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ravindra modem   13 June 2022

Wife planning to file harassment and compensation case

Hi Sir, After marriage my health got affected and with mental torture I am about to resign job. Also I am in financial crisis. With all of these my wife and with the help of their sisters they are planning to break family relationship . Also planning to grab money. Is there anyway I can be proactive or saferside of false allegations.


 1 Replies

Sravika Reddy Kohir   13 June 2022

Hello Ravindra Modem, I acknowledge your question. Though there aren’t any particular provisions for the same, you can file a complaint against your wife for harassment and criminal intimidation under section 506 of IPC if you can prove that there is mensrea as it is held in the facts above. For in if your wife files a false complaint against you, you can file a complaint under section 227 of CrPC claiming the former complaint is bogus.

The other remedy is that of a ground for divorce under section 13 of Hindu Marriage Act i.e., cruelty.

I hope I have answered your question, if you have any further query do drop here.

Have a good day.

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