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Inter state water issue

Page no : 2

Democratic Indian (n/a)     27 September 2016

Riparian rights flow from property rights. These rights belong to the property owners. This has been implicitly acknowledged by Articles 262(1) and 281(1) of the Constitution. These Articles are powers of Central government in interest of justice for riparian states. Powers have to be interpreted narrowly and applied with due judicious care. Please note the word "inter-state" used in these Articles. Thus the riparian states have due proprtionate property rights in the rivers naturally flowing through their territories.


Articles 21, 300A, Article 289(1) read with State List entry 17 is taking about rivers that are not inter-state and water naturally flowing through them is their property right. It is another matter that as a matter of political policy or some implicit State policy, of making economic exploitation, or causing demographic changes by controlling or ruining the economy of some state, water belonging to that single state being diverted artificially by way of canals, to non riparian states under the mischievous and unjust political ploy of water being "national resource".


Yes not only all wars will be water wars, even the question whether the states will stay or get out of the "Union" of India will be decided by justice or lack of justice done with people of riparian states about water and their economy. The "Union" of USSR also got balkanized due to mainly economic reasons. The political elite of many states of USSR found it better to separate for their economic and political future.

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     28 September 2016

# 18


Aspects have changed over the years; acquired new, serious dimensions & cause pain. Let them not be ignored under any circumstance. There be no permanence of wrongs. The past be studied so that same mistakes do not keep repeating in future. But the awards etc not become blue print for ever.


India has, will thrive on strengths of agriculture. This evergreen area not be ridiculed. Agrarian resources not be used for other purposes the way it is happening today. Bengaluru is a cosmopolitan, with people from all over & many water wastages are also taking place. Thus, policies should ensure that Bengaluru stands on its own & meets the water demands of the populace, its activities in its own way & not on the sacred River that caters to the green gold, agricultural outputs (It be mentioned that probably some system will be in place by 30TH Sep 2018 or so, if work starts on Friday, the 30TH Sep 2016 or as soon as possible there after).


Water, land, even air, forests, animals etc be made part of national property & not anyone's, any state's, any govt's, any body's (organisation, govt office, whatever, whatever) fiefdom. They are no-man's, no Gvt's, God's property. They are nature's food, space etc. Let them remain so for ever & ever. Mankind & his endeavors be barred from occupying every inch of planet earth.


Let it be a National policy that all parties that expect a share in any receipe be made to work for it. Let rewards be proportionate to contribution. If a party doesn't work/contribute, there be no force to give the receipe to that party immaterial of factors like river flows in that region etc. There be no right conferred on any party to enjoy the receipe on any other count neither, whatever it be, whatever. There be no rights conferred on any party. Thus, both K'taka & T'Nadu be made to take responsibility for each others' welfare right in the concept. - This could then be used to evolve a National Water Policy.


Let there be something equivalent of 'Carbon credit', say 'WATER CREDIT'. There are lot of water conservation, recycling, rain water harvesting etc techniques. The party has to bring in water / secure it in someway. The free India would assure free, unhindered, fair opportunities to all parties & all parties can work at free will in the free India, immaterial of language etc. The moment a party gets water, it gains some TRADABLE CREDITS. Even enabling water flow in from one area to another be given some points that can be redeemed.


Bidar is in news today as floods has inundadated it now. AP & parts of Maharashtra too are already in floods today. The Cauvery basin might have lesser rains this season. These suggest that those waters could have been channelised off from those areas & people of other areas could have been benefitted of that excess water that is posing challenges to the people of flooded areas. Why all that, even forests & plains need water for its greens & these areas could be used as water table feeders etc. This is what has been happening in the natural scheme of things thus far. Nothing of it is happening now a days, since 40-50 years perhaps. Water did not flow out off affected areas into parched / required zones as there are no channels & people, greenery of all the areas are suffering with more water or with deficient water. The water is being condemned & booted out along the gutters! 


Well, satellite imagery will identify the best suited natural path for water to flow from any area to any other areas. A route map can be readied in a mere week or so. Once the draft is in place, work can start & the plan can be evaluated, reevaluated at various levels, by various teams; modified, moderated etc & plans/routes etc can be altered in due course. Today, digging a trench for a stretch of a few hundred kms is relatively easy, just a matter of few weeks & that in itself would do quiet a lot of difference in these cases. (It be remembered that no man's areas are natural habitats for several life forms. Life forms move around day & night for food, safety etc. Thus, the trenches be shallow & not too deep. Its depth, breadth; form per se be such that the trenches do not become barriers at any stretch. Let no life form get caught, killed due to mankind's trenches. Let there be multiple mini trenches in multiple directions. But, in facilitating human activity, the life forms that do not speak not be inconvenienced, confused, choked in any way. Let it be borne in mind that every life form has senses, feelings & are more sincere to God than mankind. Factually, life forms are all God forms. Let none of them curse mankind for the sudden changes that disable, choke them).


