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Pradeep Kumar (Support Manager)     26 September 2015

Query on personal loan deferred payment


I am a customer of HDFC Bank from the last 17 years. I have been using Bank's Credit Card, and several times I had taken personal loan from the Bank and promptly paying the Card Payment and the Personal loan EMIs without any delay and default all these years / occassions . Currently I have taken a personal loan and have been paying the EMI promptly from the last 5 months. I am going to have some financial crunch in the coming 3 months (October to December) and I cant pay the EMIs during these 3 months only and starting January , I can again promptly pay the EMI without any iisue.

I would like to know, is there any provision to request the Bank to give a  3 months time (kind of deferred payment period) , as I dont have any additional income to pay this EMI , with what ever fixed income, I am getting some unexpected urgent expenditure is coming due to whcih I can not pay this EMI. Kindly advise me the way forward and also let me know if this is going to be an issue. How can I handle this situation.


Many thanks for your advises.





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