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akash roy (it engineer)     20 February 2012

Marrying my mother's maternal uncle's daughter

hi... I am a hindu guy from west bengal ... I love a girl who is daughter of my mother's maternal uncle.... we love each other very much...and we want to marry... Is this marriege legal...??? I'm 25 and she is 26..... the relationship I'm describing below:

boy(me)>my mother>her mother>her brother>his daughter(girl)        

in other way,

she(the girl)>her father>his sister>her daughter>her son(me)

pls help me.....


 6 Replies

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     20 February 2012

If you cite four gotras of both parties the gotra of the girl will be same as that of you maternal grandmother.  But you can't be advised to see logic

R Nandy (N.A)     20 February 2012

Absolutely no problem legally or medically. Genetically far removed with 1/16 correlation.

akash roy (it engineer)     20 February 2012

actually the problem is from both of our familiy...... they may not  agree with us... so is there any legal protection by which we can marry... ??? me and my beloved both want the marriege to be legal...... do we need to consult any lawyear for help....???

sridhar pasumarthy (ADVOCATE)     21 February 2012

Dear Roy,

The related between you will neither come under the degree of prohibited relationship nor sapinda relationship.

Hence, you are entitled to marry without any impediment.  

Try to convince your elders else you can make a registered marriage as both of are majors. 

sowhar (mba)     04 April 2013

hi everyone...i am a guy belongs to hindu religion from tamil nadu and iam 22 year old... i love a girl who is daughter of my mothers maternal uncle as seen in the case as same as like mr.akash roy above... we both are in same age 22... we love each other more than 12 years i never imagine a life without her and she too... i read many reviews and 'hindu degree of prohibited relationships' and  it says like we cant marry. i use to surf all the time about our marriage. both the families having good relation... but we dont think that our family members will accept this proposal... wiil there be any legal obligation if we get married or do i have to consult any advocate regarding this...can anybody help me in this...? anyone...please help me to get marry with my girl..

the relationship is like..

boy(me)> my mother > her mother > her brother > his daughter > is the girl.

from the girl side..

girl(she) > her father > his sister > her daughter >her son (me).

and the thing is they started looking for marriage arrangements from the girls family and things getting serious...

anyone please help us..please......

hitesh khande   09 May 2022

Plzz help me i also fall in love with exact relation and our parents refuses to accept our relationship and from the girl side they are hurrying up for her marriage just because we opened our relationship with them

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