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Bina (none)     20 October 2008

Senior Citizen

Does anyone know where to apply and documents required for SENIOR CITIZEN certificate/card issuance?

 15 Replies

Sankaranarayanan (Advocate)     20 October 2008

wat u need exactly .u tell the clear things then , can answer it


Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     21 October 2008

Age proof is enough for senior citizen. No special certificate is required for senior citizens.

SHEKHAR MISHRA (public servant)     21 October 2008

a    senior   citizen   is     known    by    his     age.That    is    his     certificate.

Bina (none)     21 October 2008

Dear Ramachary and Kumar Ji,

 Thanks for your reply. I have age in ration card and in voter list. Is that sufficient proof or should I search it in civil hospital records?


I have lost my school certificates decades back.

prof s c pratihar (medical practitioner &legal studies)     21 October 2008

for age proof following1---- are authentic document ---school leaving certificate by board, yr voter identity card., ration card age ---some times affidavit is needed before magistrate not notary public(b s n l ), pan card, passport ,etc

K.C.Suresh (Advocate)     21 October 2008

Answered in detail

Sankaranarayanan (Advocate)     21 October 2008

is enough for proof

but some time the ration card may too wrong, thats what i asked some details abt ur prop

Bina (none)     21 October 2008

Dear Sankar, FYI I need senior citizen proof just for speedy disposal of court cases. Not for airfair discount or tax rebate etc.  

Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108)     22 October 2008

"Bina" :

The following may sound strange, BUT it provides "infallible conclusion documentary evidence" of Age of Senior Citizen Certificate.

a) Go the Local Police station and ask them a  "Good Character Certificate".  After appropriate vertification, the Police will normally issue the certificate on your application which is to be supported by Ration Card or other proof of address.

This character certificate will also contain the Age of the person, which is conclusive proof of age for your specific purposes.

b) The local Sarpanch or the Politician's office (MLA, Minister) also issues such certificates but they really do not mean "Good Character Certificate". It is only a "known person certificate" of sorts. BUT this certificate will also contain the Age of the person, which is proof of age for your specific purposes.


Go to a Govt. Run Mental Hospital for a check-up.  (Say check up for "Alzheimer's disease").  It should be a Govt. run Mental Hospital.  They will issue a certificate that you in perfect mental health. NOTE that this certificate will also contain the Age of the person, which is conclusive proof of age for your specific purposes. ALSO NOTE that the signing authority (doctor), is vested with quasi-judicial powers and his word is final in the Court of Law.

KINDLY note that following documents do not qualify as "Conclusive Evidence" in the Court of Law.

i) school leaving certificate,

ii) voter identity card

iii) ration card age

iv) PAN card.

v) Notarised affidavit

The above at the most can be treated as "so & so" circumstantial evidence.

HOWEVER, the civic Hospital's Birth certificate and the Passport is treated as Conclusive Evidence.

Keep Smiling ...HemantAgarwal


nilotpal mukherjee (tax consultant)     22 October 2008

dear is better if you have pan card...which is essential for just apply for it by fill up the form 27A...and the documents requiered is...1 identity proof and one residential proof,if your residential adress is given in your bank pass book,you just attach your photo in that pass book( which must be signed and stamped by the bank manager),so with form 27A,you give the photocopy of your bank pass book,where your adress and photo attached...apply for PAN get it within 2 weeks..then your every problem will solve....have a good day...nilotpal mukherjee

J K Agrawal (Advocates)     23 October 2008

Beena ji

I think a statement in plaint or written staement showing age of the party in title protion is enough for a court to treat the case of one relating to senior citizen and you need no specific proof unless the age itself in not in issue.


Rajan Salvi (Lawyer)     23 October 2008

In Maharashtra there is a G.R. which states that senior citizen's cases will be given priority. Maharashtra government also has Sen Cit cards which when shown to State Transport buses, there is concession [ half] in travelling ticket. This the only thing i know about sen cit.


A.Mohamed Thaheer (ADVOCATE)     02 April 2009

If any person attains the age of 65, he becomes automatically Indian Citizen. The age proof has to be shown by any one or more of the following documents.

1. Birth Certificate, Election Identity Card, School Leaving Certificate from the firsrt page wherein all the details of the personal information of the student has been filledand the other legally reliable documets.

No one will give a Senior Citizen Certificate, if he knows the rule of common sense.

A.Mohamed Thaheer (ADVOCATE)     02 April 2009


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