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Subhomoy Das (Retail Manager)     10 July 2011


My wife is staying at her parents house. 3 months back she delivered a baby boy. Now she joined service in a semi-govt school as a teacher and its a residential school. so she is staying in the School Hostel with the 3 months old baby. I have pleaded her many many times to come back to me as its my moral duty to take care of my wife and baby. But she is more interested in doing her job near her parents house rather than coming to her matrimonial house. She is giving me one absurd option that is she will come back if i desert my 72 yrs old , sick widow mother (her inlaws). How will it be possible that i`l leave my mother who did extreeeme sacrifices in bringing me up. today whatever i`m in my life is due to my mother. But i dont want to loose my mother nor my wife and baby. My wife knows very well that i`l not leave my mother. Thats why she is giving me such an absurd option. Basically this is an excuse of not returning to her matrimonial house. she is interested in her service. I have stopped givivng her maintenance because so long i was giving. Now when i `m not getting my wife to me nor i`m enjoying my fatherhood why should i give money to her. Its she who have taken the decision of working near her parents house. i have not told her to do. I`m denied of my conjugal rights too. She and her parents basically wants that she will stay in the school hostel with her baby. I`l stay at my own house. And i `l keep sending a good amt of money to her for her and baby maintenance. But she will not come back to her matrimonial house. Is this is a married Life.

Apart from filing RCR what other steps can i take. Please advice. She will not give me divorce. Because she planned that when my mother will expire i`l inherit her property bas a son and automatically as my wife she will inherit that property. But she dont have to take care of her mother-in-law when she was alive .

Plase help.


 3 Replies

rajkumar (student)     12 July 2011

Really a very pity condition .This is the real condition of the men in India ,All the laws are in the favour of womenin india. First apply for RCR(Restitution of congiual rights ) and u have mentioned that u have already send maintenance ,so don't stop it,continue providing ur maintenace amount with clear proofs ,don't give in . cash ,credit it through cheque or Moneyorder .It cleary shows that u never neglected ur wife and children and it wil be ur favour  .Every month send a Registered post to ur wife calling her to her matrimonial house .

Only if u file file RCR ,the real wants of ur wife will be known . Even if u wins RCR court cannot force ur wife for restitution, If ur wife refuses to rejoin u after one year, only it will be a ground for ur divorce .Till then u have to wait

Sameer12345 (SSE)     12 July 2011

is she ready to give you divorce in out of court settlement by mutual contest?

Saurabh..V (Law Consultant)     12 July 2011

The real issue is that the daughter-in-law is not interested to serve her age-old mother-in-law. The poor old lady requries utmost care and attention for her day-today chores but the wife wishes to stay away from all this it seems.


I don't know how would shee feel if her sister-in-law (bhabhi) would also drag her brother away from her parents and her own parents would be left to the mercy of god.




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