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Sundniga2   12 August 2018

legal rights

l am a govt doctor ,I have to go to court for evidence of the postmortem etc I have done.What are my legal rights as govt witness? can hon'ble court ask me to stand in corner for two hrs? can I challenge it can I ask in righting about such court orders?

 3 Replies

SOLOMON.RAJ (advocate/director)     12 August 2018

Hii Sundniga,

Since you are summoned as a EXPERT who is cited or arrayed as one of the prosecution witnesses, you should be very well treated with respect and normally the police officers from a sub-inspector ranking official to the higher heirarchy are made to sit across thr bar when summoned to give theirevidence.

So will the doctors be treated in a similar manner. Probably it was not instructrd to you by the lower staff . Since you are the prosecution witness the court constable should have guided and instructed you to sit across the bar.
1 Like

SOLOMON.RAJ (advocate/director)     12 August 2018

Adv. Solomon Raj,
Attorney at Law,
Bharat Gaurav samman awardee 14
AICC National Legal Chairman.

SOLOMON.RAJ (advocate/director)     12 August 2018

Adv. Solomon Raj,
Attorney at Law,
Bharat Gaurav samman awardee 14
AICC National Legal Chairman.

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