Next, THE CVAV-B PROJECT WILL SOLVE MUCH OF THE WOES IN THE ISSUE THAT HAS BEEN BLOWN UP. THE WHOLE OF INDIA, THE CVAV-B BELT IN THIS SPECIFIC CONTEXT, BE RE-PREPARED, RE-ORIENTED TO THRIVE ON AGRICULTURE, NATURAL FORESTS, WATER BODIES ETC. - In this context, the Indian society's 'Vaanaprastha' assumes great importance. People, not one or two, whole masses, people of every family have to sense the difficulties, use their brains, hearts, hands & prepare grounds for their generations ahead. Is every creature including the greenery not drinking water, breathing? Then, it should be everyone's duty to replenish them. While every constituent of the nature does this faithfully, it is mankind that has gone astray, rather headstrong. One should not keep using SUVs, AC etc etc all life & die out one day; while some others work to conserve every bit of the mother nature. The Indian school of thought be revived & moderated if need be, to suit the present day needs, mindset etc. But, forests, wild life, birds, water bodies etc not be ignored in the blue print under any circumstance.


In the same breathe, brick & mortar, whatever it be, be stopped / curtailed v.v.v.v. drastically & the entire manpower, resources be REDEPLOYED OFF THE CONSTRUCTION, CEMENT, BRICK & MORTAR INDUSTRY into other, perpetually self sustainable areas & agriculture be given top most prominence.


All said & done, the unsaid disease is that people of both sides want Gvt job quotas in the other's bastion & various lieders enter into secret pacts. ---- The hullah bullah diverts the attention & the deals come through silently without drawing any attention. Someone is made to lose everything, silently. Someone else gains a lot silently. This has been happening all along, all over, in the southern states specially. This unsaid be ridden off fully & the Gvts be banned from accessioning any more areas, resources (forests, mountains, water bodies, plains etc etc etc), gazetting them & converting them into Gvt job this or Gvt job that; distributing them & burdening the already burdened society, universe with dead weights & cut throat species that call themselves peeeeeeeermanents. The very concept is sickening.


There are many noble hearted, capable, experienced great people, technocrats, leaders, philanthropists etc in both the states & across the country. For that matter, even the NRIs & the world community too would only be too glad to help great causes. The Centre & state govts could pool in their resources too. Let the issue not be made big & bigger. Let solutions be worked up in the wake of the opportunity that has got presented to the parties in the case & the Centre. Let each side put up positive plans / projects, commitments on investments, requests for funds / help etc before the SC on Friday, the 30TH instant.


Let the SC not be told of the same sickening things: Rights, riparian, river flowing in the state drought etc etc. Well all that is heard & let them be burried. The people of the States have long standing relationships. They will bear the troubles, work up juggads & co-operate in EMERGENCY measures for this year & probably 2017 too (if the June-Aug rains fail again). But let there be a new air into the case. Let the Centre's SG, state counsels etc add Science & technology options / projects in the deliberations. Let the SC then be caught unawares, all amidst so much of options that it would be hard for it to decide the best of the options / amalgamating the options, commitments into one single workable solution in single sitting. Let it be happiness galore. Let the SC itself be happied so much that elderly blessings, awards, cajoles will flow by in that sitting & over extended sittings if it were to happen. But let it be the beginning of a new water regime, a new beginning itself as far as public policies are concerned. Let there be cheers to all those who want to work, work as much & reap rewards honestly, dignifiedly.

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     29 September 2016
# 19


Bengaluru: This 22-year-old girl led the mob that torched 42 buses for Rs 100 and biryani



These are added dimensions. What appears to the eye is not everything & there is much much more. People have v.v.v.v huge stakes & so secretly get these things done / do these things. The actual faces, the hidden causes etc can never come out in the public.


While news item highlights one dimesion, another is quota jobs, Regularisation / Absorption jobs etc etc getting distributed by secret mutual pacts (You do this & bring this candidate, I do this & get another candidate). All strata of people, more prominently, the semi & well educated people who want Gvt jobs only, all for the care free luxury, all as matter of right use these sorts of situations & water is just an excuse for them. Things work for them secretly, silently while the attention is on something else. Surprisingly, people of all sides, all parties, languages etc etc plan, do these thing, reap the secret rewards & celebrate & thus wait for such occassions!


