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CoolingWood (engineer)     07 September 2016

Witness lied can i file perjury

Hello All,


During divorce case, PW.2 satted during cross-examination that, As the incidents happened in this case are happened 9 years back hence PW.2 do not remenber and PW.2 never eye-witnessed any disputes between the wife and husband who are seeking divorce.


Above all statements are part of the cross-examination of PW.2. Does this is enough to say that  PW.2 do not remember disputes between wife and huabnd hence PW.2 filing evidence affidavit in court in support of divorce petitioner is not possible and is nothing but filing false affidavit ... 


Can I file Perjury on PW.2 ...


 16 Replies

stanley (Freedom)     07 September 2016

Why do you want to get entanged in more court cases and how many such cases have you seen pre- jury working out in india .Get free of all your cases and enjoy life .

Sachin (N.A)     07 September 2016

I have read your previous question also but i found nothing on the basis you can file for purjury moreover the statements of PW2 is in your favour when he/she says not remember, i was not there etc.

CoolingWood (engineer)     07 September 2016

If witness not remember anything then how it is possible to file evidence affidavit ?

stanley (Freedom)     07 September 2016

you can file what ever you want .But whats the use you will only be wasting your time and money . Can you show me any judge ments of pre - jury in such case .

CoolingWood (engineer)     07 September 2016

Its duty to make efforts to file  perjury ... why money is lost just to file Perjury... already money and time is lost ... after filing perjury the court will register case not the person reporting the Perjury... later on Court will take care of the case and the person who raise the perjury can be one witness to the Perjury case.  

stanley (Freedom)     07 September 2016

@ cooling .

Initially when a case is filed there is a lot of anexity and Josh . As the case proceeds all the anxeity and josh dies down . Seconldy no body has stopped you from filing for it but you have not answered my last question . Have you seen any judgements of pre- jury in such cases. 


And as the saying goes " You can take a horse to the water but you cant make it drink " 

CoolingWood (engineer)     07 September 2016

@ Stanly : You are right Sir, just I am taking the horse/lies to water/justice ... wether justice is done to me or not is not inmy control....


We can stop writing exam because of fear of fail... just fight the case all possible ways because fight is on.

CoolingWood (engineer)     07 September 2016

@ Stanly : You are right Sir, just I am taking the horse/lies to water/justice ... wether justice is done to me or not is not inmy control....


We can stop writing exam because of fear of fail... just fight the case all possible ways because fight is on.

Sachin (N.A)     07 September 2016

I don't thinks this comes under perjury, when a witness said on some questions that he doesn't remember then you can question the relibility of the witness. Perjury is when someone is lying in his affidavit. In your case pw will say he has told the court whatever he assumed what is true and not willfully lied .

CoolingWood (engineer)     07 September 2016

Sachin: Witness said that "As the incidents happened in this case are happened 9 years back hence PW.2 do not remenber" ... means witness saying about the allegations present in the case .... not any particular allegation ....


If not remembered the incidents those allegedly happened 9 years back then how witness prepared the Evidence Affidavit ??? Does this possible without falsely fabricating ???

Sachin (N.A)     07 September 2016

As you say "  PW.2 never eye-witnessed any disputes between the wife and husband who are seeking divorce."

This is called double ear say and not perjury.

Sachin (N.A)     07 September 2016

Can you upload affidavit and statements during cross-examination here.?

Sachin (N.A)     07 September 2016



Originally posted by : CoolingWood
Sachin: ... means witness saying about the allegations present in the case .... not any particular allegation ....


 Legally this is called vague allegations not false allegations.

stanley (Freedom)     07 September 2016

looks like the author of this post is very adamant in his stand  devil.any way its not our case its better he consults his lawyer 

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