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Inter state water issue

Page no : 5

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     02 March 2017


# 61/71


Originally posted by : Democratic Indian
The remedy is in defeating the hidden criminal political games of .....

Another irrelevant diversionary tactics. ..........


Democratic Indian (n/a)     03 March 2017

Originally posted by : Sh. P Suresh
The .............................. of pseudo names that is cheating in the name of caste.

Why are Brahminwadis/ Manuwadi ideologies afraid of name Democratic Indian? Because Democratic Indian exposes their fraudulent and cheating game. Because they are afraid of debate that will expose their hidden game. Come to the real debate for defeating the Brahminwadis/ Manuwadis ideology continuing till now for thousands of years in one way or the other. Come to the real debate how to establish the political rights of OBCs, STs, SCs, religious minorities and women.

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     03 March 2017

# 74


Originally posted by : Democratic Indian
Why are Brahminwadis/ Manuwadi ideologies afraid of name Democratic Indian?  ............


Even a retired SC Judge was not spared in a matter. But this PSEUDO NAME Is involved in more blasphemy on the same subject & is height of indecency, disrespect & STRANGELY NOTHING IS HAPPENING TO THIS SINISTER !?           


CYBER TERROR despite LCI. Morality ... 

Democratic Indian (n/a)     03 March 2017

Originally posted by : Sh. P Suresh
Even a retired SC Judge was not spared in a matter. But this PSEUDO NAME Is involved in more blasphemy on the same subject that is height of indecency, disrespect & STRANGELY NOTHING IS HAPPENING TO THIS SINISTER, CYBER TERROR despite LCI. Morality ... 
Instead of typing irrelevant crap and lies, come to the real debate for defeating the Brahminwadis/ Manuwadis ideology continuing till now for thousands of years in one way or the other. Come to the real debate how to establish the political rights of OBCs, STs, SCs, religious minorities and women.

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     03 March 2017

# 76


Originally posted by : Democratic Indian
 .... for defeating ....


The fight is on eliminating cheats.

Democratic Indian (n/a)     03 March 2017

Originally posted by : Sh. P Suresh
The fight is on eliminating cheats.

Fully support you for your desire to defeat the deeply entrenched cheating ideology continuing for thousands of years. That is why join the debate for defeating the Brahminwadis/ Manuwadis ideology continuing till now for thousands of years in one way or the other. That is why join the debate how to establish the political rights of OBCs, STs, SCs, religious minorities and women.

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     04 March 2017

# 78


Originally posted by : Democratic Indian
Fully support you for your desire to defeat the deeply entrenched cheating ideology continuing for thousands of years. That is why join the debate for defeating the Brahminwadis/ Manuwadis ideology continuing till now for thousands of years in one way or the other. That is why join the debate how to establish the political rights of OBCs, STs, SCs, religious minorities and women.


Cheat twists.


Patent on "Goodness"?!

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     04 March 2017

# 78


Originally posted by : Democratic Indian
Fully support you for your desire to defeat the deeply entrenched cheating ideology continuing for thousands of years. That is why join the debate for defeating the Brahminwadis/ Manuwadis ideology continuing till now for thousands of years in one way or the other. That is why join the debate how to establish the political rights of OBCs, STs, SCs, religious minorities and women.


NOT SURPRISED,                  Cheat twists to push Reservation.


Patent on "Goodness"?!                  Lies does not stand.              Reservation HAS TO goooooooooooooo.


Come on true identity. Don't fake.

Democratic Indian (n/a)     04 March 2017

Originally posted by : Sh. P Suresh
NOT SURPRISED,                  Cheat twists to push Reservation.


Patent on "Goodness"?!                  Lies does not stand.              Reservation HAS TO goooooooooooooo.

Super cheats cheating satanic ideology continuing for thousands of years. That is why afraid of joining the debate for defeating the Brahminwadis/ Manuwadis ideology continuing till now for thousands of years in one way or the other? That is why afraid of joining the debate how to establish the political rights of OBCs, STs, SCs, religious minorities and women?


Reservation is here to stay and only increase or else India is going fall into cut pieces by the supreme laws of nature and the Brahmiinst ideology will be reduced to status of super slaves for thousands of years to come like they had been doing for thousands of years.
In addition to reservation, guaranteed promotions in reservation to the top, separate electorates for OBCs, SCs, STs, minorities and women are here to come.
Originally posted by : Sh. P Suresh
Come on true identity. Don't fake.
Democratic Indian is not your father's property. Who are you to question the identity of Democratic Indian? You are afraid of Democratic Indian because he has exposed of your anti OBC, anti SC, anti ST, anti religious minorities, anti women?

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     04 March 2017

# 80


Originally posted by : Democratic Indian
Democratic Indian is not your father's property.....


Is it this pseudo name user's / its father's property ? Patent Law is v.clear.

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     06 March 2017

Sorry. There is some problem with LCI portal / web browser. Shows something different from what is truth. Presently, the above post was not visible since 2 days. Thus it was felt that the post got missed & was reposted. But then, the original post exists. So, am forced to withdraw the duplicate.



Democratic Indian (n/a)     06 March 2017

Originally posted by : Sh. P Suresh
Is it this pseudo name user's / its father's property ? Patent Law is v.clear.

The user(Democratic Indian) is not your father's property. Hence not answerable to you. It is better for you to join some law school and learn a b c of law before typing irrelevant "Patent Law" other irrelevant garbage. Once passed the LLB exam then come and join the debate in this thread. Till then I will not be replying to you in this thread.

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     06 March 2017

# 83



Am not (Not many are) sure of your status. But 'Knowledge is power" & advice on acquiring degree in law is well taken. yet another professional degree will be another feather in the hat you see.  [Have been giving it a serious thought myself & MAY (may not if situations do not favor)]. Thank You. However, am v.v.... .v.v. well qualified & have practical experience on issues raised (have handled them at all levels) & the posts remain. I too do not like acrimony. But get forced to it in some issues, situations. This thread is on issues pertaining water. Now on, it is upto ....

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