The pains due to natural events can be worked up suitably. But these can't. Let law play its role impartially & set the trend. The very motivation for all these incidents be removed, right at the root, right at the concept.

Democratic Indian (n/a)     02 October 2016

Now the water crisis of river waters not only between the countries but within the countries is going to be a matter of political conflicts like recent conflict between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Similar thing had happened in the past in Punjab and now thousands of farmer suicides happening every year due to water crisis. The following video clearly illustrates the matter -


The states of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu have to take the matter of river waters judiciously and very seriously else the plight of the farmers of their states in future may become similar to that of farmers in Punjab.

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     08 October 2016

# 21



Not that the water, the elixir of life is abundant aplenty, going cheap etc. But let a spade be called a spade for goodness to sustain, create the right ambience, frame of mind & help create confidence amongst the masses. “Water has been made an issue & ills have been sponsored for secret dividends. What is being seen is politics' creation”.


The people who are seen on the scene are not the real ones who suffer / everything. The umpteen numbers who do not get seen are the experts, the ones who know in & out of their real life situations. Many a times, they do not desire so much of national attention etc & want some meaningful help to tide over the crisis that they are facing suddenly. The masses need be helped, assuaged by the local administration with best fit local solutions. But, where is TO, BY, FOR? No one is anthing at all & it is only the Vidhan Sabha clerks, MLAs, MPs, this & that who matter, take decisions. Even managers, scientists, technocrats are nobody OR only just temporary pawns.


Today’s businesses, most prominently, real estate etc fills the minds of the new generation with dreams of luxury around brick & mortar & people don’t even know of the much better, perpetually self sustainable, least cost luxury in Nature based living, lifestyle. What to do?


Hidden, unsaid ills act as motivators for the sorts of things that have been seen (which have been happening over past 40-50 years every now & then). De-escalating the distribution of quota jobs, locals & their unseen groups who work as local employment exchanges will bring about much of the change in the attitude, behavior. The motivation itself need be removed decisively, right at the root.


In a National policy, Water cannot be treated alone. The pipes, motors, Jal Boards, Gvt jobs is all that the thinkers t-ink off. Water bodies, forests, trees etc need be rejuvenated too alongside. Lifestyle, value system need be aptly fine tuned too. –  Thus, the problem not be viewed in isolation.  Rest assured these will bring multiple benefits: AC sort of real life weather all through the year (What the great B was very very famous for even 40-50 years ago), plenty of fruits all over for all the life forms (including man), clean air etc etc.


The God's sacred drops keep life ticking & life per se will dry up without it. Thus, it is imperative to do all that it takes to ensure that it reaches all, in the proportion, quality that it is needed. But, it should be made everybody’s business & EVERYONE (young or old; rich or poor; man or woman etc) AT ALL PLACES need do contribute to RWH, water conservation, water recycling etc, all from the law perspective. Some administrative steps can be thought off too: Water responsibility, water oath, water fine, all persons filing water returns etc (The idea needs more fine tuning). All said & done, the most important step is to ensure that Gvts aim at reducing the dead weight on its rolls & enable self sustainers live better than the roll callers. In fact, Gvt service should be only for the service minded & not for lifetime luxury seekers, a lifestyle, a livelihood etc the way politics is driving it today. Definitely Democracy does not mean this sort of Gvt, Gvt offices, Gvt roll callers etc etc. Gvts itself are the prime, huge burden on the water, society, animal world, plant kingdom, nature per se, God per se. What to do?


Science can add new dimensions to the efforts:

1). Water technologies can generate water from waste, help recycle, conserve etc.

2). Can advise the farmers even more precisely on the best sort of crops for the season.

3). Seed technologies could evolve new crop varieties that consume least water, produce maximum output etc.

4). Soil technologies.

5). Cultivation technologies.



If the Lord wills, poses that trust in my thoughts of CVAV-B project .... Perhaps B could be fed from the CVAV-B project & that would mean that 2 X Cauvery gets freed up for the people down the line, along the rivers to enjoy. But who knows who is listening, who is not, what calculations they have on their minds etc? There are number of other impediments from people etc. Who knows what? Who knows what? The CVAV-B is being left here with the recording that this proposal is from a well meaning, competent, well educated, well experienced, senior who has done the thought a number of rounds himself, with his circles. The rest is for the masses, elite, more elderly, Gvts to consider, give apt opportunity for the clean minded, right persons to realise this patriotic, localised solution.


