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yasaswi gomes (.)     06 July 2021

Negligence or corruption by courts?


Why is the court fee calculator not working?

This is clearly evident that things need a change around. I don’t like lawyers and judges (I am not sure if they are involved and with no offence) liking each other. Do you know how hard it is to work in a corporate? It’s literally irritating and the same environment must be replicated in the courts I.e., judges must shout at lawyers for everything. Only then whoever is right wins. Anyways, a court filing procedure must also change- when a petitioner files, he should be able to file online by himself without a need for a lawyer to present the case to the judges. This simple step is taking months? Make it complete online services. Half of the time, none of the courts tracking websites work. Can we take it as negligence or corruption? Just to reiterate- no more first time case submissions in the traditional way, just apply online, wait for the judge to decide if the case can be accepted or not. 


 6 Replies

G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     06 July 2021

Hope your expectations may be fulfilled by the next generation, there is no such possibility for the present.  All the stakeholders are equally responsible for such frustrating delays in the court process.

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Rama chary Rachakonda (Secunderabad/Telangana state Highcourt practice watsapp no.9989324294 )     06 July 2021

we can file petitions online now. please see India

1 Like

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     07 July 2021

British legacy is followed in Indian legal procedures, which the younger generation can bring changes such as pandemic has introduced "online filing" "virtual hearing" "urgent hearing only" etc. etc.

It is appropriate to raise your views with legislators.

1 Like

yasaswi gomes (.)     07 July 2021

Dear Sir, I knew that long time ago. I am waiting for the formalities and procedures to change. Why should India follow imperialism in the courts? Maybe one day, if I am rich by the end of my life I will file cases against everything including the right to immigrate constitutional death right which has a flaw right now...... And many others to clear the garage of the old adage rubbish.

Neil Paul   08 July 2021

Are you medically (mentaly) fit as it raises an alarm looking at all the queries you post in this forum regarding extreme wealth acquisition dreams and changing the legal provisions. As all your queries are mostly non-legal but highly illogical. It appears you live in a fantasy world. I advise you to please consult a Psychiatrist as you need him/her more than you need a Lawyer/Advocate.

yasaswi gomes (.)     08 July 2021

Are you a lawyer? Resign your job asap and never put your fingers into others business. Only morons try to suggest  something when they are neither psychologists nor psychiatrists. Would you like to loose your property under 420 charges and try to win the case to recover the loss in various ways and see how it feels? Do you really understand the importance of constitutional rights? You probably don’t need them because your living in your comfort zone as suggested from your profile picture. Mr. Neil, many people are gullible, and they believe that a system will change their life. Yes one needs to be prominent to change the system and if you think otherwise, you can change laws at your own expense. :)

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