same said yes court will accept the same.

Please suggest me fighters who use this type of recordings in court....

Getting confused



BHRIGU DATTA 9475352677 (PRIVATE PRACTICE)     23 April 2016

Thank you all my friend for their view.


BHRIGU DATTA 9475352677 (PRIVATE PRACTICE)     23 April 2016

Thank you all my friend for their view.



@lucky, you can use these proofs either through direct presentation & then the other party has to either admit or deny. if she admits then well & good. if she denies then there is possibility of forensics but for that original source will be asked.


another method is to fix her in the cross. for instance, present it as a surprise in the cross. that time her lawyer won't be able to guide her instantaneously & she won't be having any idea about saying yes or no.


so its upto u as to how you would like to pursue it & at what point of time, best wishes




To                                                                   Dated:- 07/07/2016

Public Information Officer,

North Campus, School of Open Learning,

(Campus of Open Learning)

5 Cavalry Lines, University of Delhi, Delhi-7



Sub:-  Request for information u/s 6 & 7 of  RTI Act 2005


Respected Sir/ Madam,

  It is requested that following information may kindly be supplied under RTI Act 2005:-

  1. Kindly supply me the extract/copy of all those document/ Ordinance/ Regulation/ rules/ policy/ code/ circular/ norms/ directives/ notifications/ guidelines/ standing instructions/ other related documents which legalizes any admission within your public authority in a totally different name to a person whose BIOMETIRC RECORDS in the Indian Government registry contain a totally different name on the date of making such statement or declaration in some other name before your esteemed authority.
  2. Kindly supply the certified copy of the declaration which a student signs while getting admission in SOL.
  3. Kindly supply me the extract/copy of all those document/ Ordinance/ Regulation/ rules/ policy/ code/ circular/ norms/ directives/ notifications/ guidelines/ standing instructions/ prospectus/ other related documents which talks about admission obtained by suppression of any material facts within your public authority.
  4. Kindly supply me the extract/copy of all those document/ Ordinance/ Regulation/ rules/ policy/ code/ circular/ norms/ directives/ notifications/ guidelines/ standing instructions/ prospectus/ other related documents which talks about admission obtained on the basis of false identity within your public authority.
  5. Kindly supply me the extract/copy of all those document/ Ordinance/ Regulation/ rules/ policy/ code/ circular/ norms/ directives/ notifications/ guidelines/ standing instructions/ prospectus/ other related documents which talks about admission obtained on the basis of misrepresentation within your public authority.
  6. Kindly supply me the extract/copy of all those document/ Ordinance/ Regulation/ rules/ policy/ code/ circular/ norms/ directives/ notifications/ guidelines/ standing instructions/ prospectus/ other related documents which talks about circumstances under which admission can be cancelled within your public authority.
  7. Kindly supply me the extract/copy of all those document/ Ordinance/ Regulation/ rules/ policy/ code/ circular/ norms/ directives/ notifications/ guidelines/ standing instructions/ prospectus/ other related documents which talks about circumstances under which any admissions can be reported to police within your public authority.
  8. Kindly supply me the extract/copy of all those document/ Ordinance/ Regulation/ rules/ policy/ code/ circular/ norms/ directives/ notifications/ guidelines/ standing instructions/ prospectus/ other related documents which talks about circumstances under which a student can be debarred within your public authority.
  9. Kindly supply me the extract/copy of all those document/ Ordinance/ Regulation/ rules/ policy/ code/ circular/ norms/ directives/ notifications/ guidelines/ standing instructions/ prospectus/ other related documents which talks about circumstances under which a criminal case can be instituted u/s 470, 471, 474 of IPC against a student for false attestation within your public authority.
  10. Kindly supply me the extract/copy of all those document/ Ordinance/ Regulation/ rules/ policy/ code/ circular/ norms/ directives/ notifications/ guidelines/ standing instructions/ prospectus/ other related documents which talks about circumstances under which criminal proceedings can be instituted against a student within your public authority.

I am sending a Blank Postal Order no. 16F 092381 of Rs. 10 dated 07/07/2016 is attached herewith. Kindly fill the PIO details as it is the duty of PIO to provide reasonable assistance u/s 5 (3) of the RTI act to applicant. The requested information shall be supplied free of charge in case the same could not be supplied within 30 days u/s 7(6) of RTI Act 2005. Kindly provide the information to each point separately. Please do not club the information to the points even if the information is repeated.