Thus, there are lot, lot of possibilities. Let people not be driven & more importantly, motivated by x, y, z politics to desperation & extreme decisions. THE ISSUE HERE IS MORE POLITICS (plus some real life dimensions ofcourse). But the Indian populace will definitely wither it this time too the way, they have done over the past so many years. Efforts should be to put an end to this problem under various sorts of challenges from the nature & not on politicising.


The Gvts need work up meaningful long-term measures, in the meantime assuage the wound & work on mitigating the sufferings & not indulge or encourage POLITICS THAT helps fight, burn the hard earned properties etc. Alongside, as a matter of policy, the Gvt should work up ways & prepare the farmers tide over crisis situations that comes by periodically. Then, let alone such real life problems becoming issues, they will not even become problem.


BEST WISHES. CHEER UP. STAND UNITED, SPECIALLY IF THERE IS CRISIS. DO YOUR BEST TO BE PART OF THE SOLUTION & NOT THE PROBLEM. SHOE AWAY POLITICS, GREED FOR EASY LUXURY. HELP SET THE GVT RIGHT & IN THE CONTEXT OF THIS ISSUE ON HAND, HELP RID THE MEANS BY WHICH GVTS FILL FREE, DEAD WEIGHT ROLL CALLERS IN VARIOUS ROLLS (Due respects to handful of unseen, unheard, unsung gems across who are keeping the Nation going despite all odds with their ingenuity, commitment, hardwork). Keep your vigil on all who you know are sponsoring ills. Do not spare the well speaking mortals (all languages) & the rowdies (for fear). Do your best against mortals who sit & eat for lifetimes; want more & more for their kith & kin; distribute Gvt jobs to themselves, kith & kin secretly on pacts, considerations. You will get rewarded at the hands of God. Rest assured that the rewards will be sweeter.


May God enable ALL of his good children who stand / want to stand on their own feet the whole of their lives & add values to others' lives too (just the way as what the God's wonder creation, the plants do). Let all the good natured, noble minded hard workers, the great farmers specially lead a happy, meaningful, contended life all through.

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     11 October 2016

# 22




Analysis of the problems related to: Water crisis, farmer dissatisfaction, causes etc are on same ./ similar issues as what are listed in the news item below & are hence re-highlighted in this context:-


Oct 11 2016 : The Times of India (Delhi); Page 11

Water scarcity makes Pushkar rose farms wither
Shoeb Khan
The decline in the water table in Rajasthan's Pushkar has forced many rose farmers to abandon the centuries-old practice, resulting in a production loss of over 25%.

Until a decade ago, Pushkar's roses were exported across the world and used to make perfumes. However, farmers living within a radius of 2to 5km from Pushkar, including Ganheda, Kanas, Tilora, Motisar and Nand villages, have been forced to give up rose farming because of the lack of water.



They now depend on meager amounts they earn under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act for sustenance.



“For almost a century , until 2005, Budha Pushkar gave water to railway unit situated in Ajmer. Our ground water table is now exhausted. This has happened for the first time in this ancient city....



Even the local economy , which depends on delicacies like rose water and Gulkand, a sweet preserve made by dipping the flower's petals into sugar, seems to be suffering.



...“The area's highest production was 40,000kg a day in 1995. It has now fallen to an average of 3,000kg per day ....



“The railways has depleted the water resource in our ancient city and this damage will remain for decades. ....



Legend has it that Pushkar was founded by Lord Brahma who threw three flowers at Budha Pushkar, Madhya Pushkar and Sreshth Puskhar.






Many of Bengaluru's water bodies are all x, y, z brick & mortar today & nothing can be done. Eg: The Tulsi park & lake was destroyed for the bus stand that is seen today. Can it be done away with now? It can't even be thought off. But then, the whole issue could have been planned in a different way. One of the options on TOM is something like this, a multi-tier utility. To be more specific, an eco-tourism-business spot; wherein, it is lake at the down bottom, bus stand above & Chickpet, Balepet, Mamulpet, Targupet, KG Road, Platform Road etc a bit further ---- Kempegowda Ji was definitely right in having set the lakshman rekha. With top priority on self standability / sustainability; green plans; eco based, tension-free, less stressed lifestyle, the whole of Bengaluru could have been networked. The whole of the world would have emulated it. But today, it is all brick & mortar, heat, roads, rails everywhere, everywhere even beneath the great Himalayas & the seas. The tectonic plates got disturbed, Bihar, Nepal got rattled. There is lot more to come.


