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Inter state water issue

Page no : 4

Democratic Indian (n/a)     28 February 2017

Originally posted by : Sh. P Suresh
This generation is not even 100 years. Term: "Non-Brahminivad" is being patented.
This generation of OBCs, SCs, STs, religious minorities and women fully understands the game of brahminwadi ideology(anti OBCs, anti SCs, anti STs, anti religious minorities and anti women) is creating oppression under the name of "nationalism", "patriotism", "unity", "national integrity" etc. It is the last resort of scoundrels to fool and force the brahmanwadi ideology in disguise. The brahminvadi core ideology goal remains the same that was thousands of years ago to destroy and humiliate individual civil and poltical freedoms and liberties of of OBCs, SCs, STs, religious minorities and women.

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     28 February 2017

# 58



Originally posted by : Democratic Indian
.... It is the last resort of scoundrels ....  that was thousands of years ago .... destroy and humiliate .... women.


Clearly shows who is humiliating, destroying? The fraud, Reservation is so lucrative. Causing all these. Its full & full decimation is only solution.

Democratic Indian (n/a)     28 February 2017

Originally posted by : Sh. P Suresh
Clearly shows who is humiliating, destroying? The fraud, Reservation is so lucrative. Causing all these. Its full & full decimation is only solution.

The real cause of partition in 1947 was because the brahminvadi idealogy did not want to recognize that minorities, OBCs, SCs and STs have any political rights. Brahminvadis were not able to fool Jinnah because he was an excellent lawyer but were able to fool the Sikhs(mostly OBCs, SCs and STs) as well as all other OBCs, SCs and STs by making false and dishonest promises. It is said that Jinnah used to say that whenever Gandhi comes to meet me, he comes to cheat me.


Now all the OBCs, SCs and STs are able to recognize the game of Brahminvadi ideology running under the mask of "nationalism" and so on to accumulate more and more poltical power. Unless you really want to destroy the political entity called Union of India, reservation is here to stay and only increase more and more. Jats are demanding reservation in Haryana, Patels are demanding reservation in Gujrat. Be thankful to OBCs, SCs, STs and religious minorities who are seperate politcal entities that they are not demanding their justful demand of politically effective seperate electorates. It was due to cunning and dishonest black mail of Poona Pact that SCs and STs have to suffer even today due to lack of separate electorates, resulting in ineffective political leverage.

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     28 February 2017

# 60



Originally posted by : Democratic Indian
The real cause of partition in 1947  ....


History lesson (dis-TORT-ed of course)! NOT SURPRISED. Lure, stake is so high you see. 


LABELING THE FRAUD, RESERVATION AS FRAUD &  ABOLISHING IT ONCE FOR ALL will make every man/woman responsible for self, family, nation & IS ONLY SOLUTION.

Democratic Indian (n/a)     28 February 2017

Originally posted by : Sh. P Suresh
History lesson (dis-TORT-ed of course)! NOT SURPRISED. Lure, stake is so high you see.

Facts and truth of history cannot be hidden if brahminwadis write fake paid histories and fake books. The real cause of partition in 1947 was because the brahminvadi idealogy did not want to recognize that minorities, OBCs, SCs and STs also have political rights. Brahminvadis were not able to fool Jinnah because he was an excellent lawyer but were able to fool the Sikhs(mostly OBCs, SCs and STs) as well as all other OBCs, SCs and STs by making false and dishonest promises. It is said that Jinnah used to say that whenever Gandhi comes to meet me, he comes to cheat me. This is the real truth that is kept hidden by Brahminwadis because their stakes are very high and they are living in house of cards which can collapse any time like former U.S.S.R.

Originally posted by : Sh. P Suresh
LABELING THE FRAUD, RESERVATION AS FRAUD &  ABOLISHING IT ONCE FOR ALL will make every man/woman responsible for self, family, nation & IS ONLY SOLUTION.

OBCs, SCs, STs and religious minorities are seperate political entities. Reservation is the barest minimum necessary, Now all the OBCs, SCs and STs are able to recognize the game of Brahminvadi ideology running under the mask of "nationalism" and so on to accumulate more and more poltical power. Unless you really want to partition the political entity called Union of India again into many pieces, reservation is here to stay and only increase more and more. Jats are demanding reservation in Haryana, Patels are demanding reservation in Gujrat. Be thankful to OBCs, SCs, STs and religious minorities who are seperate politcal entities that they are not demanding their justful demand of politically effective seperate electorates. It was due to cunning and dishonest black mail of Poona Pact that SCs and STs have to suffer even today due to lack of separate electorates, resulting in ineffective political leverage.

Democratic Indian (n/a)     28 February 2017

Originally posted by : Sh. P Suresh
History lesson (dis-TORT-ed of course)! NOT SURPRISED. Lure, stake is so high you see.

