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achyuth (engineer)     12 August 2013

Are original certificates to be submitted for teacher post

Hi All,


one of my friends got an offer as teacher in a private school , but they are asking to submit the ORIGINAL certifactes right from 10 th to the last qualification while joining , and they say its a mandatory procedure ...

my queries :

1. is it mandatory that we need to submit the orignal certificates at  private school, and is it mentioned in any of our laws

2. can the school misuse the "hold" of these certificates  while releving from job or for any other reason

3. if the school denies or delays the returing of the certificates ..what is the appropriate step to get it back and  is it possible to file any case against them 

appreciate  your responses on this 

I am not sure if i did post the question to the appropriate category , would appreciate if you could point to the right one 




 2 Replies

Kumar Doab (FIN)     12 August 2013

1. NO

2. Yes

3. Yes. But who shall bear the burden of litigation. Obviously the employee.

The candidate may agree to show the original certificates for verification and marking OSV, and to provide photocopies/attested copies.

If the school has a mandatory procedure let the school state so in writing.

If the school wants to retain for limited period say …….2days, for verification, let the school state so in writing and agree to issue acknowledgment under proper seal and signature by hand.


However the verification can be conducted thru attested and OSV copies also.

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Adv k . mahesh (advocate)     12 August 2013

this is present trend that the authorities will take certitifcate for verification and will keep the certificates with them and without any acknoqlegement they will keep them in there custody as mere security if you leave the job in mid way 

there is no law or any procedure stiupulated in the legal system to keep certificates as security 

try to convince them that the certificates are lost or say some thing which they agree to avoid any future complication 

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