By the way, where is the Basaveshwaranagarkere, Mathikere etc etc. It is alarming that Byapannahallikeri etc etc are almost dying out. These loses, rather planned corruption of guzzling up mountains, water bodies, trees, universal creatures etc etc to come up with a this & a that Gvt OFFishe (jobs) / feeding the peeeeeeeermanent deadweights is the cause for much of the misery. - There are still some water bodies, ponds, rain-wells etc left, but spread across in the outskirts. It is impertative to revive ALL OF THEM WITHOUT FAIL, ALL ON TOP MOST PRIORITY & come up with RWH  at all available, possible places along the city, at every nook & corner. - All said & done, Bengaluru should make a conscious effort to revert back to Thippagondanahalli water ALONE & find its own source of water for so much of in-dus-trial-isations that the society has taken to (with no ill will to the industries) & even think of stopping more of brick & mortar, whatever, whatever it be.  Let us all pledge to become / become the pillars who the breathren who stand on their own feet will not dispense with. The sacred Cauvery, the Cauverys of the Great India that are called by various names be spared for farming please. Let all of us reap green gold out of every inch, right upto the point where Cauverys meet the Great seas, all on self sustainable basis, all from brotherly feelings for all.

Democratic Indian (n/a)     17 February 2017

The following video illustrates how more than 75% of rightful water of Punjab has been systematically stolen without paying its cost, since 1947 after the British left, in clear violation of the Constitution and internationally recognized riparian laws. Even the electricity generated from Punjab's water is being stolen and supplied to other states. On the contrary the Punjab's farmer has to pay for diesel to run it's pump sets, pay for electricity or coal from other states. The Punjab is turning into a desert. On the contrary the farmers in other non riparian states getting water of Punjab do not have to pay for it. An ideology is working behind to destroy the Punjabi civilization by destroying it economically. People of all other States also need to think about how to safeguard their river waters that are naturally flowing through their States. This is the video, though in Punjabi, it has subtitles in English so that non Punjabi speakers can understand

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     20 February 2017

# 24




The main difficulty is unlike other commodities, most people do not even know what is the quantity of water for what. Most people lavish it off.


Rivers do not flow in one district / state. It flows across Nations as well. It is pertinent to ponder as to whether it is possible to have any fixed norm for water generation, utilisation, sharing etc. If State - A is a riparian state & assers that it is its right to use all the water. The other state/s could then pose challenges: No water should overflow under any circumstance. Water flowing into their states should be of this quality etc etc.  Any number of new issues could be invented.      The whole issue would become very very complex. This was the problem even earlier. So, let past not be blamed. Let it be used to build a better future. In doing so, let the concerns shated be taken care of. Let there be some credits to water storage /sharing; ground water improvement. Let more suggestions be considered. Let it be considered in the wholesome. State - A gives water. But State -A needs something else which is not available in its region. Handling huge water flow / requirements is not any easy task. So, let the spirit of cooperation be amongst prime considerations. If India strives sincerely, it would enable leadership position & enable it to help communities in regions that were prosperous in earlier times regain their glory! Science & technology could do wonders. Are we prepared to work, cooperate? What is the quality of cooperation?

Democratic Indian (n/a)     21 February 2017

Originally posted by : Sh. P Suresh
The main difficulty is unlike other commodities, most people do not even know what is the quantity of water for what. Most people lavish it off.  

Yes what you are saying is truth but only half truth. But half truth is more dangerous then a complete lie. Those who lavish off water are the ones who get the water for free. Before 1947, the non riparian states had to pay for water because justice demands to pay for river waters. This happens all over the world. But when British left, power was transferred to hands of tyrants, they made non riparian states to not pay for water because of vote bank politics. In Punjab, farmers have to pay for river waters, have to pay for tube well water have to pay for electricity generated from their river waters. But those states getting free water or electricity from that water, they lavish it off because they do not have to pay for the lavishment. If you make these states pay, they will understand the value of water. Whenever anything is free, it is always wasted and lavished. This is the universal truth.

Originally posted by : Sh. P Suresh
Rivers do not flow in one district / state. It flows across Nations as well. It is pertinent to ponder as to whether it is possible to have any fixed norm for water generation, utilisation, sharing etc.

it is very much possible because internationally and universally accepted Riparian laws are very clear. It is only the question of lack of honesty and good faith to implement the laws honestly in good faith. If one does not have honesty and thinks himself to be over clever, it is the beginning of problems. And that is exactly what is happening.

