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shubh   22 November 2023

Illegal rectification

my uncle got the registry of property and didnt checked everything at that time but after 5 months that property became disputed as  some other person also claimed that property to be his. In my uncles registry there was one mistake as the widdth of road was 60 feet but mistakenly wrote it as 80 but the name of the road was same. After checking that mistake we went to the person who wrote the registry and he told us that he will check it out. after 1 week he gave back the registry with manually corrected to 60ft of road and told us that in record room also it has been updated and took 20000. Now the case was in court. But the other party has both the registered copies of our registry that is one with 80feet and other with 60 feet and has filed a complaint of this with D.C. Now  can anyone please help and tell me that does we have committed a crime and what sections can be framed us ? 

thank you


 3 Replies

shubh   28 November 2023

The actual widdth of road is 60 feet. In our registry it was written 80 feet wide and later it was manually corrected to 60 feet wide and same was done in record room. No other change was made.

As we have not done fraud with anyone then how could fraud and deceit changes can be framed. Can you or anyone else please explain

Thank you

P. Venu (Advocate)     28 November 2023

Originally posted by : Sanjana Singhania

Whether your uncle has committed a crime will depend on the specific facts of the case and the laws of the jurisdiction where the property is located. However, it is possible that your uncle could be charged with forgery or tampering with public records.

Forgery is the crime of making a false or counterfeit document with the intent to deceive. In this case, your uncle may have committed forgery if he knew that the registry was wrong and he intentionally altered it to make it appear that the road was 60 feet wide, even though it was actually 80 feet wide.

Tampering with public records is the crime of knowingly altering or destroying a public record with the intent to defraud or harm another person. In this case, your uncle may have committed tampering with public records if he knew that the registry was a public record and he intentionally altered it to make it appear that the road was 60 feet wide, even though it was actually 80 feet wide.

It is also possible that your uncle could be charged with other crimes, such as fraud or deceit. However, without more information about the specific facts of the case, it is impossible to say for sure what crimes your uncle may have committed.

If you are concerned that your uncle may have committed a crime, you should consult with an attorney to discuss his legal options.

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Kindly avoid posting AI generated suggestions. Such replies spoil the integrity of this platform which us meant to take care of genuine concerns as to law.


Further, it appears that querist is not in the know of the real facts as well the registration of a conveyance deed. May be the the query is too imaginary,

If a real issue, please ascertain the facts and repost.


shubh   28 November 2023

sir this is not any imaginary query but a real issue...As i have mentioned that after we got registration of our property,the widdth of road on which the property is situated was written 80 feet majitha road(name of road) but the actual widdth of the road was 60 feet, so after 5-6 month we went to the person who wrote our registry and told him the issue. He told us that we have to pay 20000 rupees and he will get it rectified, and after 1 week he gave back our registry on which 80 feet road was manually corrected to 60 feet majitha road by hand with black pen and told us that the same has been updated in the record room.Now the issue is that the other party with whom we are in dispute have two certifed copies of our registry i.e one copy with 80 feet majitha road and othe with 60 feet majitha  road and has filed a complaint with our D.C and has demanded for the legal action against us and the revenue department who did this invalid rectification. 

SO can you please tell me that what charges can be framed against us if what we did is a crime and now what should we do.

and please let me know if any other facts required

thank you

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