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manish   16 November 2017

Role of witness in landsale registration

मेरे क्लाइंट ने एक रजिस्ट्री पर गवाह के रूप में हस्ताक्षर किए केस इस तरह है :- राजेश ने प्लाट मुरली को बेचा मुरली ने प्लाट विकास को बेचा राजेश ने बैंक से लोन लिया था और बिना लोन चुकाए मुरली को बेच दिया मुरली को जानकारी नही थी उसने प्लाट खरीद लिया अब मुरली ने प्लाट विकास को बेचा विकास ने लोन ले कर प्लाट मुरली से खरीद लिया मेरे क्लाइंट ने मुरली ओर विकास की रजिस्ट्री पर गवाह के रूप में हस्ताक्षर किये है, आप लोग कृपया जानकारी, या सायटेशन, या हाई कोर्ट का कोई डिसिशन बताए जिससे मेरे कलिएन्ट की बेक़सूरी साबित हो सके, क्योकि उसने सिर्फ गवाह के रूप में हस्ताक्षर किये है, लोन ओर दस्तावेजो कि जवाबदेही गवाह की नही होती है कृपया मार्गदर्शन दे My client signed a registry as a witness The case is as follows: - Rajesh sold plot to Murali Murali sold plot ramlal Rajesh had taken a loan from the bank and sold it to Murali without debt Murali did not know that he bought the plot Now Murali sold the plot ramlal and took the loan and purchased it from Plant Murali My client has signed Murali and ramlal Registry as a witness, You people please inform the information, or citation, or a high court order which can prove to be unpleasant to my Calient, because he has only signed as a witness, loan and documentary that the accountability is not of the person please guide

 3 Replies

Yogesh Puri   16 November 2017

As per the Property Registration Act only witness is identified and certified the owner or the land whoes is sold or purchase the property the witnesses are not related in any circumstances\


If you are want any other proof so please read out the property registration act

Kumar Doab (FIN)     16 November 2017

The narration in the sale deed, facts of the matter may matter.

The (attesting) witness may plead that IT only confirmed to signature on the deed by executants were placed before IT, and IT was neither party to transaction nor deemed to consent to the contents of the deed.

surinder mittal   24 November 2017

this is really an important issue...I request all members to please put a light on this issue as many of us wants to know the role of witness signatures and presence of witness inthe counter photos taken by the registration staff during registry at suvidha centres (photo contains tehsildar, staff, seller, buyer and witnesses)

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