C/o E-99/333, Sector-3, Rohini, Delhi-110085

lucky12321 (Job)     27 April 2016

@Atur Chatur bro Thanks you very much...





atur chatur efect


as I have filed complaint againstseveral judges & mms of delhi district courts for different doumented supported reasons such as-

perjury on perjury

court record tampering

proxy counsel fraud

unethical practices

human rights violation

deliberately giving sunday dates of hearing

non-transparency in court proceedings

mental torture

manipulation of even written submissions

court record tampering on court record tampering


out of these judges & mm's one even became dj of karkardooma court


due to the above reasons they are trying every best to implicate me as follows-


they did many unethical practices around two months back & when I filed my complaint reserving my rights to expose their lies then they became non-transparent in contravention of delhi high cour t & other relevant authoritys last years order which directs them to post the orders on website within 48 hours.


atur chatur effect


for past two months approx the rohini district courts & karkardooma district courts have become non-transparent i.e., they are not following even Delhi HC & Other relevant circulars.

this is due to the above reason

this seems to be the atur chatur effect


what i am doing now?

i am complaining against this non-transparency by rohini district courts & relevant sub-courts concerned.

their lies have been exposed. hope i meet some fair & unbiased & transparent authority.

thanks for blessings



NOTE:- today is 12/06/2016 & from past around two months rohini district courts has not posted/ updated its orders which is against the circulars which DJ(North) & DJ(North-West) are bound to follow. i have moved a complaint against them with supported documents/ reasons

AMAN KONARK MODI   17 June 2016

DR BR AMBEDKAR SAID IN THE LAST SPEECH OF CONSTITUION FRAMING CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY OF INDIA ON 25.11.1949 "I shall not therefore enter into the merits of the Constitution. Because I feel, however good a Constitution may be, it is sure to turn out bad because those who are called to work it, happen to be a bad lot. However had a Constitution may be, it may turn out to be good if those who are called to work it, happen to be a good lot. The working of a Constitution does not depend wholly upon the nature of the Constitution. The Constitution can provide only the organs of State such as the Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary. The factors on which the working of those organs of the State depend are the people and the political parties they will set up as their instruments to carry out their wishes and their politics. Who can say how the people of India and their purposes or will they prefer revolutionary methods of achieving them? If they adopt the revolutionary methods, however good the Constitution may be, it requires no prophet to say that it will fail. It is, therefore, futile to pass any judgement upon the Constitution without reference to the part which the people and their parties are likely to play."

Righteousness Where there is righteousness in the heart There is beauty in the character. When there is beauty in the character, there is harmony in the home. When there is harmony in the home. There is an order in the nation. When there is order in the nation, There is peace in the world.

Khush   21 June 2016

Chatur sir What should we write in LETTER REQUESTING ACTION


Originally posted by : Khush
Chatur sir
What should we write in LETTER REQUESTING ACTION

Dear Khush, LETTER REQUESTING ACTION [LRA] will depend upon the nature of the complaint.

However, LRA can be done through a simple representation or through RTI or asking ATR through RTI or asking opinion or reasons from the court under the RTI Act 2005 which are drawn in papers such as u/s 173, 211, 212, 213, 239 & 240

Kindly note that, one needs to understand one thing that a government officer BE IT A JUDGE can not do wrong to you. He can not act contrary to constitution or in violation of human rights and if you are very very well aware about your rights and aso about the accountability, responsibility of judges and also you are aware about the transparency within courts as per law or as per standing instructions of upper courts then IN THAT CASE you can achieve your target of LETTER REQUESTING ACTION.


This LRA should be done vehemently so that they are duty bound to perform their duties LIKE i say/ write in my representations because instead of asking something for myself I try to write it in a manner as if it is important for the nation or public interest. THEN THEY ARE BOUND TO TAKE ACTION.


I have also written somewhere on the internet about PRESSING OF APPLICATIONS and you can check that also.


Best Wishes & Happy Fighting False cases & Social Stigma on you & family !!!




Khush   23 June 2016

atur sir i need ur advice urgently


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