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Girl being influenced to blackmailing

Dear Lawyers, The present situation is that I am anticipating blackmail from the girl who I was going out with on the basis of Promise to Marry.

This all started 3 months ago when she joined as a receptionist where i am the G.M. After a week she has approached me saying  she wanted a loan of 10 lakhs as they had to pay for the house that they are buying and the amount was to come from her married sister abroad and did not arrive on time due to bank transfer issues. I went to her house and talked to the owner of the house and convinced him to agree for 5 Lakhs as part payment and took 2 months time for the rest of the payment for her family. Then borrowed 5 Lakhs from a known source(Party A) with witnesses(Party B) and (Party C) and gave the money to her father as loan with  the same mentioned witnesses. After this i felt that the girl's family is very innocent and simple and started to have feeling for her and the same i expressed to her. She asked me if the intention was to marry for which i replied yes otherwise i would not have this feeling. She told her mother about it and wanted me to talk to her mother about it. I spoke to her mom and also told her that i need to talk to my parents then the matter will be finalized. Then after few days of going out with the girl she revealed that she has a habit of drinking and drank in front of me that day. The same day she wanted to have s*x which i said no initially and told her that there is a special day for that and did not want to do it like this. But she insisted on doing it, fearing that she will think i am impotent i agreed and had s*x. After a few days she told me that she had an affair before but thier parents did not agree and the guy was very rude to her used to hit her so she left him. Then after few days she told me that she had s*x with that guy during the affair. At that point I could not take it anymore and lost interest in her. I could not tell her there and then cos i feared that they might not repay me the 5 lakhs loan amount. After sometime on her pestering about the matter of me telling my parents and finalising the marriage proposal, I told her that i am not able to decide as she having s*x with someone else is hard for me to digest and i am not sure if i can go ahead with this proposal. Than slowly we were growing apart day by day and finally she said she does not want to see me even if i said i wanted to meet her and she said she is not interested in me. This all happened over a period of 1and half months time.

At this stage i need to tell you about Party C who is my assistant. I used to talk to this person everhything that was going on between me and her daily. He acted so trust worthy that i even told about the s*x life of the girl to him. Now that the girl knows that the interest in me has died Party C started talking to the girl closely and managed to get the girl to believe that even if she has done so many wrong things he will still marry her. The fact is that Party C is married and has a kid. Surprising thing is that the girl knows this fact. Believing that he will marry her, she started going out with him which came to my notice through the staff working with me. Me and a person of the staff inspected the room they both were together and noticed traces of having s*x. Which i can make out by few factors. Well after this i recieved information that the two are planing not to give the 5lakhs back to me by blackmailing me to put a cheating case on me for false Promise to Marry. Now the other twist in this matter is Party A and Party B are supporting these two and encouraging them and supporting them in this deed. I have to say that Party A and Party B are womenizers. Party A and Party B are only looking to exploit this girl s*xually i think. Party C has openly said to the staff that if he was to get caught then he will not hesitate to even marry this girl(no intention of marrying at all) and make her have s*x with influenced people to trap me in this case. Basically Part A, Party B, Party C and the girl are planing to blackmail me to get rid of the loan amount and make me payout extra money as compensation. I also came to know that the mother of the girl has made a deal with Party B and Party C to pay 2 lakhs if they manage to get rid of the loan to me by means of blackmailing.

In defence i have some voice recordings of the girl admitting to her past and her habits, of herself admiting that she said no to me and some recording of Party C expressing his intentions.

I request you to kindly advice me on how to get out of this situation or even better prevent them from initiating any blackmail process.

 10 Replies

laxminarayana (Advocate)     05 October 2012

Dear naveen

if you have proof of her guilty than give poice complaint 


Dear Laxminarayana,

Thank you for the reply. I am afraid that the police will take undue advantage of the situation and the Party A and Party B are influential with local police. Is there any other way to make them stop and get back the loan amount. If i ask them to return the money then they will start blackmailing me. Please advice...

K.K.Ganguly (Advocate)     06 October 2012

You have very little support from your conduct. Your recording about the character of the girl is of no use since she does not want to marry you. 

What danger you are anticipating from them? Rape case is ruled out. Only problem is they may not return your money.

Your chance of getting back your money depends on the papers/documents you are holding in support of your claim.

Lodge a police complaint that you have been cheated by promise to marry for which you had arranged the loan for them.


Dear Mr K.K.Ganguly,

Thank you for the reply. Firstly the point that she does not want to marry me is known to me and few others but from the information i gathere they are planning to put a cheating case on False Promise to Marry. If she does not accept that she said no to me, then i have the recording of herself admitting to one of her collegue that she said no to me.

Secondly when giving the loan i retained property documents and a pro note from her father. Will these papers and documents be suffecient for claiming my loan money?

Third thing that i dont understand is why i should say that i was cheated by promise to marry for which i arranged the loan money for them. I arranged the loan money for them only on the sympathy i had for thier condition at that time and felt they were genuine which obviously is turning out the opposite. It was only after i loaned them the money that i started having feeling for this girl. Please kindly explain to my understanding.

K.K.Ganguly (Advocate)     07 October 2012

1) Since you already have the recording that she does not want to marry you, the problem of her filing complain of rape with the promise to marry is well taken care of.

2) There are certain procedures for securitisation of loaned amount. Only keeping the title deed is not enough. Have you made any agreement/document creating mortgage on the property? You only have pro-note as effective document. She can lodge a police GD stating that the title deed has been lost & publish in newspapers after which can get a certified copy of the same. You can do nothing. Have you created any document by which you can lay claim on her property in case of her failure to repay you within a certain time?

3) It was suggested so because in normal course no GM loans so much money to a receptionst seeing her financial plight. I was trying to avoid this topic. The Court may not be convinced with your logic. So, the argument that you fell in love with her & loaned so much of money was cooked up by me in your defence.



Dear K.K.Ganguly, Along with the Pro-Note and property documents I also have taken an empty stamp paper signed by her father and herself when loaning the amount to them. I did not want to mention this as i dont know if this procedure is normal or not. Will that stamp paper be of any use?

The cooked up story you have mentioned is infact true. I fell in love with her the moment I saw her, otherwise I would not have taken the risk of taking a loan myself and loaning it to her family. This was to gain her confidence in me that i was trustworthy. Yes i expressed my interest in her only after lending the money to her.

K.K.Ganguly (Advocate)     08 October 2012

A mortgage agreement has to be made and accomodated in that one piece of stamp paper which you have collected duly signed by her father & herself. Before that you shall have to lodge your claim from them. The whole thing has to be planned in advance. Engage a good lawyer experienced in this field for making that Deed & further litigation planning.

Raja (XYZ)     08 October 2012

you have all the weapons. just fire. if require you can consult me.


Dear K.K.Ganguly, Rhank you for your valuable sugestions. I appriciate the time you have taken to reply to my problem. I shall do as you sugested. Before i go ahead i will have a last time talk with them to see if they will return the money, if it fails then i shall go ahead. Again Thank You very much.


Dear Mr Raja, Thank you for the support.

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