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nawaz ansari   23 October 2021


property is on firm name and business is close before 30 years ago and I'm using that block in resident use. There are five partner in firm one of my grand father. when firm dissolve all partner orally divide there shares and my share is that block. now landlord told me that I'm leaving illegally in that premises and rent is also pending since 30 years now I want to settle that matter so how I can take court help to transfer my firm and settle all rent matter

 2 Replies

Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     23 October 2021

as per your querry, the property is on your dissolved firm name, how come land land comes to you. It means firm is on rented property. So the firm partners are all responsible to pay liabilities of the firm. The rent with arrears are liability to all partners and pay to the landlord of the firm.

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nawaz ansari   23 October 2021

we are ready to pay it's all rent(maintenance taxes and all liabilities with interest) but he told me that I'm leaving here illegally. and he is not transferring tenancy on my name

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