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Lakshman (Owner)     25 January 2011

Question on GPA

Hello Experts,

I have given GPA (done in Nellore, Andhra Pradesh) to my brother-in-law in 2003 when I was not aware of property laws and I believed him a lot at that time. He used this GPA to sell one of my property in 2003 as per my wish. It is a general power of attorney with "power to sell".

I do not have good relationship with my brother-in-law now. He cheated me 7 lakhs cash which I lent him as loan.

I have 3 other properties now in Nellore which I bought in 2004, 2007 and 2008. My questions are:

1. Can he mis-use that GPA to sell my other 3 properties which I bought in 2004, 2007 and 2008?

2. Is that GPA in 2003 void after that sale transaction in 2003 or is it valid forever and he can misuse it anytime against me?

Please help.




 5 Replies

Lakshman (Owner)     25 January 2011

Forgot to mention in my original post. The POA is GPA and not Special Power of Attorney. All my 3 current porperties (bought in 2004, 2007 & 2008) did not exist with me when I gave GPA to him (2003). He used that 2003 GPA to sell my old property in 2003 as per my wish.

Please repond experts.



Arvind Singh Chauhan (advocate)     25 January 2011

It is better to revoke GPA.

1 Like

Lakshman (Owner)     25 January 2011

Hi Arvind,

I will definitely revoke that when I go to Nellore next time. But I may not be able to visit Nellore in next 6 months as I am out of India temporarily. Can you or some expert answer my questions please.


Thanks much,


sachin katariya (advocate)     25 January 2011

While answering you question it is important to go through the contents of the GPA given in 2003. why because have there any caluse regarding all properties of owned by you , whether there is any clause regarding properties upto 2003, and further GPA and Spl. GPA not much more differece it is for the recognition only

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Hi Lakshman,

You can revoke the GPA from the place of your present residence by inserting the details of your GPA and getting the Cancellation document notiarised and then issue a public notice in this regard in any newspapers in Andhra Pradesh and also inform your other relatives staying in Andhra in this regard as to your revocation of the GPA issued to your brother-in-law.

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