Originally posted by : Sh. P Suresh
  If State - A is a riparian state & assers that it is its right to use all the water. The other state/s could then pose challenges: No water should overflow under any circumstance. Water flowing into their states should be of this quality etc etc.

It is not a question of mere assertion of a riparian state but a matter of basic human right of riparian state, a matter of universally accepted riparian laws. Non riparian states have zero right to claim water of some other state. Similarly non riparian states have zero locus standi on overflow of river waters because the damage by overflow is done to the riparian state. Similarly non riparian states have no locus standi to demand "quality water" when they are not paying for it. If they find quality of free water bad, nobody is forcing them to take that water, they are free not to receive that water.

Originally posted by : Sh. P Suresh
So, let past not be blamed.  

If past injustice is allowed to be forgotten, you are supporting injustice and legitimizing it, strengthening foundations of injustice. Every tyrant gives the plea to "forget past" because he is afraid of facing justice. "Forget past" is the last defense of a tyrant.

“The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting” - Czech writer Milan Kundera

Originally posted by : Sh. P Suresh
State - A gives water. But State -A needs something else which is not available in its region. Handling huge water flow / requirements is not any easy task. So, let the spirit of cooperation be amongst prime considerations. If India strives sincerely, it would enable leadership position & enable it to help communities in regions that were prosperous in earlier times regain their glory! Science & technology could do wonders. Are we prepared to work, cooperate? What is the quality of cooperation?

The water of State A is forcibly given for free. But when State A needs something else, it has to pay for it. What is this? Cooperation is a two way traffic and not a one way traffic. Spirit of cooperation works only when there is justice, it cannot work with injustice.


There is another fact to these kind of so called "national problems" that are also directly related to water shortage problem. It is unchecked rising population of "Hindu, Hindi, Hindustan" belt States and migration of such population into non Hindi speaking States. In other words these States must put their own house in order instead of forcibly encroaching or stealing natural and economic resources of non Hindi speaking States. It has been highlighted by Dr. Garga Chatterjee, quoting a few of his views and facts highlighted by him below -


"However, Singh claimed that the Indian Union "adds population equal to Australia every year". That is also true but only partially. There are only six states with a TFR higher than the national average of 2.34 — who add so much population that they reverse the first world level TFRs of West Bengal and states that form the Deccan peninsula. They are Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. All of them have Hindi as the primary official language, I mention that because the language ties them into a cultural sphere that is the source of the so-called "national problem". Thus Singh’s "national" problem is a Hindi-belt problem. Hence, if solutions are to be sought, it is to be sought by breaking it down to these political-cultural units and then identify what exactly about them is problematic. And that is where it gets tricky.


This Hindi-belt population growth is a drag on the meagre resources of the economy, whose revenues are disproportionately generated by states who do not have a population problem. Moreover, when Hindi-belt problems arise, what Delhi does is transfer huge funds from non-Hindi states to Hindi states to solve a Hindi-belt problem. It is also useful to see why this problem becomes a "national problem" in Singh’s mind. The six problem states contributed to 60% of the seats that the BJP won in 2014, while seat-wise, all the seats in these states (not only those won by the BJP) make-up less than 37% of the total number of Lok Sabha seats. This means that the problem states have an undue hold on the composition of the Union legislature. Hence, it is not unnatural that this disproportionate hold on the Union government leads its functionaries to use the "idea of India" and "nation" to falsely generalise the problems and then devise ways for the non-problem states to pick up the bill when it comes to paying for the solution to such problems.


There is another aspect to this. Since no internal migration controls exist between the states of the Indian Union, the economic and social gains that come with a low TFR are denied to the low TFR states. The high TFR states thus send across people to low TFR states, thus burdening low TFR states with the problem of high TFR states that Giriraj mischaracterised as a "national" one. In fact, such is the scale of the problem that among the top 10 linguistic groups in the Indian Union only Hindi-speaking population's percentage as a proportion of the total population of the Indian Union has increased every decade for the last 5 decades. Apart from the economic costs, this aspect along with uncontrolled migration has grave consequences for the distinct socio-cultural fabric of almost all non-Hindi states. The problem does not speak its name due to political correctness, but it is so acute that NDA partner Telugu Desam Party’s supremo and Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu has highlighted the TFR differences as a huge source of the problem.

