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Raghavendra   27 March 2018

land issue (way to home)

Dear Sirs,
I have a single way to my home, that way is also used by my neighbour whose home is attached to my home. But as per property docs and city survey records, that way(area) is pertaining to me. And my neighbour has got funds under PM AWAS yojna
for constructing home, we have filed complaint against them in municipal corpn saying if he starts building his house, my way to home will be at stake. please guide on how to go about and remedies available.

 3 Replies

Subash M R (Advocate)     27 March 2018

You have every right to your way of easement,that is to say,the rights which a man sometimes has over one piece of immoveable property by reason of his ownership of an other.

Thanking you, 

Raghavendra   29 March 2018

thank you very much, can you please elaborate on rights on that path

Yusuf Rampurawala   03 April 2018

if your neighbour makes any construction on the way which leads to your home, then that will affect your easementary rights i.e. right of way. Without a proper path or way that leads to your house, you cannot enjoy your property. So you will have to file a suit against your neighbour claiming injunction against them to refrain from making any construction on your right of way. 

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