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rachana (rachana)     16 April 2013

Mothers name changed to stepmom


Sorry , this is a long story of suffering and you may have to have lil. patience to feel my paiin. Thanks in advance for reading through.
I am Rachana, one motherless child, aged 40 yrs., who has suffered extreme torture at the hands of stepmom owing to inefficient father and selfish blood brothers. My mother died mysteriously when i was 4 yrs. old and my father destroyed all the evidence of my mother before remarrying in the same year. None of my relatives speak of my mom and the extreme rumors in neighbourhood have always pointed a finger at my dad as the person responsible for my mother's demise. My father is a very big man in society and even my real mom's relatives are non traceable now. My blood brothers have accepted defeat, fearing my stepmom who controls my father completely. Sadly,a few events that have happened recently have given more evidence to these rumors.
1. There is no grave for my real mom and there was huge resistance from my entire family when i tried to build one. Afterall, i miss my mom so much and its heartning to see myself breaking coconut at an empty space in the family grave yard in my dad's farm house. Rest of the departed from our family have expensive granites on their resting places.
2. I was asking everyone to tell my mother's death date for I can finish her ceremonies related to her death which according to some elders were not done as she was buried hastily and forgotten. Sadly, all my father did was to remarry and get us a step mom in the succeeding year. As last resort, last year, i went to the hospital where she was allegedly brought after poisoning(death happened in 1975). They said they have no record of that woman. I went to the city morgue to find post-mortem findings report and there existed no record. Her death certificate was issued but I can't find any trace of it. My beautiful real mom was from a poor family and her relatives grieved and left their village fearing my dad  after my mom's death. I could not trace my mom's relatives so far. Her marriage photos, clothes etc. were destroyed on the same day she died.  I am a para medical woman and I am sure her case could not be closed as suicide without post-mortem and police investigation. Went to police station and they have no record. I gave up feeling very sad. Sadly, I was the only person interested in her details because my blood brothers were glad to call my stepmom as mom for they would recieve properties for toeing her line even though what they receive is pittance compared to what my stepmom's children get!
3. Having learnt from these incidents I traced my certificates to understand the anomolies. I was born to my mom but my board certificates, passport etc. are showing my stepmother's name. Why her name as mom when all she could give me was torture?
4. Speaking logically, how did my father manage a birth certificate of my birth that happened in 1972 with a mother's name who only became his wife in 1976? and why did my father do so? If done with good intention, why did he keep quite when my step mom was torturing me.
5. If I can go further, my elder brother who gladly calls my step mom as mom was born in 1970, has my stepmom's name under mother's name in his school certificates, birth certificates etc. If thats true my step step mom should be a 12 year old(stepmom was 18 yrs. when she married my dad in 1976) when she delivered her eldest child! 
6. On looking back, most of the torture and even physical abuse by my dad(i was as small as 4 yrs when my father beat me to call my step mom as mom) was related to me refusing to call my step mom as mom. Why should I call my stepmom as mom if all she could do was torture me?
Having spent so much of my time and money on knowing a more about my mom, who I feel has suffered more than me in this family, all I want now is not to get my death certificate as daughter of stepmother. That's the last thing that will happen to me, I am afraid.

Can I do anything legally to know more about my mom?


 1 Replies

rachana (rachana)     16 April 2013

My father is very much alive and has grown bigger than before. He forgot my mom for wrong reasons but made me to remember her by not doing any good apart from allowing my stepmom to torture me. I am happy for my husband understands my pain and even my kids pray for my lost mom's peace.





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