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deepak kumar (Accounts)     28 September 2011

How to prove that wife is working

Hi All,


My wife is working in a small private company. I need to prove this in Domestic violence case that she is working. This company is in Gurgaon. I have tried a lot but Company hasn’t provide any proof to me. I have tried all mean but I haven’t got success. Can anyone please suggest me what are option I have.

Someone suggested me that my advocate should send legal notice to company. but my advocate is saying that it will not help as company is not legally bind to provide information. I will try this option too.

Regards Amit

 6 Replies

ravindra (Analyst)     28 September 2011

u know tht where she is working? if not then search and say in the court the company name. court will issue summon against tht company and ask tht company whether this lady is working with u or not.

deepak kumar (Accounts)     28 September 2011


On 4th of October Session court has to decide on interim maintenance order of magistrate. My advocate told me that court can serve the notice in trial only while trial is under stay by session court.

ravindra vishnu sankpal (proprietor)     28 September 2011

Hi Amit, there are many ways you can find out the financial status  of your wife. You may find out from the bank status, income tax returns, investments, employment details, her expenses, her life style, her menbership with clubs,  her daily expences, monthly expences. You may find out at your own, hire detective, from friends, relatives, also can apply for witness summons, or get information under right of information act.  

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     29 September 2011



Do you know the name of the company? And if the company pays in cash, difficult to prove it other than an detective digging out on the company.




Shonee Kapoor

Nancy Drew (Fort Myers criminal lawyer)     29 September 2011

You just want to know where does your wife working? What is the case on this one, and did she break any law? You should ask her, because she is your wife right? Didn't she tell you? Why? I guess, you should talk to their boss. If it's a small business company, they need a client so, it is impossible for you not able to know about your wife's work.


Fort Myers criminal lawyer

Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/     30 September 2011

Dear Amit

Hire a private detective who collect the information and proof

feel free to call me on 9953809956 

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