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Ankit Patel (businessman)     25 September 2016

Need legal advice

Dear sir,

I filed divorce petition. After few months of filing petition my wife who was staying in another city came to my house withe his brother & sqabbled . we both filled police complain each other. Till that 18 (4) was not produced and My lwayer included  this incident in 18 (4)n produced complain copy also., didnt amendement in sec 9. In cross examination of both this incident was dicuused. 

now in judgent learnt court mantioned that sicnce u have not done amendament in sec 9 (proper pleding was not done) so no importance of this incident. finally i lost divorce case.

sir, is amedment is so imporatnant that all the facts can be neglacted. This incident was v imp for me to prove her cruel nature.



 4 Replies

adv.bharat @ PUNE (Lawyer)     25 September 2016

Yes Aniket amendement is equally important for the proceeding.

Why your layer not understand this?

U can file fresh suit for this.

Ankit Patel (businessman)     25 September 2016

sir, now i am appealing in high court.

amendment is equally or must imp for procceding. what option now i can have.


I as a legal professional come to a conclusion that, UR lawyer did not do his homework properly and hence UR legal complications.

Zoheb Khatri (Practicing in Mumbai     27 September 2016

File the review petition stating grounds, and try if Judge accepts

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