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Govind MNM (Legal Advisor)     16 May 2012

Legal joke

A hearing of the case was going on in the court of Additional Sessions Judge.

A farmer's bullock was stollen by some person. Later on police found out the culprit and the case was lodged against him.

The farmer was called for identification of his bullock. He identified and claimed it.

The judge again asked him.: are you sure is this your bullock?

Yes..said the farmer...he was the third bullock for my bullock cart...

How?...shouted the judge...A bullock cart only has to bullocks...where the third one came from??

The farmer replied with straight face.....Sir...he was ADDITIONAL..!!


 5 Replies

Ranee....... (NA)     16 May 2012

imagine what might be ADDITIONAL JUDGE facial expression...

Hussein HH (Manager)     17 May 2012


Sarvesh Kumar Sharma Advocate (Advocacy)     27 May 2012

Additional mean spare.........

Nayan Medhi (RD)     26 July 2012

ha ha ha

V R SHROFF (Sr. ADVOCATE Bombay High Court Mob: 9892432152)     14 November 2012

additional bull!! ha ha 

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