Hi - I am looking for some guidance in terms of understanding the best way to handle my situation and cover all tracks while preparing a sale agreement .
Property: Purchased with a home loan, registered on Oct 2011
Questions on Sale agreement:
- My lawyer mentioned in the agreement about the loan, and I am asking for the existing loan amount as the commitment/booking money from the purchaser, so that I can repay the loan and release the papers. However, I want to add a clause that in the event that the deal is cancelled by the purchaser, I can only repay his money after I sell the flat to someone else - is that legally possible?
- If the answer to the above question is yes and I land into that issue, unfortunately, then how do I handle my future agreement(s)? Generally it is mentioned in the agreement that the 'said property is free from all encumbrances attachments, charges, liens, lispendens, claims and demand whatsoever...'
- I also want to mention in the clause that any unforeseen delay caused by the bank in releasing the documents can not be held against me if I can provide evidence that I have done all my part to repay the loan and release the papers in a timely fashion. Under such circumstances, purchaser need to wait till the release of the documents. I would give him possession though as soon as he pays the rest of the money (if he is willing) - is that ok?
Questions on Capital Gain Tax:
- I have to pay '20% mandatory Cap Gain tax if property is sold within 3 years of purchase'. From which point should that that 3 years be counted - from the date I signed the sale agreement, or from the time I completed registration?
- If answer to the question is latter, then will it be considered 'within 3 years' if purchaser paid the whole amount within 3 years, but his registration is done after 3 years of my registration date?
- Is it true that the Cap Gain Tax is also calculated as per the municipality standard rates (as it is done for registration charges) and not as per the sale agreements?
Thanks a ton for all the help I get on this - really appreciate it.