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A Truthseeker ( A retired Indian citizen)     06 April 2009

science and religion

when I am to shoot, I need Einstein

when I am shot, I need Christ.

                    Is it?


 10 Replies

Ashey   06 April 2009


Kiran Kumar (Lawyer)     06 April 2009

no doubts about it.

we shall believe in Karma Theory....we are bound to do the acts which are to happen....and we must continue to do that under the commands of the almighty.

but no doubt we are to maintain balance between the wordly tempatations and the spirituality.

Ajay kumar singh (Advocate)     06 April 2009


Is this post related to any legal theory?

Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108)     06 April 2009

Dear All,

The post "science and religion" might have something to do with :

The (fake) Maharashtra Eradication of Black Magic, Evil and Aghori Practices Bill, 2005 (known as Black Magic Bill)

There are other laws in India relating to "science and religion".  I request readers to provide details over here.

Consider this Quote :

 “Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things.  But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.”

- by Nobel Laureate physicist Steven Weinberg.

Consider another quote :

"If Stupidity were a religion, there might be some hope for a single religion to triumph in this world" -  Gounder Brownie

Keep Smiling ... HemantAgarwal








A Truthseeker ( A retired Indian citizen)     07 April 2009


               Law is ubiquitous.

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     07 April 2009


Religions rely on revelation while science relies on observable.

A Truthseeker ( A retired Indian citizen)     22 October 2009

Mr. Agarwal,

             world knows the names of Christ and Buddha more than Noble Laureates' and scientists'.  how easy to befool the world all and for all time!!!

Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108)     23 October 2009

"Tapan Maiti" (scholar) :


Thank you for your thoughts.


1.  Prejudiced minds cannot do reasonings,  Religion or God etc... is a  "infection & fiction"  of  "Prejudiced Mind/s"  People the world over don't forget to pray to God (a ficticious icon)  or to daily  practice  Religion (another fiction)


Science is a  "Non-Fiction" reality.
Religion is a fabricated imaginery revelationary fiction,  which the weak-will-thoughted persons are meant to follow till eternity.  A hallucination by & of self-incompetence.


BTW, a Cow outside a Hanuman temple, has started thinking that she is has become  "nandi", since people ritually touch her body and then their own forehead.  The childrens have also started following their parents.  AND obviously the several generations thereafter will do the same, for no reason whatsoever, till eternity.


BTW (further), the Cow follows no Religion or God for that matter does not know of any Religion or  God.  Maybe the Cow cannot think TO cook up stories fabricating Religion of Gods.  While a man over a "patiala" peg, can cook up several stories, which even great  "scholar"s fall into and start believing the concept of those stories.


2.  Religion or God, a great cooked up stories for the  "orthodox" is being followed by  "HERD" mentallity, the world over, for their own imaginery infectious and sadistic pleasures.


Glorifying the name of a icon (Gods)  is a art of imaginative script writer person/s.  Once a name of a God or Religion is glorified, people around start hallucinating on the concept of such stories, and glorifiy if further, by default.   The names of noble Noble Laureates were not glorified enough BUT the name of Gods (Christ, Buddha and what nots), are still being glorified, which is evident from the forum-post itself.


"If we cannot love the person whom we see,  how can we love God, whom we cannot see ... "


Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal

A Truthseeker ( A retired Indian citizen)     23 October 2009

science without  religion is blind, religion without science is lame- stated by Einstein.

your quote is correct. but  it is religion amongst all human faculties that lays greater emphasis upon LOVE.

 Swami Vivekananda spake the cow of religion gave maximum  kicks but the cow that gives milk often kicks.

pl. keep musing.

Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108)     23 October 2009

Thank you for liking the "musings". 
Atleast you got amused for once, spliting apart the connection between God and Religion and prejudiced thoughts.


As far as the Cow can provide Milk (or say ... can be used to clandestinely siphon-off milk) and not protest, it can be called God, Religion, Love etc...   Probably the Swami did not know that world-wide, over 80% of the human population eat the Cow, which is equivalent to flushing down the concept of god, religion or love or whatever. 


A few years back, the world over the Cow (religion) was slaughtered due to  "Mad Cow disease".  I presume, that may be due to God & Religion going over the over-board.  OR may be the Swami's themselves do not realise the limitations of their own restricted knowledges or say need to go out of the hen-pen and to the outside world ...


Einstein, never had the time for Gods & Religion and never believed in man-made god or religion.  However with passing age, mental susceptibility,  social seduction, momentary weakness and other factors, humans tend to fall prey and hallucinate about pre-glorified ready-made Gods and religions.  Einstien (being a human) was no exception.


It is ones own limitations to understand what he speaks about whether it be a Swami or a Valmikhi.   If one CAN'T reasonalise a thing,  it does not mean that another can't do it either.  It should also be understood that the Swami's and the Valmikhi's had all the time to cook up & fabricate stories of scores of Gods and Religions.


If one keeps on hallucinating on the stero-typed  "musings"  of Swami's and Valmikhi's,  it is not necessary that everybody follows it with a blind eye (herd mentality).  You see that there are several swami's and valmikhi's and resultantly there are scores of Gods and Religions.  Each one, obviously, wanting to be in the forefront,  ONLY to be pushed back by the next evolving or upcoming Swami or Valmikhi and the cycle continues even to date (Sai baba, Swami Chandraswami, Peda'wala baba, Swami Anniruddha, Osho .............................)


With Science you can produce thousands of Religions.
Whereas all religions combined won't be able to produce even an iota of Science.
OF COURSE, barring the science of hallucination, herd mentality, ignorance, escapism and the greatest thing called as Sadism.


Science is for ever (Egypt's praymid). Is only for the stable and reasoners.
Religion crumble's, as generations disintegrate into nothing.   Is only for the escapist who can hallucinate endlessly.


Science is Sun (self-evolving, endlessly)
Religion doses not even evolve to anything, except the pollution of burning agarbatti, which is scientifically thousand times harmful to the Asthma'patients.


Love, is a Science involving scores of evoluable hormones and chemicals.
Religion is faking or mimic'ing Love, for the sake of sadism or say sustaintance or keeping alive the icon of Religion or God.


One could also ponder, reason and introspect as to why the Animals and other non-human species were not inflicted with Religion or Gods or whatever.


MUSE on this QUOTE :
 "You cannot change your life by changing your life. You can only change your life if you change your thinking"


MUSE on another quote :
"Take the God out of religion and the whole thing would fall flat in a week"
(all the Swami's and Valmikhi's etc... know the above  AND to keep the concept (industry) running, Religion and God's have to be kept on evolving with scores of rituals and festivals and other nuisances, which is in fact a several billion billion billion dollar industry, world-wide).


Keep Smiling .... Hemant

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