Unlike popular believe, Muslim population growth rate is lesser than Hindus in six of the high population growth states in India. AFP


However, Singh’s apparently sudden observations on "population explosion" have a more sinister dog-whistle element. Because, just two months before voicing his concerns about "population explosion", Singh had suggested that Hindus should increase their population by producing more children. Thus, perhaps what he had in mind was a Muslim population growth issue that he chose to couch in terms of a "national problem". However, Giriraj Singh doesn’t know, perhaps due to his Hindi-belt centric view of his “nation”, that the Muslim population growth rates in most non-Hindi states are lower than the Hindu population growth rates of the six main Hindi belt states. Thus, if we combine his October prescriptttion and his December concern with actual population growth trends, the only population explosion that might please Giriraj Singh is that of Hindi-speaking Hindus, given that group also happens to be the BJP’s primary support base.


The false generalisation of Hindi-belt problems as "national" problems goes beyond this specific episode. Take the example of Indo-Pak rivalry. It is not uniformly popular. There are anti-Pak Hindi films but no one has heard of an anti-Pak Bhojpuri or Bangla film. There simply is no market for it. More often than not, looking at things always from an Indian Union-wide perspective hides more than it reveals about the question at hand. This was also evident during the recent English New Year molestation cases in Bengaluru and Delhi. Following those unfortunate events, media was abuzz with the talk about the behaviour of "Indian" men in urban centres. Delhi is so off the charts compared to other major metros (which happen to be non-Hindi speaking majority) when it comes to the rate of reported rape, stalking, child rape, abduction, workplace s*xual harassment, etc, that a characterization of the men in Kolkata or Chennai (both cities whose reported rape rates are more than 20 times lesser than Delhi!) in light of the behaviour of men in Delhi is doing them a huge disservice in front of the world.


Yes, rapes occur everywhere and one rape is a rape too many. And rape is a common global problem and so is patriarchy, but attitudes differ and so do the consequences due to those differences. Delhi with a reported rape rate that is 47 times greater than the rate of Kolkata and 9 times greater than the rate in Bengaluru do not share the same set of problems. Because, rates matter. Because it means that a woman in Delhi is 47 times more likely to get raped than a woman in Kolkata. And hence, it is more useful to talk about Delhi’s men separately from Kolkata or Chennai’s men. Because if we mischaracterise the problem under the garb of "Indian men" that puts Haryana and Mizoram in one basket, we will end up advocating a similar set of solutions for men who rape at a rate 47 times higher.


The idea of "national" needs to be relooked in the face of the real differences in the real world. Decentralised policymaking, which in turn means state specific policymaking, can lead to maximum benefits out of policy interventions. However, from the tendencies of the present Union government through its imposition of uniform policies via Delhi-based technocratic bodies like Niti Ayog, it is clear that in its pursuit of the "national", it has anything but the real people and their real differences in mind. This has to be rationally countered by pointing to the diverse realities and trajectories of the various states of the Indian Union. So, next time someone tells you about something national, ask him or her to break it down to the level of states and then make your own conclusions."



Dr. Garga Chatterjee writes on number of websites and also has his blog. One may search for "Garga Chatterjee" on internet.

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     22 February 2017

# 26



Acidity, Hatred once again?

1). "Tyrant" -



Originally posted by : Democratic Indian

....  If one does not have honesty and thinks himself to be over clever, it is the beginning of problems. And that is exactly what is happening. ....




Originally posted by : Democratic Indian

If past injustice is allowed to be forgotten, you are supporting injustice and legitimizing it, strengthening foundations of injustice. Every tyrant gives the plea to "forget past" because he is afraid of facing justice. "Forget past" is the last defense of a tyrant.



Originally posted by : Democratic Indian
There is another fact to these kind of so called "national problems" that are also directly related to water shortage problem. It is unchecked rising population of "Hindu, Hindi, Hindustan" belt States and migration of such population into non Hindi speaking States. In other words these States must put their own house in order instead of forcibly encroaching or stealing natural and economic resources of non Hindi speaking States .....




Originally posted by : Democratic Indian
There is another aspect to this. Since no internal migration controls exist between the states of the Indian Union, ....



6). Why pollute the deliberations on water with this:-

Originally posted by : Democratic Indian

Yes, rapes occur everywhere ....



7). Party - X, Religion - A ... far too many.




'Kyon Ki Saas Bhi Bahu Thi"    is better approach.      ISSUE ON WATER BE TREATED FROM WHOLISITIC PERSPECTIVE.

Democratic Indian (n/a)     22 February 2017

Originally posted by : Sh. P Suresh
Acidity, Hatred once again?

