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arunprasad (Engineer)     30 April 2012

Anticipatory bail


I am posting here again, if somebody can recommend a good lawyer for Gwalior High court. My in-laws have filed the FIR yesterday under Section 498A and now police is after us.

We live far away from Gwalior so do not know anybody. I want to apply for AB asap.




 7 Replies

DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (POWER OF DEFENSE IS IMMENSE )     30 April 2012

You have to apply for AB at sessions court and there is not HC at gwalior.

arunprasad (Engineer)     30 April 2012

But there is a bench of High Court at gwalior, do you mean I cannot file AB at bench of HIgh Court.


DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (POWER OF DEFENSE IS IMMENSE )     30 April 2012

Really MP is a gread state that no HC BENCH AT capital Bhopal but at other places.

Well apply for AB at sessions court and you will have added advantage that HC bench is located in same town.

Deepak Nair (lawyer)     30 April 2012

Truly advised. Anticipatory Bail shall be applied for in the Sessions Court and not in the High Court.

Anis (Asst. Manager - Sales)     30 April 2012

Apply for AB as soon as possible. Don't delay it.

surjit singh (Assistant)     02 May 2012

I think AB will have to be filed first with the District Juddge concerned where the FIR has been filed. subsequently AB before the High Court can be filed only at Gwalior bench, because since there is bench at Gwalior. approaching the princpal seat of MP is not advisable. In case you want to approach the Principal seat of Madhya Pradesh (MP) you have to get a permission from the registry of the princpal seat by filing an small application before the Registrar stating the ground for filing the AB before the Principal seat.

It is better to approach the District Judge Court first and then to the High Court Bench under who jurisdiction it falls, wirh a prayer for interim bail also.

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