Facts and truth of history cannot be hidden if brahminwadis write fake paid histories and fake books. The real cause of partition in 1947 was because the brahminvadi idealogy did not want to recognize that minorities, OBCs, SCs and STs also have political rights. Brahminvadis were not able to fool Jinnah because he was an excellent lawyer but were able to fool the Sikhs(mostly OBCs, SCs and STs) as well as all other OBCs, SCs and STs by making false and dishonest promises. It is said that Jinnah used to say that whenever Gandhi comes to meet me, he comes to cheat me. This is the real truth that is kept hidden by Brahminwadis because their stakes are very high and they are living in house of cards which can collapse any time like former U.S.S.R.

Originally posted by : Sh. P Suresh
LABELING THE FRAUD, RESERVATION AS FRAUD &  ABOLISHING IT ONCE FOR ALL will make every man/woman responsible for self, family, nation & IS ONLY SOLUTION.

OBCs, SCs, STs and religious minorities are seperate political entities. Reservation is the barest minimum necessary, Now all the OBCs, SCs and STs are able to recognize the game of Brahminvadi ideology running under the mask of "nationalism" and so on to accumulate more and more poltical power. Unless you really want to partition the political entity called Union of India again into many pieces, reservation is here to stay and only increase more and more. Jats are demanding reservation in Haryana, Patels are demanding reservation in Gujrat. Be thankful to OBCs, SCs, STs and religious minorities who are seperate politcal entities that they are not demanding their justful demand of politically effective seperate electorates. It was due to cunning and dishonest black mail of Poona Pact that SCs and STs have to suffer even today due to lack of separate electorates, resulting in ineffective political leverage.

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     28 February 2017

# 63


Originally posted by : Democratic Indian

... if brahminwadis write fake paid histories and fake books. .............

.... Reservation is the barest minimum necessary ............ (THE REST IS ALL REPETITION, FOR .... SAKE)


If non-brahminwadis write / have written fake paid histories and fake books. .............


Maslow's hierarchy of needs is:'s_hierarchy_of_needs


Even before the ink dries, it is pertinent to record: 1). This is not the only one, there are many more. 2). Abraham Harold Maslow was an American psychologist. 3). Writings are by experts, society at large & not an alphabet has been authored for the sake of this post. 4). This is dynamic content & any changes after this post is not being vetted (unless tested).


XYZ is eating comfortably at others' peril & pamphers, perpetuates, advocates the atrocity. No, No. Nooooooooooooo. Definitely no.

Democratic Indian (n/a)     01 March 2017

Originally posted by : Sh. P Suresh
If non-brahminwadis write / have written fake paid histories and fake books. .............

Anti brahminwadis never had or have the political power nor any need to write fake histories because their history is written with toil, sweat and blood on every particle of the soil of this land.


The brahminwadis have every need to write fake histories and fake books to cover up their past shameful history and crimes against humanity. When Arabs attacked they aligned with Arabs. When Afghans attacked they aligned with Afghans. When Mughals attacked they aligned with Mughals. When British attacked they aligned with British. When British left, they handed over political power to them on plate because they were in bed with them. They need to hide this treasonous conduct by writing fake histories and fake books.

Originally posted by : Sh. P Suresh
Maslow's hierarchy of needs is:'s_hierarchy_of_needs

Maslow's hierarchy of needs says OBCs, STs, SCs, religious minorties are poltical entities and need political power to decide their own future. Maslow's hierarchy of needs says brahminwadis are nobody to deceptively decide the political future of OBCs, STs, SCs and religious minorities.

Originally posted by : Sh. P Suresh
 XYZ is eating comfortably at others' peril & pamphers, perpetuates, advocates the atrocity. No, No. Nooooooooooooo. Definitely no.

Brahminwadis have been eating comfortably for thousands of years at peril, torture and crimes against humanity on OBCs, STs, SCs and religious minorities. This is still continuing the same through the backdoor. It cannot be allowed. This can only be stopped when there are separate politically effective electorate system.

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     01 March 2017

# 65


Originally posted by : Democratic Indian

Anti brahminwadis never had or have the political power nor any need to write fake histories because their history is written with toil, sweat and blood on every particle of the soil of this land. ...........

............. fake books................

Maslow's hierarchy of needs says OBCs, STs, SCs, religious minorties are poltical entities and need political power to decide their own future. Maslow's hierarchy of needs says brahminwadis are nobody to deceptively decide the political future of OBCs, STs, SCs and religious minorities.

Brahminwadis have been eating comfortably for thousands of years at peril, torture and crimes against humanity on OBCs, STs, SCs and religious minorities. This is still continuing the same through the backdoor. It cannot be allowed. This can only be stopped when there are separate politically effective electorate system.