Yes truth is always bitter, that is why truth is causing acidity and hatred in your stomach and mind. Please learn to respect truth and justice, your acidity and hatred problem will be solved automatically because justice is truth in action.

Originally posted by : Sh. P Suresh
'Kyon Ki Saas Bhi Bahu Thi"    is better approach.      ISSUE ON WATER BE TREATED FROM WHOLISITIC PERSPECTIVE.

Yes the Saas that was/ is taking your side was slave for last one thousand years. Your Saas was unable to do anything worthwhile to become free for one thousand years. It is a fact of history, nobody can deny this. Your Saas was transfered political power on a platter by the British in 1947 because they were financially ruined by Mr. Adolf Hitler in 2nd World War. Otherwise the British had no plans to leave Indian sub continent, that is why they changed capital from Calcutta to New Delhi in 1931. And your Saas would have been still a Bahu of the British even today.


Since your Saas got political power on a platter, your Saas has been abusing the political power that was transfered by the British in 1947 like a power drunk tryant butcher. Your Saas that is supporting you, now is on her last days on the death bed in the pages of history, and the new chapter of history is unfolding.


The "wholistic perspective" being propagandized by you is a mask to conceal and deny truth and justice. In few years from now, you will not have the Saas to support you and you will be left alone. Your Saas will leave behind legacy of many Bahus fighting among themselves for justice. Please make a choice if you want to walk on the path of truth and justice or take the wretched path of injustice taken by your failing Saas. The choice is yours and not mine.

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     22 February 2017

# 28




You do all these UNDEMOCARATIC ACTS because you are on pseudoname.

Democratic Indian (n/a)     23 February 2017

Originally posted by : Sh. P Suresh
You do all these UNDEMOCARATIC ACTS because you are on pseudoname.

For those who are afraid of their own history, for those who are afraid of truth and justice, truth and justice is always "undemocratic", it is always "acidic", it is always "hatred" because it suits their cheap, immoral and criminal sugar coated politics.


But remember one thing very carefully, the poltical situation and political maps of Nation States keep on changing. It is the course of divine natural law. Artificial and unnatural Nation States called India and Pakistan were created in 1947 by the British to suit their geo poltical game. Both these unnatural Nation States are collapsing due to their self chosen paths of fraud, lies and injustice. All I can say is the divine hammer of history is going to fall very heavilly on those walking the wrteched path of lies and injustice under drunkeness of abusing political power which they got as an accident of history.

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     23 February 2017

# 30



Originally posted by : Democratic Indian
..... For those who are afraid of their own history, for those who are afraid of truth and justice, truth and justice is always "undemocratic", it is always "acidic", it is always "hatred" because it suits their cheap, immoral and criminal sugar coated politics ......   unnnatural Nation States are collapsing .... divine ....... under drunkeness of abusing political power which they got as an accident...  



Democratic Indian (n/a)     23 February 2017

Originally posted by : Sh. P Suresh

Not surprised to find lovers of lies and injustice labeling facts and truth as "diatribe". Also first understand the meaning of difference between Nation and Nation State.


From Black's Law Dictionary 9th Edition -


Nation -  A large group of people having a common origin, language, and tradition and usually constituting a political entity. When a nation is coincident with a state, the term nation-state is often used. Also termed nationality.


"The nearest we can get to a definition is to say that a nation is a group of people bound together by common history, common sentiment and traditions, and, usually (though not always. as, for example, Belgium or Switzerland) by common heritage. A state, on the other hand, is a society of men united under one government. These two forms of society are not necessarily coincident. A single nation may be divided into several states, and conversely a single state may comprise several nations or parts of nations." John Salmond, Jurisprudence 136 (Glanville  L Williams ed.,  10th  ed.  1947).


In simple language, going by the above definition, the political entity Nation State called "Union of India" is made of several Nations. For example Bengalis or Punjabis or Tamils or Marathas or Assamese or Nagas and many more are separate Nations because they are a large group of people having their own separate common origin, language, tradition and history. Unfortunately these Nations do not have Nation States of their own because they were colonized by the British and the entire colonized administrative and political setup was handed over on a platter to the so called upper caste elite(Brahmanical ideology following elite) in 1947. You may read the following thread - and listen to this video by a Maratha political leader here


No one especially, the social groups made politically ineffective people like the OBCs/SCs/STs or the religious minorities can really expect justice so long the Supreme Court in the present period of history, itself supports injustice one way or the other, how? To know this, read the following threads and the links contained within them -

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