1. Non-brahminWADIS are USING these things: Writing fake history, fake books,  etc etc etc......... & using PSEUDO NAMES that the above account is. This fictious character dramatises, gives twists & turns for REservaSHUN sake.


2. IN-ven-SHUN on Maslow also!                 NOT SURPRISED.                  There is so much of stake you see! That stake has to be DECIMATED .......






3. This generation is not even 100 years & the IN-ven-SHUN,   REser-vatSHUN has eaten up everything, ALL hardwork, sweat, ingenuity everything, everything of this generation for no fault at all. Curses. Curses. Curses.            

Democratic Indian (n/a)     02 March 2017

Originally posted by : Sh. P Suresh
3. This generation is not even 100 years & the IN-ven-SHUN,   REser-vatSHUN has eaten up everything, ALL hardwork, sweat, ingenuity everything, everything of this generation for no fault at all. Curses. Curses. Curses.            

Satanic Brahminwadis/ Manuwadis have been eating comfortably for thousands of years at peril, torture and crimes against humanity on OBCs, STs, SCs, religious minorities and women. The same is still continuing through the backdoor by subversion of elections, of media, of executive, of legislature and of judicial system. Sometimes in name of nationalism sometimes in name of patriotism. Nationalism or patriotism is the last resort of scounderals. It cannot be allowed. This can only be stopped when there are separate politically effective electorate system with veto power. OBCs, STs, SCs, religious minorties and women are seperate poltical entities and need political power to decide their own future.


OBCs, STs, SCs, religious minorties and women do not need Satanic Brahminwadis/ Manuwadis dictating them what is right and what is wrong. Reservation is the barest minimum. There is also an urgent need for guaranteed promotions at every level for OBCs, STs, SCs, religious minorities and women because Satanic Brahminwadis/ manuwadis sitting on the top do not allow promotions for OBCs, STs, SCs, religious minorities and women individuals who stand for their rights. Satanic Brahminwadis/ Manuwadis promote only spineless puppet category of individuals who serve the aims of Satanic Brahminwadis/ Manuwadis.


I prefer to not respond to the rest of lies because they are self evident lies.

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     02 March 2017


# 67


Originally posted by : Democratic Indian
...... I prefer to not .................


That I is not evident. So, I prefer to not .....

Democratic Indian (n/a)     02 March 2017

Originally posted by : Sh. P Suresh
 That I is not evident. So, I prefer to not .....

The debate is not about attacking I Vs. you as persons. The debate is about attacking the hidden criminal political games of Satanic Brahminwadis/ Manuwadis ideology in name of patriotism or nationalism Vs.the politcal rights of OBCs, STs, SCs, religious minorities and women.

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     02 March 2017

# 69



Originally posted by : Democratic Indian
The debate is not about attacking I Vs. you as persons. The debate is about attacking the hidden criminal political games of Satanic Brahminwadis/ Manuwadis ideology in name of patriotism or nationalism Vs.the politcal rights of OBCs, STs, SCs, religious minorities and women.


1. The previous attacks ....... ? When the remedy exists elsewhere, in: Law, Science & technology, Management & the solution is something else in some other form, why attack anybody at all ? Is there proof of s/he doing a mistake? The Nation should not err or be made to err on someone, rather anyone.


2. Come on True identity.

Democratic Indian (n/a)     02 March 2017

Originally posted by : Sh. P Suresh
1. The previous attacks ....... ? When the remedy exists elsewhere, in: Law, Science & technology, Management & the solution is something else in some other form, why attack anybody at all ? Is there proof of s/he doing a mistake? The Nation should not err or be made to err on someone, rather anyone.
The remedy is in defeating the hidden criminal political games of Satanic Brahminwadis/ Manuwadis ideology in name of patriotism or nationalism. Remedy is in establishing the politcal rights of OBCs, STs, SCs, religious minorities and women. Everything else is diversionary tactics of Satanic Brahminwadis/ Manuwadis ideology to fool the OBCs, STs, SCs, religious minorities and women.
Originally posted by : Sh. P Suresh
2. Come on True identity.

Another irrelevant diversionary tactics. Come to the real debate for defeating the Satanic Brahminwadis/ Manuwadis ideology continuing till now for thousands of years in one way or the other. Come to the real debate how to establish the poltical rights of OBCs, STs, SCs, religious minorities and women.

Sh. P Suresh (For To By Green Kindness Perpetuity Selfsustainability Always)     02 March 2017


# 70



Originally posted by : Democratic Indian
The remedy is in defeating the hidden criminal political games ...... women.

Another irrelevant diversionary tactics. Come to the real debate for defeating .....


The .............................. of pseudo names that is cheating in the name of caste.

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